Body Systems: Circulatory/Immune Systems (Blood And The Immune System) Flashcards
55% of blood is fluid called plasma which contains:
-90% water.
-Dissolved gasses.
-Waste products of cellular metabolism.
45% of blood is composed of blood cells:
-Red blood cells.
-White blood cells.
-Fluid portion of the blood.
-90-92% water.
-Plasma proteins (~7%).
-Albumin -helps transport fatty substances.
-Dissolved gasses.
-Plays a role in the transport of carbon dioxide.
-Serum = Plasma minus clot Proteins.
Red blood cells (Erythrocytes):
-RBC are biconcave discs approximately 7um in diameter.
-No nucleus -allows room for cells to carry hemoglobin.
-Produced in bone marrow.
-RBC live about 120 days.
-About 5 million RBC are produced every minute.
-Anemia: deficiency in RBC or hemoglobin leads to decreased oxygen delivery to tissues.
-Characterized by low energy levels.
-Due to:
•Hemorrhage (bleeding).
•Iron deficiency.
Sickle cell anemia:
-Hereditary blood disorder, characterized by an abnormality in the hemoglobin molecule in red blood cells.
-This leads to the cells assuming an abnormal, rigid, sickle-like shape.
-Associated with a number of chronic health problems, such as severe infections, attacks of severe pain, and stroke, and there is an increased risk of death.
White blood cells (Leukocytes):
-part of the immune system.
-Contains a nucleus.
-Much larger than RBC.
-The number of WBC double when your body is fighting an infection.
-Cancer of bone marrow (where WBC’s are produced).
-Abnormal increase in production of immature WBC’s.
-Weakens the immune system.
-Prevents blood from clotting normally, leading to frequent nosebleeds and bruising.
Types of white blood cells:
- Granulocytes: found in circulating blood, engulf and destroy foreign bodies.
•Neutrophils eat and kill bacteria; Role in inflammation.
•Basophils secrete anti-clotting factors-histamine.
•Eosinophils kill parasites; role in allergies. - Monocytes: found in circulating blood, engulf and destroy foreign bodies.
•Macrophages phagocytose microbes, role in inflammation, show antigens to T-cells. - Lymphocytes: produce antibodies that incapacitate pathogens.
Cell eating.
Platelets (thrombosis):
-No nucleus.
-Important role in blood clotting.
-When a blood vessel is damaged, the cells of the vessel wall release a substance that makes them sticky, and platelets begin to stick to the injured site.
-As platelets build up, they form a plug to stop the bleeding.
Blood clotting:
- Injured blood vessel releases chemicals that attract platelets.
- Platelets rupture and release substances that combine with other blood components to produce an enzyme called thromboplastin.
- With the help of calcium ions, thromboplastin reacts with prothrombin (a protein secreted by the liver), producing thrombin.
- Thrombin reacts with fibrinogen (a protein found within the plasma) to produce fibrin.
- Fibrin strands act as a sort of mesh, preventing blood cells from escaping and forming a clot.
-Hereditary disease in that results from insufficient clotting proteins in the blood.
-Increases the risk of bleeding to death upon injury.
-More common in men.
-When a blood clot dislodges it can travel through the body to lodge in a vital organ = embolus.
-Three main types:
1. Cerebral embolism.
2. Coronary embolism.
3. Pulmonary embolism.
Function of the blood:
-Transport (nutrients, wastes, hormones).
-Homeostatic regulation (temperature).
Homeostatic regulation:
•Blood vessels expand and move towards the skin to release heat.
•Blood vessels contract and move away from the skin to conserve heat.
Vasoconstriction and vasodilation:
-Blood pressure:
•High blood pressure = vasoconstriction.
•Low blood pressure = vasodilation.
•Promotes vasodilation to increase blow flow to tissues.
-Alcohol and nicotine:
•Alcohol promotes vasodilation.
•Nicotine promotes vasoconstriction.
Blood is made up of:
55% plasma, 44% red blood cells, 1% white blood cells and platelets.
-The percentage by volume of red blood cells in your blood.
-Ratio of red blood cells.