Cardiac physiology, USMLE Flashcards
MAP formula
Pulse pressure approximates
Maintenance of CO: Early stages of exercise
1) Inc HR
2) Inc contractility
Maintenance of CO: Late stages of exercise
Inc HR (SV plateaus)
SV is a function of
1) Contractility
2) Preload
3) 1/afterload
Myocardial O2 demand is increased by
Increase in
1) Heart size
2) Heart rate
3) Heart contractility
4) Afterload
Arterial vs venous dilation: Nitroglycerin
Venous»_space; arterial
Arterial vs venous dilation: Hydralazine
Arterial»_space; venous
States that increase blood viscosity
1) Polycythemia
2) Hyperproteinemia
3) Hereditary spherocytosis
Blood vessel that accounts for most of TPR
Phase of cardiac cycle which is the period of highest O2 consumption
Isovolumetric contraction
Systole vs diastole: S1
Systole vs diastole: S2
Systole vs diastole: S3
Systole vs diastole: S4
Atrial systole, ventricular diastole
S3 is normally heard in
1) Children
2) Pregnant women
T/F: S4 is always pathologic
Wave formed due to RV contraction against a closed tricuspid valve
c wave
Wave formed due to filling of right atrium against a closed tricuspid valve
v wave
x descent is seen during
Reduced ejection
y wave is seen during
Rapid filling
Normal S2 split is seen in
Normal inspiration
Wide S2 splitting is seen in
Delay in RV emptying
Conditions that delay RV emptying
1) Pulmonic stenosis
Fixed S2 splitting is seen in
Fixed S2 splitting seen in ASD is due to
Left to right shunt that increases right heart volumes and flow through pulmonic valve
Paradoxical S2 splitting is seen in
Delay in LV emptying
Conditions that delay LV emtpying
1) Aortic stenosis
Maneuver-effect: Inspiration
Increase RA return
Maneuver-effect: Expiration
Increase LA return
Maneuver-effect: Hand grip
Increase SVR
Maneuver-effect: Valsalva
Decrease venous return
Maneuver-effect: Rapid squatting
Increase venous return
Maneuver-effect: Prolonged squatting
Increase afterload
Abnormal systolic heart sounds
1) MR
2) TR
3) AS
4) VSD
5) MVP
Abnormal diastolic heart sounds
1) AR
2) MS
Characteristic murmur: MR/TR
Holosystolic, high-pitched, blowing
Characteristic murmur: AS
Crescendo-decrescendo following an ejection click
Characteristic murmur: VSD
Holosystolic, harsh
Characteristic murmur: MVP
Late systolic crescendo with midsystolic click
Characteristic murmur: AR
Immediate decrescendo, high-pitched, blowing
Characteristic murmur: MS
Delayed late diastolic, rumbling, following an opening snap