Branchial Arch Derivatives pg 559 Flashcards
Mnemonic for Branchial Arches
1st Arch: Chew-CN V2 + V3
2nd Arch: Smile-CN VII
3rd Arch: Swallow Stylishly-CN IX
4th Arch: Simply Swallow-Superior Laryngeal branch of CN X
6th Arch: Speak-Recurrent Laryngeal branch of CN X
“When at the restaurant of the golden ARCHES, children tend to first CHEW, then SMILE, then SWALLOW STYLishly or SIMPLY SWALLOW, and then SPEAK.”
1st Branchial Arch
- Think M and T things and Chew!
- Meckel Cartilage: Mandible, Malleus, incus, sphenoMandibular ligament
- Muscles of Mastication, Mylohyoid, ant belly of digastric, Tensor tympani, Tensor veil palatini
- CN V2 + V3: Maxillary + Mandibular branches of Trigeminal
2nd Branchial Arch
- Think S things and Smile!
- Stapes, Styloid process, lesser horn of hyoid, Stylohyoid ligament
- Facial expression muscles, Stapedius, Stylohyoid, platySma, belly of digastric
- CN VII (Seven): Smile
3rd Branchial Arch
- Think pharyngeal…only one muscle here!
- greater horn of hyoid
- Stylopharyngeus m.
- CN IX: remember Glossopharyngeal N. only innervates one muscle, the Stylopharngeus m.
- Swallow stylishly
4th Branchial Arch
- Think simply swallow!
- most pharyngeal constrictor muscles, cricothyroid, and levator veli palatini
- Superior Laryngeal branch of CN X
6th Branchial Arch
- Think speak
- all intrinsic muscles of larynx except cricothyroid
- Recurrent Laryngeal branch of CN X
- Any hoarseness…6th arch…next question
4th and 6th Branchial Arch cartilages
Thyroid, Cricoid, Arytenoids, Corniculate, Cuneiform
Branchial Arches 3 and 4 form what part of the tongue?
Posterior 1/3 of the tongue
What does the 5th branchial arch do?
Nothing. It’s as worthless as a Franco post on Facebook.
Which branchial arch screws up in Treacher Collins Syndrome?
- 1st Arch (M and T things applies!)
- 1st arch neural crest fails to migrate
- Mandibular Hypoplasia + Facial Abnormalities
Which branchial arch screws up in Congenital Pharyngocutaneous Fistula?
- 2nd Arch
- Persistence of cleft and pouch
- Fistula between tonsillar area and lateral neck
- keeping with S theme of 2nd arch: “hole out Side of neck”