Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis Flashcards
Organic Mineral of Bone
RANK-L is expressed by osteoblast cells and they directly bind to RANK on preosteoclasts activating their differentiation and fusion into multi-nucleated cells
*Also prolong osteoclast life by inhibiting apoptosis
Secreted by osteoblasts to bind to RANK-L and inhibit the differentiation of pre-osteoclasts
Promotes the differentiation of monocytes that work together w/ RANK-L to promote osteoclastogenesis
Bone Resorption
Osteoclasts bind to bone via B-integrins and form the ruffled border
=>Secretion of H+ via H-ATPases and proteases leading to the degradation of hydroxapatite and Type I collagen
Product of Type I collagen degradation
*Can be measured in the urine to determine activity of osteoclasts
Bone Formation
Osteoblasts secrete type I collagen, osteocalcin, and AP
*Increased AP levels are assoc. w/ childhood growth and bone repair
Period of quiescence
Entered by oseteocytes after bone formation; some communicate w/ osteoblasts via canalliculi and others control the influx/efflux of mineral ions (lining cells)
Calcium Intestinal Absorption
Transcellular: Ca2+ moves across TRPV5 & 6, gets bound to calbindin-d9k and transported to the basolateral surface to a Ca2-ATPase
*More common
Paracellular: Occurs when dietary Ca2+ is increased
Phosphate Intestinal Absorption
Absorbed transcellularly via Na+/Pi co-transport
PTH effects on Kidney Tubules
- Increases Ca2+ transporters in the DCT (only accounts for ~9% of reabsorption)
- Removes Na+/Pi transporters in the PROXIMAL tubules
- Activates renal 1-a hydroxylase
C-terminal fragments of PTH
Formed by proteolytic enzymes that degrade the biologically active N-terminal in secretory granules in response to hypercalcemia
Parathyroid response to hypocalcemia
- Gs activates AC leading to increased PTH secretion
- PTH mRNA stability increases
- Proliferation of chief cells
- Decreased degradation of n-terminals
Effects of Hypercalcemia on Parathyroid
- Gi inhibits AC and Gq inhibits PLC leading to an increase in intracellular Ca2+ and a DECREASE in secretion of PTH
- *Uniquely different
-Vitamin D acts at genomic level to inhibit PTH secretion
PTH/PTHrP Receptor
Increases intracellular AC and IP3 promoting RANK-L expression in the bone and PO43- excretion/Ca2+ reabsorption/1a-hydroxlyase activation in the kidneys