cardiopulm 8 - medical procedures lung Flashcards
airway ajuncts
a variety of devices used to mauntain or protect the airway , to provide mechnical ventilation or to promote ariway clearence
endotracheal tube
a plastic tube inserted into the trachea from the mouth or nose to provide an airway and allow for mechnical ventilation
oral pharyngeal airway adjunct
plastic in the shapr of the soft plalet and the tongue
holds the tongue away from the back of the throat and maintains the platency of the air way
nasal pharyngeal airway
rubber tube that is inserted through the nose to allow for nasotracheal suctioning
tracheostomy tube
artificial airway inserted into the trachea from an incision in the neck below the vocal cords used in pt that need prolonged ventilation
airway suctioning
mechnical aspiration of secretions using a suction catheter
indication: increased or thicken secretions or inadequate cough
surgical procedure in which one or more of the large air spaces called bullae (form when the aveoli are destoryed by emphysema) are removed
this is to improve breathing
what are bullea
fluid-filled sac or lesion that appears when fluid is trapped under a thin layer of your skin.
It’s a type of blister.
what is a lobectomy
the surgical removal of a lobe of a lung
what is lung volume reduction surgery
a procedure in which a portion of the lung tissue damage by emphysema is removed
this creates extra spced in the chest so the remaining lung tissue work better
what is mechanical ventilation
assistance to breath
positive pressure - deilver air into the lungs by increasing intrathoracic pressure
what is oxy supplementation indicated
PaO2 < 55 mm HG
O2 < 88% at rest
what is cor pulmonale
an enlarged right ventricle in your heart that happens because of a lung condition.
Pushing against high pressure in your pulmonary artery can cause your right ventricle to fail.
what is polycythemia
too many RBC
what is a thoracotomy
surgical incision cutting into the chest wall to access the heart , great vessels, lungs, esophagus, and diaphragm for diagnostic purposes
axiallary thoracotomy
through the arm
media thoracotomy
through the sternum
posterolateral thoracotomy
from the back to the side
anterolateral thoracotomy
under the breat
what is a tracheotomy
the surgical creation of a hole in the neck below the level of the vocal cords
two reasons:
- airway obstruction
- prolonged mechanical ventilation