business activity Flashcards
define a need and a want
need: a product or service that is essential for living
wants: a product or service that a human would like to have but is not essential for living
describe the economic problem
we have unlimited wants but limited resources to produce the service or goods to satisfy those wants. this creates scarcity
describe opportunity cost
the next best alternative given up by choosing another item
definite scarcity
lacks of sufficient products to fulfil the total want of the populations
what causes scarcity
the lack of factors of productions
list all the factors of production
land- field and resources
labour - amount of ppl needed
capital- finance, machinery needed to make that product
enterprise- the person with skill and risk taking ability
define specialisation
when ppl and business concentrate on what they do best
why is specialisation more common now?
specialised machinery and technologies are now widely available
increasing competition means that businesses have to keep cost low
higher living standard
benefits of specialisation (4)
less mistakes made
less and fast training
less time wasted traveling from one place to another
higher efficiency and output
disadvantages of specialisation (4)
workers become bored, if absent no one can do the job, training may be expensive, product may be out of date and replaced by machine
define division of labour
when the production process is split up into diff tasks and each workers performs one of these task - a from of specialisation
define a business
combine factors of production to make products which satisfy peoples wants
what does a business do?
combine scarce factors of production to produce good and services
produces goods and services which are needed to satisfy the needs and wants of the population
employs ppl and pays them wages to allow them to consume products made by other people
define added value
difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of bought in materials and components
why do business needs to add value
to make profit and to pay for other cost
ways to increase added value and their disadvantages
increase selling price but keep cost of materials same - create a higher quality image but the cost to do so may increase
reduce cost of materials but keep selling price the same - might lead to lower quality product
methods to try in order to add value
make unique designs for product diff from competition
higher quality, more likely customers are willing to pay higher
do marketing, ppl pay for brands and packaging
the easier it is to buy the more willing customers will become