Carbohydrates Flashcards
example of monosaccharides
example of disaccharides
sucrose, glu, fru
produced from ____ and _____ via photosynthesis in plants
fulfill a variety of functions:
can be covalently linked with proteins to form _______ and _______
CO2, H2O
energy source, storage
structural component of cell walls and exoskeleton
informational molecules in cell signaling
glycoproteins, proteoglycans
examples of polysaccharides
cellulose, glycogen
classification of carbohydrates are by _____
number of carbons
carbohydrates are a large class of _____ and _____
poly hydroxy aldehydes and ketones
aldose contains an ______
ketose contains a a ________
aldehyde functionality
ketone functionality
glyceraldehyde and dihydroxy acetone are ______
same composition, different connectivity
structural isomers
glyceraldehyde is a _______
same connectivity, different arrangement
have the same molecular formula but different structures
isomers that are not mirror images
isomers that differ at a new asymmetric carbon atom formed on ring closure
structural isomers that differ in the configuration around only one chiral center
nonsuperimposible mirror images
there are four different groups attached to the carbon atom and the carbon atom is sp3 hybridized
chiral carbon
______ is the smallest sugar that has a chiral carbon
the two basic configurations around the chiral carbon are named __ and __
D, L
the D or L configuration is determined by the ________
asymmetric carbon most distant from the carbonyl carbon
what is more stable than linear forms of monosaccharides
ring structure
aldehyde and ketone carbons are ________
alcohol oxygen atom is ________
when aldehydes are attacked by alcohols, _______ form
when ketones are attacked by alcohols, _____ form
cyclization of monosaccharides
the former carbonyl carbon becomes a new chiral center called the __________
the former carbonyl oxygen becomes a _______
if the hydroxyl group is on the opposite side of the right as the CH2OH moiety, the configuration is ___
if the hydroxyl group is on the same side of the ring as CH2OH moiety, the configuration is __
anomeric carbon