Canterbury Tales Flashcards
-Modest, modestly dressed
-True, honest, generous, chivalrous, noble, fierce warrior
Point: Ideal knight is humble and not frivolous
-Flirtatious but humbled at father’s side
-Curled hair, moderate height, brightly dressed
-Agile and strong, youthful, literate, lusty
Point: Chivalry ideals were superfluous
-Hunter, always prepared and takes care of possessions
-Proper, modest in manner
-Neatly dressed in green, weathered, carrying bow shield, sword
Point: Approves hard work, pride in work
Prioress (nun)
- Stately, ladylike, concerned with appearance, “Madam Eglantyne”
- Courtly grace, attractively dressed, wearing cosmetics, curvaceous, solicitous
- Well-mannered, speaks crude French, nasally singing
-Self-indulgent, hunts despite oaths
-Expensive fur, gold, fat, greasy face, bulging eyeballs, has a palfrey
-Vain and feminine
Point: Corrupt, self-indulgent often associated with the church
- Manipulative, tricks young girls to his advantage
- White skin, threadbare shirt, keeps trinkets for girls
- Merry and festive, begs for living
-Talks big, finely dressed, opinionated and stately
Oxford Cleric
- Student, very thin, uses friends to finance education
- Lofty and opinionated, unrealistic
- Formal and self-righteous
“Serjeant at Law”
- Appears to be busy, not really
- Modestly dressed, book-smart, preoccupied, self-important
- Sanguine, loves food, good host
- Periodically a judge (Justice at Sessions), Member for the Shire (county rep. in Parliament)
5 Tradesmen (Haberdasher, dyer, carpenter, weaver, carpet-maker)
- Prestigious in manner, well-dressed, new clothing, expensive accessories (silver)
- Assertive and confident, obsessed with image
- Guilds were becoming more powerful (wives wanted more power)
- Ulcer on knee (bad intentions)
- Good cook
- Came from Dartmouth, rode farmer’s horse, simple dress, tan
- Thief, ruthless owns “The Maudelayne”
-Knows trade well, well-practiced
-Dressed luxuriously, prudent with money
Point: Illustrates symbiotic relationship between druggists and doctors (scheme for money)
Wife of Bath
- Fine kerchiefs, five husbands, skilled in wandering
- Gap-teeth, curvaceous, well-practiced in arts of love
- Religious Christian model, observes Gospel and helps everyone, leads by example
- Carries stave, learned clerk
- Benign, modest, humble, hard-working
- Brother of Parson
- Honest work and observer of Gospel
- Tabard smock, rode mare
- Farmers more honest
- Wrangler, dirty story teller and thief
- Big-boned, strong, red hair, wart on nose
- Boastful and kind of a meathead
- Bought low, sold high, well-versed in business
- Never rash, smarter than educated (illiterate)
- Brown-noses authority, earned position by manipulation
- Crafty/wise, very thin, intuitive
- Carpenter, horse named Scot, overcoat of bluish, rusty blade (from Norfolk)
- Loved wine, often drunk, scoundrel
- Pus-filled sores, red face, acne, thin hair, narrow eyes
- Manipulative
- Exaggerates to create sense of importance, sang songs
- Yellow, greasy hair, bulging eyes, smooth chin,
- Rode gelding or mare
- Used random stuff as “holy relics”
- Gracious and well mannered
- Bold actions, striking, little fact
- Merry, tactful, wise