Cardio Flashcards
Fetal cardiac output depends on
Heart rate
Strongest stimulus for constriction and closure of ductus
Postnatal increase in O2 saturation of the systemic circulation
Functional and anatomic closure of ductus arteriosus
10-15 hours
2-3 weeks
The dyspnea in TOF is due to this defect
Pulmonary stenosis
Systolic ejection murmur at 2nd ICS left
Widely split S2
Right sided enlargement
What congenital heart disease?
Systolic regurgitant murmur at LLSB
Loud and single S2
Left sided enlargement, biventricular hypertrophy if with Eisenmenger
Continuous machinery like murmur at 2nd left infraclavicular area
Bounding pulses
Wide pulse pressure
Left sided enlargement, enlarged aorta
What position should you put the child if he is having a hypoxic spell?
Knee chest
One method aside from 2D echo that can distinguish cyanotic heart disease from pulmonary disease
Hyperoxia test
Endocardial cushion defect is seen in what disorder
Down syndrome
Cyanosis manifesting within few hours after birth or few days of life
Cyanosis manifesting after the first year of life
Egg shaped cardiac silhouette
What congenital heart disease?
Lesion in coarctation of the aorta is usually seen where
Descending aorta
Hypertension in the upper extremities
Weak, delayed femoral pulses
Rib notching
Coarctation of the aorta
What genetic defect is usually associated with coarctation of the aorta?
Turner syndrome
Systolic ejection murmur at LUSB with radiation to the upper back
Pulmonic stenosis
Boot shaped heart
Figure of 8 heart
Inverted E
3 sign heart
Coarctation of aorta
Continuous murmur
Cyanosis on lower extremities
Child with exercise intolerance and easy fatigability
Late systolic murmur with opening click
Child with exercise intolerance and easy fatigability
Disparity in pulsation and BP in arms and legs
Weak popliteal, tibial, dorsalis pedis pulse
Child with exercise intolerance and easy fatigability
Widely split S2 and fixed in all phases of respiration
Child with exercise intolerance and easy fatigability
Loud harsh blowing holosystolic murmur
Child with exercise intolerance and easy fatigability
Wide pulse pressure
Bounding peripheral arterial pulse
Continuous murmur
Heart defect associated with rubella
Heart defect associated with DM
Heart defect associated with lupus
Complere heart block
Heart defect associated with aspirin
Persistent pulmonary HTN
Heart defect associated with alcohol intake
VSD, pulmo stenosis
Heart defect associated with lithium
Ebstein anomaly
Most consistent feature of acute rheumatic fever
Nonpruritic serpiginous or annular erythematous evanescent rashes most prominent on the trunk and inner proximal portions of the extremities
Erythema marginatum
Duration of Antibiotic prophylaxis for RF without carditis
5 years or until 21 years old
Duration of Antibiotic prophylaxis for RF with carditis but without valvular disease
10 years or until 21 years old
Duration of Antibiotic prophylaxis for RF with carditis and valvular disease
10 years or until 40 years old sometimes lifetime
Major criteria for diagnosis of infective endocarditis
Positive blood culture
Echocardiographic finding
Tender pea sized intradermal nodules in the finger pads seen in IE
Osler nodes
Painless small erythematous hemorrhagic lesions on the palms and soles
Seen in IE
Janeway lesions
Linear lesions beneath the nails seen in IE
Splinter hemorrhages