Consist of the conformity or non-conformity of human conduct with norms.
Consider as proximate norm of morality
Judgement before an action is done
Antecedent conscience
Judgement after an act is done
Consequent conscience
Judge things truly as they are
True conscience
Judges things in a distorted manner. It also called false conscience
Erroneous conscience
A subjective certainty of the legality of a particular actions to be done or to be omitted.
Certain conscience
Happens when a person is not certain about a moral judgement.
Doubtful conscience
One which sees wrong when there is none
Scrupulous conscience
Opposite of scrupulous conscience
Lax conscience
Are actions that proceed from the deliberate free will of man
Human acts
Refer to a certain type of actions that a naturally exhibited by man
Acts of man
Actions performed with full knowledge and with full consent
Perfect Voluntariness
Actions that occur when there is no perfect knowledge or consent.
Imperfect Voluntariness
Actions that are intended for its own sake, either as a means or as an end
Direct Voluntary
Actions that are not intended for its own sake but merely follow a regrettable consequence of an action
Indirect Voluntary
Factors that link human acts with their norms
Determinants of morality
Refers to the natural purpose of the act. Act in its very nature terminates or results
The end of the action
Refers to the intention or the motive if the doer of the act.
The End of the Actor
Refers to the conditions that affect the human act by increasing or decreasing the responsibility of the actor
Circumstances of the act
Is native in all persons regardless of race, culture, education and creed
Moral Sense
He wrote 25 books including summa theologica and summa contra gentiles
St. Thomas Aquinas
Founding father of psychoanalysis
Sigismund Schlomo Freud
He is well known for his theory of moral development
Lawrence Kohlberg’s
Only man exists and no god
Atheistic Ethics
It assumes that God is the supreme lawgiver
Theistic Ethics
He studied physics and mathematics. His field of concentration covered almost all branches of philosophy
Immanuel Kant
Believed that reason is autonomous. Reason commands and we must obey it.
Kant’s moral rationalism
An unconditional obligation that we have regardless of our will
Kant’s categorical imperative