Blood vessels and lymphatics Flashcards
What are the three layers of tunics in arteries?
What is the structure of veins?
thin media with only a few small muscle fibres
What are venules?
smaller veins that contain valves to prevent backflow
What is the function of the lymphatic system?
helps the veins to remove tissue fluid (lymph) which is then filtered by lymph nodes
What are the 3 main lymph node clusters?
inguinal - lower limb, buttock, lower back and abdominal wall
axillary - upper limb, thoracic walls and breast
cervical - drains head and neck
What are arterioles?
arteries less than 0.5mm in diameter
What do muscular arteries do when injured?
contract to prevent haemorrhage
What are the main arteries of the upper limb?
subclavian axillary brachial radial ulnar
What are the main arteries of the hand?
deep palmar arch
superficial palmar arch
What are the main arteries of the lower limb?
anterior and posterior tibial
What are the main veins of the lower limb?
great saphenous
small saphenous
What are the main veins of the upper limb?
the median cubital vein links the cephalic and basilic veins
What do arteries become as they become thinner walled?
postcapillary venules