cardiopulm 1 - general lungs Flashcards
what number ribs are the true ribs
attach to the sternum
what number are the false ribs
attach to the cart of the rib above and do no reach the strenum
what are the floating ribs
11 and 12
the articulation of the ribs
expect for 1, 10-12 which only attach to one vert
each ribs has a superior and inf facte
rib 8 is attached to what ribs
vert 8 and 9
where do we find the intercostal muscles
between the ribs
what are the principle muscle of inspiration
diaphragm and the external intercostals
what happens with the contraction of the intercostals
elevation of the ribs
what are the accessory muscle of inspiration
pect major and minor
serratus anterior
what are the main muscle of expiration
none - expiration is due to the passive recoil of the lungs and the rib cage
during forceful expiration what muscles play a roll
the internal and external obliques
transverse abd
rectus abd
how many lobes does the right lung have
how many lobes does the left lung have
what struture covers each lung
what is pleural circulation
portion of the circulatory system the carries deoxygenated blood