bonus 2 Flashcards
Refers to the ability of a test to correctly identify those with a condition
Refers to the ability of a test to correctly identify those without a condition
Proportion or number of individuals with a condition at a given time
Number of new cases occurring within a period of time
A person with a latent tuberculosis infection (True/False):
Does not exhibit any signs or symptoms of active infection.
A person with a latent tuberculosis infection (True/False):Can spread the disease to others.
A person with a latent tuberculosis infection (True/False):Will have a positive tuberculin skin test
A person with a latent tuberculosis infection (True/False):Will have >50% lifetime risk of developing active tuberculosis
A 37-year-old woman with ulcerative colitis with poor symptom control without rectal bleeding presents with the following hemogram:
Hg=9.9 g/dL (12–14 g/dL) (99 g/L [120–140 g/L])
MCHC=33 g/dL (31–37 g/dL) (330 g/L [310–370 g/L])
MCV=86 fL (80–96 fL)
RDW=12% (11%–15%) (0.12 proportion [0.11–0.15 proportion])
These findings are most consistent with:
Correct Iron deficiency. Beta thalassemia minor. Anemia of chronic disease. Pernicious anemia
anemia of chronic disease
A 67-year-old man taking NSAIDs daily for back pain and reporting fatigue presents with the following hemogram:
Hg=8.4 g/dL (12–14 g/dL) (84 g/L [120–140 g/L])
MCHC=26 g/dL (31–37 g/dL) (260 g/L [310–370 g/L])
MCV=69 fL (80–96 fL)
RDW=19% (11%–15%) (0.19 proportion [0.11–0.15 proportion])
These findings are most consistent with:
Iron deficiency anemia
Beta thalassemia minor
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Drug-induced macrocytosis
Iron deficiency anemia
A 54-year-old man of Asian ancestry presents with the following hemogram:
Hg=11.6 g/dL (12–14 g/dL) (116 g/L [120–140 g/L])
Hct=37% (42–48%) (0.37 proportion [0.42–0.48 proportion])
MCHC=24 g/dL (31–37 g/dL) (260 g/L [310–370 g/L])
MCV=64 fL (80–96 fL)
RDW=14% (11%–15%) (0.14 proportion [0.11–0.15 proportion])
RBC=6.6 million/mm3 (4.7–6.1 million/mm3)
These findings are most consistent with:
Correct Folate deficiency. Acute blood loss. Alpha thalassemia minor. Iron deficiency anemia
Alpha thalassemia minor