A2.2 Cell Structure Flashcards
Theory of spontaneaous generation
Belief that organisms could randomly appear from non-living matter
Cell theory
- smallest unit
- only arise from preexisting
all living things are made up of cells
Process of preparing wet mounts
- sharp scalpel: cut square out of onion
- tweezers: peel off thin inside layer
- transfer thin layer on glass slide
- pipette: add small drop of I2 = stain
- start cover slip at 90deg. = gently lower = avoid bubbles
- if bubbles= press w/pencil
Eyepiece garticule
Transparent ruler that is placed in eyyepiece lens to measure actual size
Light microspcope
- inexpensive
- magnifies up to 2000x
- specimens can be dead/alive
The minimum distance between two points at which they can still be distinguished
Stage Micrometer
small, calibrated ruler mounted on stage microscope: precise distnace measurement
units of measurement
metre= 1x10^0
centimetre= 1x10^-3
millimetre= 1x10^-3
micrometre= 1x10^-6
nanometre = 10^9
Electron microscope
- expensive
- preperation of specimen is complex
- magnifies up to 500 000x
- specimen has to be dead
total magnification
ocular x objective
Cryogenic electron microscopy
- specimen is frozen
- image using computer enhancemnets (3D)
ex: virus & protein structures
Freeze Fracture
preparing sample for electron microscopy
* specimen rapidly frozen
* physically broken apart = internal structure
ex: cell membrane
cells are stained with special dyes that bind to cellular components
=> UV shone
Antibodies combined w/dye added to specimen
=> bind to their target (UV)
Functions of Life
MR Sheng
Metabolism, Respiration, Sensitivity, Homeostasis, Excretion, Noutrition, Growth
Organisms that do not have proper nucleus enclosing their genetic material
Prokaryote contents
- nucleoid region
- ribosomes 70
- capsule
- plasmids
- pilli
- cell wall
- plasma membrane
Prokaryote Replication
- chromosome is replicated
- DNA copies move to opposite cell end
- cell elongates
- cell membrane grows inward = pinches off = two identical
- semi conservative replication
Organisms that contain a well defined nucleus and membrane bound cytoplasmic organelles
Eukaryote (animal) Content
- nucleolus
- nucleus
- vacuole
- Ribosome 80s
- cytoplams
- mitochondrion
- golgi.
- golgi- & vesicles
- cytoskeleton
Eukaryote (plant) Content
- same animal
+cell wall, choloroplast,
Eukaryote (fungal) Content
same animal
+Lysosomes, Peroxisome, centriole
All eukaryotes overlap
- nucleus
- vacuoles
- mitochondria
- plasma membrane
Only animal cells
- cillia
- Lysosomes
Only fugal cells
- cell wall of chitin
only plant cell
- cell wall of cellulose
- chloroplasts
- plasmids in cholorplasts
- red blood cell= more space o2
- sieve tube in phloem= little cytoplasm&few organisms= less flow resistance
- skeleton muscle = small fused myocytes
- aseperate fungi= no septum
eukaryotic organisms that live in freshwater environments
* heterotroph = eat other organisms
* moves through cillia
* cytoplasm = dissolved enzymes
* growth until max SA:volume
* contractile vacuole: homeostasis
* asexual reproduction
micro nutrients, cytoplasm, vacuole, membrane, gullet & food vacuole
eukaryotic organisms that live in soil, freshwater, ocean, mountaintops
* autotroph = photosynthesis
* dissolved enzymes
* light sensitive eyespot = move flagella
* growth til max = split = reproduce
* contractile vacuole
eyespot, starch grains, chloroplasts, mitocondrion, flagellum
- as cell grows: SA:V decreases
- to increase: everything is made up of small cells
- maintain transport rates
Luis pasteaur - chicken broth
non broken swan neck
=> clear, microbes from air trapped in curve
=> cloudy, microbes enter form air = multiply
=> cloudy, microbes caame from curve of tube
- mitochondria & chloroplasts = prokaryote size
- double membrane; inner= eaten cell, outer= vesicle cell was talen into
- have naked DNA like prokaryotes
- divide by binary fission
- susceptible to antibiotics affecting prokaryotes
=> proves another cell engulfed = grew like that
cell aggregation
process by which cells come together to fomr a group cluster
* group protection
* differentiation over time
cell differentiation
turning on of genes necessary for function of specialised cell
=> normal cell splits, then gene expressed
- grouped = tisue
- organs are formed from multiple tissue
- organs interact = organ system
carry out life functions
Ribosome 70s
- in prokaryotes
- smaller then euk
- have small + big subunit
- do protein synthesis
Ribosome 80’s
- larger & higher mass
- 2 subunits
- euk.
- protein synthesis
- attached & free floating
- hydrated polysaccharide complex
- covers outermost part of cell wall
- keeps phagocytes from ingesting & destroying
nucleoid region
- prok.
- DNA structure same as euk.
- DNA packaged differently = supercoiled chrome.
- genes grouped into operons = clusteres that switch on & off
- plasmids
- naked DNA
- protein fillament
- helps adhesion
- helps transfer DNA
does locomotion
- small circular DNA
- horizontal gene transfer
Plasma membrane
- seperates in- & exterior
- controls what goes in & out of cell
cell wall
- made of peptoglycan = polymer from AA & sugar (prok.)
- made of cellulose (plant)
- within nucleus
- makes RNA = ribosomes
nucleus contents
- chromatin
- DNA & protein
helps maintain osmotic balance
- small sac
- transports & releases susbstances produced in cell
- fuses with membrane
- double membrane
- converts glucose to ATP
- has own DNA
nuclear envelop
- membrane of nucleus
- has pores, double membrane
- has nucleoplasm
- produces extracellular proteins
- stack of membrane flattened sacs
Golgi app.
- processes & packages proteins
- released in golgi vesicles
- system of protein fibres
- helps maintain structure
- water based- jelly like fluid
- site of metabolic reactions
- barrel shaped
- helps organise microtubuli
cytoplasm (plant)
contains cytosol = maintains turgidy
- double membrane
- convert light energy -> chemical energy
- plastid
- makes phosphpolipids
- produces sex chromosomes
- detoxifies drug in liver
- stores calcium ions
- helps liver release glucose
- spherical sacs; membrane
- specialised vesicle
- powerful hydrolytic digestive enzyme
cell wall (fungi)
made of chitin
single celled
=> carry out all life processes within themselves