Blood supply and Ventricles Flashcards
Blood flows into the brain
Main artery supplying blood to rostral part of brain
Internal carotid artery
Main arteries supplying blood to more ventral/caudal parts of brain like brainstem, and cerebellum
Vertebral arteries
Global aphasia and paralyzed on right side of body
Blockage of middle cerebral artery
Circle of Willis
Surrounds optic chiasm
Vertebral arteries
Meet at the midline along the ventral surface of the pons
Called the basilar artery
Top of basilar artery
Blood flowing up from vertebral artery flows into
Posterior cerebral artery which supplies blood to rest of cortex
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery PIC(communicating)A
Supplies blood to posterior parts of the cerebellum
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery AICA
CSF is in…
Ventricles and around the brain
Dura matter
tough collagenous membrane, firmly attached to the inner surface of the skull
Thin layer that follows the contours of the brain
Thin layer of cells attached to dura
In the subarachnoid space, strands of collagen connective tissue called trabeculae extend into pia forming a scaffolding that holds the brain in place
Subarachnoid space
Subarachnoid space contains CSF as well as arteries that supply blood to the brain
Dura matter separates into two
One along surface and other down into longitudinal fissure (b/w 2 hemispheres)
Separation of dura matter
Falix cerebri
CSF flows out through little opening
Superior sagittal sinus
Separation of two leaflets form a triangular tube
Superior sagittal sinus
Venous blood flows in caudally and converges with straight sinus at the confluence of the sinuses in the back of the brain and ultimately leaves the skull throught internal jugular vein
Brian contains network fluid-filled spaces called ventricles
CSF produced in the ventricles by spcialized tissue called choroid plexus
Lateral ventricle
anterior, posterior and inferior ventral horns
How to lateral ventricles connect to the 3rd ventricles
foramen of Monro
Connected to the 4th ventricle by…
Aqueduct of Sylvius (Cerebral aquaduct)
Foramen of Lushka and Foramen of Magendie
CSF flows out of the 4th ventricle through lateral and caudal openings called
Arachnoid villi
Superior sagittal sinus , valve-like structures that CSF flows into
Arachnoid granulations
Villi cluster to form macroscopically visible structures