Cardiology - Cardiología Flashcards
Congenital heart defect
Cardiopatía congénita
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
Comunicación Interventricular (CIV)
fibrilación, rapid, quivering, uncoordinated contractions of atria and ventricles
desfibrilación, electric shock to myocardium through chest wall to restore normal cardiac rhythm
cardiomiopatía, disease of heart muscle
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
reanimación cardiopulmonar
endocarditis, inflammation of inner lining of heart–especially valves
electrocardiógrafo, instrument used to record electrical activity of heart
electrocardiografía, process of recording electrical activity of heart
electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG)
electrocardiograma, recording of electrical activity of heart
echocardiogram (ECHO)
ecocardiograma, recording of heart using sound (ultrasound)
cardiac pacemaker
cardiomegalia, enlargement of the heart
bradicardia, slow heart rate
auscultación, hearing body sounds with stethescope
angina pectoris
angina de pecho, chest pain–due to lack of blood in heart
taquicardia, fast heart rate
endarterectomía, excision within an artery
coronary occlusion
arteriopatía, obstruction of artery of heart–usually from atherosclerosis; can cause acute myocardial infarction
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty–PTCA
angioplastia coronaria transluminal percutánea. balloon angioplasty–inflated to press plaque against vessel wall
aneurisma. ballooning of weakened portion of an arterial wall
aortic stenosis
estenosis valvular aórtica
pericarditis. inflammation of sac surrounding heart
coronary artery bypass graft–CABG
injerto de revascularización coronaria. surgical technique to bring new blood supply to heart by detouring around blocked arteries
exercise stress test
ergometría or prueba de esfuerzo
transesophageal echocardiogram
ecocardiograma transesofágico. ultrasound exam of heart function through probe in esophagus
cardiac catheterization
cateterismo cardíaco. AKA coronary angiography. catheter is used to visualize heart
peripheral arterial disease–PAD
arteriopatía periférica. disease of arteries, not heart or brain; affects blood circulation
congestive heart failure
insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva. inability of heart to pump enough blood
cardiac arrest
paro cardíaco. sudden cessation of cardiac output, requires CPR
congenital heart defect
cardiopatía congénita
heart disease
enfermedad de corazón/cardíaca
thrombolytic drugs
dissolve blood clots
beta blockers
reduce effect of stress hormones on heart (rate)
ACE inhibitors & Angiotensin receptor blockers
reduce blood pressure & blood volume
hypovolemic shock
amount of circulating volume (blood and fluid) is very low. heart cannot pump enough blood around body–can cause vital organs to stop working
Coronary Artery Disease CAD
Damage to or narrowing of coronary arts. Hrt doesnt get enough bld. Causes angina
Chemical cardioversion
Attempt to restore normal hrt rhythm with meds
Hrt valves leak. Cause murmur. Might mean bld is leaking back. Can cause enlrg hrt & hrt failure
acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
unstable angina or heart attack
stable angina
partial blockages of arteries, but stable–more common and more predictable. pain usually caused by physical exertion or emotional stress
unstable angina
unstable plaques on walls of arteries that may break off and cause blockage of artery without warning i.e. at rest or at night
conduction problems
heart signal is not conducted properly. causes: incomplete heart block, complete heart block, heart flutter
atrial fibrillation
very fast atrial contractions resulting in heart being unable to pump properly. causes risk of clots –> embolisms, thrombosis, stroke
ventricular fibrillation
heart is not pumping, only quivering, so there is no circulation which leads to death
ventricular septal defect (VSD)
hole between ventricles. blood low in oxygen keeps passing through hole
atrial septal defect (ASD)
hole between atria. blood low in oxygen keeps passing through hole
myocardial infarction (MI)
AKA heart attack. partial or complete blockage of coronary artery, which can lead to part of heart muscle being starved of oxygen and dying
Tensión de gases en sangre arterial
Arterial blood gases; measures level of pH, carbon & oxygen in blood from artery
Estudio del flujo de sangre arterial en las venas
Arterial blood flow leg studies
Arteriosclerotic Psychosis; can either be acquired or it can be inherited. It results due to factors like ageing, excessive alcohol and nicotine use, and few other factors. The arteries that get predisposed genetically have less elastic, and they also have a thin surface.
músculo papilar anterior
anterior papillary muscle; papillary muscles are muscles located in the ventricles of the heart
paro cardíaco
cardiac arrest
apretazón del pecho
chest tightness
rendimiento cardíaco
cardiac output
derivación aortocoronaria
coronary artery bypass
Electrofisiológia EP prueba cardíaca
Electrophysiological EP heart testing
transesophageal echocardiogram
ecocardiograma transesofágico
hole (in heart)
agujero, hueco
open heart surgery
cirugía a corazón abierto