C1.3 Photosynthesis Flashcards
An enzyme that catalyses the addition of carbon dioxide to RuBP during the Calvin cycle
(It is the most abundant enzyme on Earth)
Steps of the calvin cycle
- Carbon fixation
- Reduction of Glycerate 3 phosphate
- Regenration of RUBP
What goes into light dependent reaction
light and water
What comes out of light dependent reaction
What goes into calvin cycle
what comes out of calvin cycle
What is made in light dependent reaction that goes into calvin cylce
What is made in calvin cycle that goes into light dependent reaction
ADP + P and NADP
Calvin cycle
Cyclic set of reactions fixing CO2 to produce glucose and replenish RuDP
Light dependent reaction
The initial stages of photosynthesis that occur in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts.
* utilise light energy to convert ADP and Pi into ATP, and reduce NADP to reduced NADP
* also generate oxygen through the process of photolysis.
Action Spectrum
A graph displaying the overall rate of photosynthesis (y)against the wavelength of visible light (x)
Absorption Spectrum
A graph displaying the wavelength of light absorbed by a particular pigment
What happens in the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis (in very short)
A proton gradient is generated thylakoid space
A product from the light dependent reactions which is not needed for the light independent reactions
The break down of water to form oxygen, hydrogen and electrons
Light independent reaction
The second stage of photosynthesis.
* occur in the stroma of chloroplasts
* involve the fixation of carbon dioxide
* production of carbohydrates using the ATP and reduced NADP generated in the light-dependent reactions
Chemical substances that absord different wvalengths of light and appear coloured to us
Why do leaves look green
all other wavelnegths of colored light are absorbed besides green light
Visible light range
380-750 nm
Types of pigments
- carotenoids
- chlorophyll A
- chlorophyll B
good absorber of purple- blue
appears orange/yellow
Chlorphyll A
good absorberof purple-dark blue & yellow-orange
appears green
Chlorophyll B
good absorber of blue yellow
appears green
Action Spectrum
A graph displaying the overall rate of photosynthesis at different wavelengths
Absorption Spectrum
A graph displaying the absorption of different wavelengths by pigments
co2 enrichment
* CO2 levels are elevated by burning fossil fuels => all other conditions controlled
* total biomass produced measured/ yield of fruits produced
enclosed green house
* CO is released in a closed environment continuously
* total biomass prodcued is measured/ yield of vegetables grown
What is used to reduce NADP in the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis
electrons from PS1
Lollipop experiment
calvin utilises radioactive carbon to trace the path of carbon through photosynthesis
- algae were analyzed by chormatography to seperate carbon compounds
- determined order of which carbon compounds were produced
Which space has the highest H+ concentration in a chloroplast
Thylakoid space/intermembrane space of thylakoids
Where is ATP synthase located
inner memebrane space (auf den fühlern)
what is the stationary phase in thin layer paper chromatography
silica gel, aluminium oxide, cellulose
is a process that occurs in plants, especially under hot, dry conditions, in which rebusco binds to O2 instead of CO2
(it can reduce the efficiency of photosynthesis)
Photorespiration mechanism
- Rubisco binds to O2 instead of CO2 using
- uses energy and oxygen to prodcue small amounts of CO2 instead of making sugars
- makes no ATP & Sugar
C4 and CAM plants
- adapted mechanisms to reduce photorespiration
- have specialized pathways that concentrate CO₂ near Rubisco, making it more likely that Rubisco will bind to CO₂ rather than O₂
- (even under low CO₂ conditions)
In photosynthesis the process at which a photochemical reaction occurs, resulting in an excited electron
Photolysis equation
2H2O -> 4e + O2 + 4H+
Steps of chromatography of chloroplasts
- crush leaves using propanone/acetone to dissolve pigment
- place spot of pigment at the bottom of the chromatography paper
- dip it
- as solvent passes through, it will seperate out the pigment into different layers as they travel at different rates across the paper
- calculate rf value
components within a choloroplast
- stroma
- double membrane
- thylakoid
- granum
- lamella
cytoplasm of chloroplasts (contains enzymes and ideal ph)
Has ETC and ATP synthase for photophosphorylation
connects and seperates thylakoid
Double membrane
evidence for endosymbiosis
Why thin layer chromotography is better
- utilises sillica gel/aluminium oxide
- gives better result 8dots are more defined)
cyclic phosphhorylation
- Occurs when NADPH is accumulating
- light energy causes the excitation of electrons from PSI
- electrons move along ETC, pumping H ions through membrane proteins
- H generate ATP using ATP synthase
- electrons return to PS1 after moving along ETC -> regain energy
=> cyclic as electrons return to PS1 continuously after eveery cycle
=> NO NADPH is produced as the electrons keep getting recycled
non cyclic phosphorylation
- after the electrons released from PS2; along ETC; pump H ions onto PS1
- electrons are reexcited by light energy absorbed by PS1 => passes along proteins
- final protein acceptor = ferrodoxin
- electrons from ferrodoxin go to NADP reductase= H ions make NADPH
=> non cyclic because electrons dont get recycled = NADP takes them to make NADPH
Differences between cyclic & non cyclic phosphorylation
* involves PS1 only
* only produces small amount of ATP
* does not produce NADPH
Non cyclic
* involves both PS1 & PS2
* reaches final protein = ferrodoxin & reduces NAD+ produces ATP, NADH and O2
* electrons aren’t recycled
The great oxidation event
explains how 2.4 Billion years ago, photosynthesis began to happen in cyanobacteria which drastically increased the oxygen levels in the atmosphere
carbon fixation
The conversion of inorganic carbon (CO2 from atmosphere) to organic carbon by a living organism
The process of adding a carboxyl group from a molecule forming a molecule of carbon dioxide
How are the proton concentrations within layers of the chloroplast
Stroma = low concentration of H+
Thylakoid intermembrane space = high H+
What do you need ATP and NADH for in the 2nd step of the calvin cycle
ATP = provide energy for the reduction of G3P
NADH= provide hydrogne ions to reduce G3P to trios phosphate
Where do the products produced go after the light dependent stage? How does this relate to where the proton gardient builds up?
- products go to calvin cycle => in stroma
- protons are pumped into thylakoid space => then move down conc. gradient through ATP => into stroma where they need to be used
Photophosphorylation explained
- Photophosphorylation is thr production of ATP
- light shines onto PS2 (680nm) and is absorbed by the accessory pigments
- light contributes to photolysis splitting water into Hydrogen ions, oxygen gas and e-
- ETC moves electrons through a series of carriers in thylakoid membrane
- electrons provide energy to pump hydrogen ions from stroma into thylakoid space
- small thylakoid space nehances high proton conc. built
- hydrogen ions move by diffusion through ATP synthase to generate ATP
- ATP is generated by adding Pi to ADP
outline light intensity as a factor
- as it increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases
- until a plateau reached at higher light imtensities
- when another factor is now limiting
- light is needed for light dependent reactions in thylakoid membrane
outline temperature as a factor
- as it increases, rate of photosynthesis increases
- to an optimum temperature above which rate stops
- temperature affects enzymes (example rubsico in calvin cycle)
- causes them to denature = rate rapidly decreases
outline carbon dioxide as a factor
- increases, increases rate of photosynthesis
- until plateau is reached at higher CO2 conc. when another factor is limiting
- CO2 needed for light independent reactions (Calvin cycle)
outline photoactivation
- photon absorbed by pigment molecules in chlorophyll
- electrons are passed to chlorophyll molecules at the reaction centre
- causes electron to be raised to higher energy level
- electron is passed along chain of carrier molecules in PS2