Bovine Surgical Procedures Flashcards
What type of surgery is preferred?
Sedation/Tranquilization may lead to _; _ helps by decreasing rumen contents
bloat; fasting
Most common local anesthetics
-lidocaine (cheapest, least toxic)
The following are signs of _ toxicity
-Respiratory depression
-Muscle twitching
What is the max dose of lidocaine to be given
L block is used for
standing flank laparotomies
Use of paravertebral block
-to create a large flank anesthetic zone (skin down) to peritoneum
-blocks spinal nerves at T13, L1, and L2
Dorsal approach to paravertebral block is in effect from skin to peritoneum, including the _ muscle
The paravertebral block will provide analgesia to a larger area and allows the use of less
local anesthetic
Use of cornual nerve block
desensitization of the horn and horn base
Cornual nerve block is used in
cattle and goats
Cornual nerve block blocks how many nerves
Use - ml in calves for cornual nerve block
Use - ml in adults for cornual nerve block
What is does Bier block provide
Intravenous regional analgesia
IV analgesia (Bier Block) is considered superior to specific nerve blocks and ring blocks for most surgical procedures of the _ _
distal extremities
For feet procedures using Bier block, place a tourniquet at
midcarpus or mid tarsus
For proximal procedures using Bier Block, place tourniquet just proximal to
carpus or tarsus
Do not leave a tourniquet in place for longer than _ hours
Caudal epidural analgesia is commonly used in _ and _
obstetrics and prolapses
Caudal epidural analgesia desensitizes what
anus, perineum, vulva, caudal vagina, and caudal aspects of the thighs
Reasons for castration
-consumer preference: better-tasting meat
-better animal disposition
What is the best age to castrate
1-4 weeks or under 3 months to minimize stress
What are the 2 different types of “Knife method” of castration
-Jack knife or blade
-Newberry knife method (common for bulls >500lbs)
Elastic ring elastrators are used for calves under what age
under 2 weeks
Elastic ring elastrators cause _ of the scrotum and the testicles, sloughs off in 2-3 weeks
What are the problems with elastic ring elastrators
attracts flies, tetanus, black leg, and malignant edema (clostridial diseases)
The following is post op care for _
-closure via second intention
-insect protection
-check hemorrhage and infection
-place animal in clean, dry area alone
-return to mother if still nursing
-some swelling is normal
What is the definition of prolapse
protrusion of an organ through an opening
The following are causes of _
-Estrogen (growth implants, food)
-Straining, constipation, and diarrhea
-Forced delivery: most common
-Breeding injury
-Urogenital defects
3 main types of prolapse
-Vaginal (last 2 wks of gestation)
-Uterine (within a few hours postpartum)
When must prolapse be treated
Treatment of prolapse
-Clean w/ iodine
-Replace organ
-Give epidural to prevent further anesthesia
-Purse string suture w/ umbilical tape in vulva to help prevent prolapse again
-Fluids if animal in shock
Reasons for dehorning
-horned bring less money
Why is dehorning recommended early in life
older animals= higher risk hemorrhage, complications, sinusitis and possible brain abscess; much more complicated procedure
What is disbudding
horns removed before they develop
Dehorning is done in the _ _ of life
first month
What nerve block is used for dehorning
cornual nerve block
What surgical approach is used for abdominal exploratories, correction of abomasal displacements and torsions, and where MOST abdominal exploratory laparotomies are performed through?
Right flank
What surgical approach is used for c-sections, rumenotomies, and rumenostomies?
Left flank
What surgical approach is used for abomasopexies, c-sections, and umbilical procedures?
ventral midline or paramedian celiotomy
What are the surgical approaches for laparotomies?
-flank laparotomy (most)
-ventral middle or paramedian approach (may be required)
What anesthetic techniques are used for abdominal surgery?
Regional analgesic techniques (Lidocaine, Inverted L block, paravertebral analgesia)
How can successful placement of paravertebral blocks be confirmed?
observation of scoliosis
Indications for C-section
-Excessively large calf
What approaches can be used for C-section
-flank (right or LEFT)
-paramedian approaches (right or left)
-ventral midline approach
After a laparotomy, the diet should be restricted to _ only, and grain should be introduced gradually into the diet once recovery is complete
What instrument is used to assist in placing purse string needle for prolapse
Buhner needle