Cardiac Flashcards
We would initiate statin therapy when the ASCVD risk is?
greater than 7.5%
What serious side effects can occur with statins?
Rhabdo and drug-induced hepatitis
Total cholesterol should be:
Less than 200
Triglycerides should be
Less than 150
HDL should be
Between 40-60 but the higher then better
LDL should be
Less than 100
How often should we check a lipid panel?
Every 5 years unless risk factors present
Which statin should be given to a patient with elevated cholesterol and their father died at the age of 45 from an MI?
What should you not eat/drink when on a statin?
Grapefruit juice
Coenzyme 10 is:
good for the heart
What labs should we monitor with an ACE-I?
BUN, creatinine, and K (hyperkalemia risk)
What med should we switch to if a patient experiences angioedema on an ACE-I?
Thiazides are good for patients with?
Avoid thiazides in patients with:
Gout, HLD, and diabetes
Avoid CCB in:
When to use a BB?
After an MI
Pregnancy HTN meds?
Labetolol, methyldopa, nifidepine
What are the category X meds in pregnancy?
ACE-I, ARBS, statins, DMARDS
Go to meds for HTN and diabetes?
ACE-I or ARBS- renal protective
What is occurring in a patient if there are variances in HR between inspiration and expiration?
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, seen in young, healthy adults
What meds for a patient with DM, HTN, and HF?
ACE-I and BB
What diabetic med should be avoided in HF?
What is an irregularly, irregular rhythm?
A. fib
Treatment for A. fib?
Bactrim will do what to the INR of a patient on warfarin?
Rifampin will do what to the INR of a patient on warfarin?
What systolic murmur radiates to the armpit?
Mitral regurg
What systolic murmur radiates to the neck?
Aortic stenosis
With this murmur we will hear a click and it is common in patients with Marfan’s syndrome?
Mitral valve prolapse
What grade of murmur will we feel a palpable thrill?
Grade IV or higher
This causes purple, shiny legs; pain that is relieved at rest and with dangling; and decreased blood flow? Intermittent claudication. Absent or weak pulses.
How do we diagnose PAD?
Ankle brachial index of less than 0.9
Biggest risk factor of PAD?
This causes reddish/brown lower extremity skin that is edematous; no pain; all pulses are present.
PVD or chronic venous insufficiency
What does PVD increase your risk of?
How do we diagnosis a DVT?
Doppler and d-dimer
What should the INR be in a patient with a heart valve?
What should we do when an INR is greater than 5 on warfarin?
Hold warfarin dose and decrease
What should we do with an INR greater than 10 with bleeding?
Give IV vitamin K
What should we do with an INR greater than 10 with no bleeding?
Give PO vitamin K