_______ refers to the force exerted by blood against the walls of your arteries. Every time your heart beats, it sends blood through the arteries, which distribute it throughout your body. This process occurs ______ to ______ times per minute, around the clock. The ______ are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to your entire body, ensuring it functions properly.
Blood pressure, 60, 100, arteries
Blood pressure can be measured using a ______ and a ______. First, wrap an inflatable cuff around the arm. Then inflate the cuff, causing it to gently tighten around the arm. The cuff is equipped with a gauge that measures the blood pressure. As you slowly release the air from the cuff, you will need to listen to the pulse with a stethoscope, The ______ is the first sound heard as the air is slowly released while the ______ is the point at which the tapping sound completely disappears.
sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure
The first number, ______ blood pressure, indicates the pressure exerted by your blood against your artery walls when the heart beats.
The second number, ______ blood pressure, measures the pressure against your artery walls while the heart muscle is at rest between beats.
______ is defined as the difference between the systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure. It also assesses ______, which refers to the arteries’ ability to constrict and dilate to effectively circulate blood and meet the body’s activity demands.
Pulse pressure, cardiovascular compliance
The ______ pressure is often prioritized, particularly in older adults, due to its association with risks like stroke and heart attack. On the other hand, the ______ pressure is important for understanding overall vascular resistance.
systolic, diastolic
______ refers to the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of the arteries.
Blood pressure
Methods of Measurement for Blood Pressure:
Palpatory Method
Auscultatory Method
Oscillometric Method
Methods of Measurement for Blood Pressure:
______ - involves palpation of the radial pulse and noting the pressure at which it returns, after it has been obliterated by elevation of the pressure in the cuff above the pressure in the brachial artery. This is accomplished by a slow reduction of the pressure in the cuff by manipulation of a controllable leak valve. This method is not used extensively for several reasons. In the first place, only the ______ can be determined, and, in general, it is inaccurate being too low by approximately ______ mm. of mercury. The method is useful, in part at least, in assuring that, by the absence of the radial pulse, the brachial pulse is exceeded, a point that cannot always be settled by the auscultatory method.
Palpatory method, systolic pressure, 5-10
Methods of Measurement for Blood Pressure:
______ - pressure is raised above that of the brachial artery as controlled by palpation of the radial pulse, and then is gradually lowered while a stethoscope is applied over the artery at the band of the elbow. As the pressure is lowered, a series of sounds called the ______ sounds, are heard. The first is a clear, sharp napping sound, the appearance of which is taken as the ______, that is the breakthrough of the pulse wave. This sound signals the state of phase 1, becomes louder, and is followed by phase 2, during which the sound becomes swishing character. Phase 3 appears when the sound again increases in intensity. Phase 4 ushered in as the sound is suddenly reduced in intensity and becomes muffled. The beginning of phase 4 is commonly taken as the ______. As the pressure is further lowered, the sound disappears altogether. This signals the fifth phase.
Factors maintaining pulse pressure:
- pumping action of the heart
- peripheral resistance
- amount of blood in the arteries
- viscosity of blood
- elasticity of the arterial walls
Factors normally affecting arterial blood pressure:
- Time of the day
- Bodily movements and exercise
- Pain
- Position
- Emotional stress
- Age of the individual
- Built of the individual
Blood pressure is least when taken in the ______, and goes up as the day goes on.
In the older group, the blood pressure is usually ______ as compared to younger individuals, most probably, due to the frequency of ______ in the older age group.
higher, arteriosclerosis
Those of ptotic build have a ______ pressure level than the pyknic type.
A rise in the ______ pressure is considered more significant than a rise in ______ pressure, since the ______ pressure is a reflection of the peripheral resistance and the change in the elasticity of the arterial walls.
diastolic, systolic, diastolic