Body Systems: Musculatory System (Exercise And Muscle Contractions) Flashcards
Muscle twitch:
-muscle twitch: a single contraction of muscle fibres from a nerve impulse that lasts a mere fraction of a second.
-contraction of the individual fibres is all or none once it reaches a certain threshold.
-the contraction of the whole muscle can vary in strength depending on the number of muscle fibres contracting.
Muscle contraction:
-a muscle twitch can be divided into 3 periods:
-1. Latent period: the period of time between stimulation and initiation of contraction.
-2. Contraction period: when the muscle shortens.
-3. Relaxation period: when the muscle returns to its former length.
-when a muscle is given rapid series of threshold stimuli, it can respond without relaxing completely.
-The second twitch is added to the first producing a greater force of contraction.
-The strength of the contraction depends on how close the second stimulus is to the first stimulus.
-maximal sustained contraction.
-once tetanus occurs, the graph no longer shows individual twitches.
-twitches blended completely into a straight line.
-tetanus continues until the muscle fatigues due to depletion (reduction) of energy reserves.
-fatigue is apparent when a muscle relaxes even though stimulation continues.
There are two types of muscle fibres:
-type I: slow twitch.
-type II: fast twitch.
Muscle fibres (type I: slow twitch):
-Contract slow, resist fatigue.
-found in long-distance runners, swimmers and bikers.
-Break down ATP slowly and efficiently.
-rely on aerobic respiration, many mitochondria.
Muscle fibres (type II: fast twitch):
-Rapid generation of power.
-Found in sprinters and weightlifters.
-break down ATP quickly and inefficiently.
-rely on anaerobic respiration.
Changing the fibres you are given: (low intensity, long duration training):
-affects slow twitch fibres.
-increases the number of mitochondria and blood vessels feeding these fibres.
-increases endurance (more energy).
Changing the fibres you are given: (high intensity, short duration training):
-affects fast twitch fibers, causing them to increase diameter (add more actin and myosin).
-increases strength and muscles, but does not improve endurance (still fatigue fast).
Changing the fibres you are given: hypertrophy:
-increase in size of skeletal muscle cells.
Changing the fibres you are given: atrophy:
-lack of use causing a reduction in size of muscles.
Slow twitch:
-efficient in using oxygen.
-delayed muscle firing.
-do not fatigue easily.
-best suited for: endurance sports, including cycling, marathon running, and long-distance triathlons.
Fast twitch:
-do not burn oxygen to create energy.
-fast to fire; best for explosive body movements.
-tire out quickly.
-best suited for: short bursts of activity, including sprinting races, pole vaulting and cross fit-style events.
•aerobic fitness: your body’s ability to take oxygen from the atmosphere and utilize it to produce muscle movement.
•factors that affect aerobic fitness:
-lung efficiency.
-cardiac function.
-genetic makeup.
Measuring fitness:
•VO2 max: the most oxygen that an individual can use during maximal intensity.
•unit of measurement:
-mL of oxygen/kg of body weight/minute.
•the maximal exertion test: work out at your highest intensity until you are physically unable to continue.
Does type I preform a long contraction or short contraction?
Long contraction.
Does type II preform a long contraction or short contraction?
Short contraction.