C2 Sections Of The Periodic Table Flashcards
Which elements are metal?
What is a metal?
The left side of the periodic table. (Look at a periodic table)
An element which can form positive ions when it reacts
(Most elements are metals)
Where are the non metals in the periodic table?
What is a non metal?
The right of the periodic table
A element that doesn’t normally form a positive ion when it reacts
How does the electronic structure of a metal effect how it reacts?
Non metals are far more likely to share or gain electrons to form an complete outer shell
This is because they often have a lot of electrons in it’s outer shell and therefore it is hard to loose electrons
They don’t have many shells therefore the intermolecular forces between the electrons are quite strong therefore it is hard to react to loose them.
Why do all mtals have similar basic properites?
What are the basic similar properties?
They all have metalic bonding in them
They are strong (hard to break)
But they can be bent with hammers (it is maluable)
They have high melting and boiling points
They conduct heat well and conduct energy
What are the basic properties of a non metal?
Arn’t always solids at room tempreture
Generaly don’t conduct electricity
Often have alower dencity than metals
What are the group 1 metals called?
What are the normal properties?
Alkali metals
They are reactive (becasue they have 1 electron in ther outer shell)
They are soft and have low dencitys
What trends do we see in group 1 metals?
As you go down the group it’s reactivity increases. This is because the outermost electron becomes easier to loose becasue the intermolecular forces are weeker the further away from the nucleas they are
As you go down the melting and boiling points become lower
As you go down the group they have a higher relative atomic mass
How do Alkali metals react to loose there electron?
It is so easy for alkali’s to loose there electron that they ONLY react with non metals to form IONIC COMPOUNDS.
These compounds are normally a white solid which disolves in water to make a colourless solution
Alkali metals always form a 1+ ion
What happens when an alkali reacts with water?
They produce HYDROGEN GAS
they react vigorously.
As you go down the group the reaction will become more vigeorus
They also form hydroxides that disolve in water to give alkaline solitions.
What haplens when lithium, sodium, and potasium react with water?
They float and move around the surface, fizzing furiousley
For potasium and below in the group there is enuf energy created to ignite to hydrogrn. Thos causes sparkes.
What is the symbol equasion for Sodium reacting in water?
Na+H_2O = NaOH + H_2
What happens when an alkali reacts with chlorine?
They produce salts
They react vigorousley when HEATED in chlorine gas to form white salts called metal chlorides
What happens when an alkali reacts with water?
They form metal oxide.
Different oxides will form depending on which alkali you used
Lithium oxide (Li_2O)
Sodium oxide (Na_2O) and sodium peroxide (Na_O_2)
Potassium peroxide (K_2O_2) and potassium superoxide (KO_2)
What are the group 7 elements known as?
They all excist as pairs of atoms
What are some of the Halogens?
What do they look like?
Fluorine - very reactive and poisones - yellow gas
Chlorine - reletivly reactive and poisonios - dense green gas
Bromine - dense and poisones - red brown volatile liquid
Iodine - dark grey crystalline solid - purple vapor
Dark grey (s) / purple (g)
What are the trends in group 7?
As you go down they:
Become less reactive because it is harder to gain an electron becasue the outer shell is further from the nucleas (less intermolecual forces)
Have a higher melting and boiling point
Have higher atomic masses
How can an halogen gain a full outer shell?
Covalent bonding - It can share electrons with other non metals. These compounds that form have a simple molecular structure
Ionic bonding - when a halogen becomes a -1 charge. It is then called a halide by bondig with a metal.
When does a displacement reaction happen?
Halogen and a salt of a less reactive halogen
A more reactive halogen with take the place of a less reactive halogen
Cl_2 +2KI = I_2 2KCl
What is a group 0 element called?
What are the charatristics of a group 0 element?
Noble gass
8 with the exception of Helium which has 2
They all have full outer shells
They are monatomic gases (they don’t bond with each other and travel around as single atoms unlike halogens
They are collerless gases at room tempreture
They are non flammable
What are the trends in the group 0 elements
As you go down the group the:
Boiling point increases because there are more electrons which leads to greater intermolecual forces which need to be brocken
The relative atomic mass increases