Body Systems: Musculatory System (Sliding Filament Theory) Flashcards
-muscle fibre cell membrane.
-cytoplasm of muscle fibre.
•sarcoplasmic reticulum:
-storage sites for calcium.
-surrounds myofibrils.
-threadlike strands within muscle fibres.
-actin = thin filament.
-myosin = thick filament.
•further divisions of myofibrils:
Functions of skeletal muscles:
•supports the body: contraction of skeletal muscles opposes the force of gravity and allows us to stand and remain upright.
•makes bones move: movement of arms and legs, and eyes, facial expressions, and breathing.
•maintain constant body temperature: causes ATP to break down which releases heat.
•protect internal organs and stabilize joints: pads the bones that protect the organs and holds bones together.
Components of actin filament:
•tropomyosin: long protein filament that blocks the myosin head binding sites.
•troponin: another protein attached to tropomyosin.
-both found on the actin filament.
Muscle components:
-muscle contraction involve the action of two myofilaments: actin and myosin.
-1. Actin myofilaments: composed of globular actin proteins.
-2. Myosin filaments: composed of myosin molecules.
Sliding filament theory:
-theory that helps scientists explain how muscle contraction occurs.
-thick and thin filaments do not change length.
-thick (myosin) is stationary (non moving), but thin (actin) slides closer together to shorten sarcomere.
-how muscle contraction occurs.
-Z-lines move closer together.
-sarcomere shortens.
-actin filaments slide over myosin filaments.
-actin and myosin filaments do not change shape.
-the energy for muscle contraction comes from ATP.
(Sliding filament theory) step 1: cross bridge: (Could be step 2)
•myosin head bind to the actin filament.
(Sliding filament theory) step 2: power stroke:
•myosin head preforms power stroke.
•ADP + pi detach.
•both Z-lines move towards the centre and contraction occurs.
(Sliding filament theory) step 3: detachment:
•ATP binds to the myosin head.
•myosin detaches from actin.
•powered by ATP.
•tropomyosin blocks myosin binding sites on actin.
(Sliding filament theory) step 4: hydrolysis:
(Could be step 1)
•brain sends signal to release Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
•Ca2+ binds to troponin repositioning tropomyosin and exposing myosin binding sites on actin.
•ATP is split into ADP + pi + energy.
•myosin head goes into “ready” position.
(Sliding filament theory) full:
•step 1 (or 2): myosin head bind to the actin filament.
•step 2: myosin head preforms power stroke.
•ADP + pi detach.
•both Z-lines move towards the centre and contraction occurs.
•step 3: ATP binds to the myosin head.
•myosin detaches from actin.
•powered by ATP.
•tropomyosin blocks myosin binding sites on actin.
•step 4 (or 1): brain sends signal to release Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
•Ca2+ binds to troponin repositioning tropomyosin and exposing myosin binding sites on actin.
•ATP is split into ADP + pi + energy.
•myosin head goes into “ready” position.
Energy for muscle contraction:
•ATP that is produced for strenuous exercise lasts only a few seconds.
•the muscle then acquires new ATP in 3 different ways, depending on the availability of oxygen:
••breakdown of creatine phosphate (anaerobic).
-used first to acquire ATP before it enters the mitochondria.
••aerobic cellular respiration.
-can only occur if oxygen is available.
••lactic acid fermentation (anaerobic).
-if exercise is so vigorous that oxygen cannot be delivered fast enough to the working muscles.
-causes an oxygen deficit.
Creatine phosphate (from liver):
-high-energy compound that builds up when muscle is resting.
-it is the fastest way to make ATP available to muscles.
-provides enough energy for about 8 seconds of intense activity, and then it is spent.
-supplies a phosphate to ADP.
-a way to get ATP before O2 enters mitochondria.
-can take artificial creatine phosphate to help build muscles.
Aerobic cellular respiration:
-takes place in the mitochondria.
-provides most of the muscles ATP.
-glycogen and fats are stored in muscle cells to be used to produce ATP when oxygen is available.
-produces CO2 and heat as waste.
Lactic acid fermentation:
-supplies ATP in the absence of oxygen.
-produces lactate.
-accumulation of lactate/acid in the sarcoplasm.
-causes cramping and fatigue to set in.
-results in oxygen deficit.
Muscle fatigue:
-lack of energy and build up of waste in muscles.
-oxygen debt: when energy demand exceeds ATP supply, lactic acid accumulates.
-causes muscle pain and is associated with fatigue.
-muscles become acidic—> fail to contract.
-rapid breathing after exercise is designed to repay oxygen debt.
Rigor mortis:
-moments up to 60 hours after death.
-ATP production ceases and skeletal muscle becomes fixed—body stiff as a board.
-cross-bridges fail to detach.
Summary: (musculatory system):
-splitting of ATP (hydrolysis) provides energy for muscle contraction.
-ATP allows myosin head to detach and muscle returns to relaxed state.
-Ca2+ released from SR during contraction.
-creatine phosphate regenerates ATP.