Mental stress can be either ⭐️[…] or ⭐️[…] in nature. Acute stress is defined as a [… …] to an […, …-… …] that will often respond […] to some form of […]. A return to [… …] within a [… … …] is expected for the majority of people who experience an acute stress response (Kendall et al. 2000).
Mental stress can be either [acute] or [chronic] in nature. Acute stress is defined as a [rapid response] to an [abrupt, easily-identified cause] that will often respond [positively] to some form of [intervention]. A return to [normal life] within a [short time period] is expected for the majority of people who experience an acute stress response (Kendall et al. 2000).
Chronic stress is a [… …] to a […-… of …] over a […] period of time. It begins […] and proceeds […].
Chronic stress is a [cumulative reaction] to a [build-up of pressures] over a [long] period of time. It begins [gradually] and proceeds [slowly].
⭐️Chronic stress usually manifests itself in [… … … and/or … symptoms] such as […], […] and […].
⭐️Chronic stress usually manifests itself in [various ongoing physical and/or psychological symptoms] such as [hypertension], ⭐️[withdrawal] and ⭐️[depression].
Mental disorders attributed to work-related stress include…?
Mental disorders attributed to work-related stress include the following : • ⭐️post-traumatic stress disorder ; • ⭐️burnout ; • ⭐️adjustment disorder ; • ⭐️depression and ⭐️anxiety.
⭐️[…-… … …], often abbreviated as PTSD, is a complex disorder in which the affected person’s […], ⭐️[… …], ⭐️[… …], and [… …] have all been disrupted by one or more [… …]. It can be summarized as [“a … … to … ….”]
The traumatic events that lead to [post-traumatic stress disorder] (PTSD) are usually so ⭐️[…] and ⭐️[…] that they would upset anyone.
⭐️[Post-traumatic stress disorder], often abbreviated as PTSD, is a complex disorder in which the affected person’s [memory], ⭐️[emotional responses], ⭐️[intellectual processes], and [nervous system] have all been disrupted by one or more [traumatic experiences]. It can be summarized as [“a normal reaction to abnormal events.”]
The traumatic events that lead to [post-traumatic stress disorder] are usually so ⭐️[overwhelming] and ⭐️[frightening] that they would upset anyone.
The ⭐️burnout concept was first described in the [19..s] and originally referred to a […] on [… ⭐️…] on the […] (e.g., Maslach, Schaufeli and Leiter, 2001 ; Schaufeli, Leiter and Maslach, 2008).
The ⭐️burnout concept was first described in the [1970s] and originally referred to a [reaction] on [interpersonal ⭐️stressors] on the [job].
One of the most prominent definitions describes ⭐️burnout “as a syndrome of [… …], […], and [… … …] that can occur among individuals who work with people in some capacity“(Maslach, Jackson and Leiter, 1996, p. 4).
One of the most prominent definitions describes ⭐️burnout “as a syndrome of [emotional exhaustion], [depersonalization], and [reduced personal accomplishment] that can occur among individuals who work with people in some capacity“.
The ⭐️Job Demands–Resources (JD–R) model is a theoretical framework that tries to integrate two fairly independent research traditions : the [… … …] and the [… … …].
According to the ⭐️JD–R model, job demands ([⭐️… or ⭐️…]) are initiators of a ⭐️[… … …] and job resources are initiators of a ⭐️[… …]. In addition, the model specifies how demands and resources interact, and predict important ⭐️[… …]. Studies have shown that the JD–R model can predict the experience of ⭐️burnout and of ⭐️[… …].
The ⭐️Job Demands–Resources (JD–R) model is a theoretical framework that tries to integrate two fairly independent research traditions : the [stress research tradition] and the [motivation research tradition].
According to the ⭐️JD–R model, job demands ([⭐️proximal or ⭐️distal]) are initiators of a ⭐️[health impairment process] and job resources are initiators of a ⭐️[motivational process]. In addition, the model specifies how demands and resources interact, and predict important ⭐️[organizational outcomes]. Studies have shown that the JD–R model can predict the experience of ⭐️burnout and of ⭐️[work engagement].
⭐️Burnout may be preventable on the ⭐️[… …], as lower levels are associated with factors such as [… …], […] and [… …], as well as with [… ⭐️…] and [… ⭐️…].
⭐️️Burnout may be preventable on the ⭐️[organizational level], as lower levels are associated with factors such as [adequate supervision], [communication] and [positive feedback], as well as with [manageable ⭐️workload] and [adequate ⭐️training].❎
In summary, a primary benefit of social support to the recipient is a ⭐️[… of …] that results in enhanced ⭐️[…-…] and ⭐️[…-…].
In summary, a primary benefit of social support to the recipient is a ⭐️[reduction of uncertainty] that results in enhanced ⭐️[self-control] and ⭐️[self-acceptance].
This benefit facilitates the individual’s [… to ⭐️…].
This benefit facilitates the individual’s [ability to ⭐️cope].
House (1981) notes four types of support. Quote them all.
1) emotional,
2) instrumental,
3) informational,
4) appraisal
NB. See page 152 of your textbook…
Emotional support, named as the most important, focuses on […] by providing […], […], and […].
Emotional support, named as the most important, focuses on [caring] by providing [empathy], [trust], and [love].
Instrumental support involves […] behaviors such as the giving one’s […] and […], or even the [… of …].
Instrumental support involves [helpful] behaviors such as the giving one’s [time] and [skill], or even the [loan of money].
Informational support offers […] or […] useful for [… with the …].
Informational support offers [advice] or [information] useful for [coping with the problem].