blood health Flashcards
vascular health entails
blood related things: blood volume, RBC, coagulation
2. Vascular flexibillity
whole blood
plasma - ECF - carries h20, electrolytes, protein
red blood cells: sacks of HB - ICF
platelets and white blood cells: platelets are for clotting and white blood cells are for immune system
norma blood volume
low blood volume
to find proportion of blood
divide the part by the whole
high blood volume
excess red blood cells
RBC proportion of total blood volume
45% is normal
blood volume: can be normal
plasma volume: normal unless stated
hematocrit: low
dehydration causes
blood volume: hypo
plasma volume: hypo
hematocrit : normal
blood doping
blood volume: hyper
plasma volume: normal
hematocrit: greater than 45% (high)
blood doping
what are RBC
sacks of hemoglobin
protein with iron
RBC live for
120 days
what do RBC use to survive
-no nucleus or mitochondria
RBC function
to deliver oxygen
bioenergetics make atp
hemoglobin and myoglobin function
transport O2
gets o2 from the lungs is transported in the blood to working tissues and is handed off to myoglobin in the muscle
- 4 subunits - each subunit has an iron
delivers O2 to the mitochondria from the ETC
- 1 sub unit
co2 does not bind to iron but to
the protein of hemoglobin
O2 binds to
acid base buffer
hemoglobin can buffer h ions
RBC are made in
red marrow inside bones
how are RBC made
erythropoiesis - taking red marrow and making it a mature RBC
genetically determined anemia
sickle cell anemia
nutrient deficiency related anemia
megaloblastic anemia (hypochromic)
microcytic and hypochromic anemia
megaloblastic anemia (macrocytic anemia)
large immature red blood cells
cant make enough DNA
o2 capacity is lower
- RBC get stuck in metaphase which makes them large immature red blood cells
megaloblastic anemia nutrient causes
deficiences in folate, b6, b12
pernicious anemia
causes only by a deficiency in B12
microcytic and hypochromic
low chromic darkness (small pale red blood cells)
- cant make hemoglobin
o2 capacity lower
inability to make hemoglobin
microcytic and hypochromic nutrient causes
deficiencies in iron or protein
components of a clot
fibrinogens and fibrins
purpose of clotting
to stop bledding
anticoagulants - aka blood thinners
- warfin - reduce the ability to clot and decrease vitamin Ks ability to work
- when on blood thinner - you need to regulate your vitamin K intake to so that it is even across all days
vitamin K helps produce
cardiovascular system is dependent on 1.
- our blood vessels’ ability to dilate and constrict
- helps regulate blood pressure
- helps delivery of more O2 and nutrients during exercise
cardiovascular system is dependent on 2.
inflexibility wont allow dilation and constriction
- inflammation - CRP
- oxidative stress
c-reactive protein
blood marker for obesity
- accumulation of plaque buildup in arteries
- initiated by vessel injury
- oxidation of cells lining vessels - propagated by high LDL, Low HDL
- high LDL increase of them becoming oxidized
- oxidized LDLs
- hardening of plaque
- free radicals and ROS
oxidize things
- including cells lining vessels - membranes
- including LDLs`
lower homocysteine =
lower risk of damage caused by oxidation
prevention of athterosclerosis
manage inflammation
higher quality diet
no smokinh
exercise - lowers CRP levels
folate associated with
megaloblastic anemia
what converts homocysteine to cystine (vascular inflexibility)
folate (naturally occuring)
folate food sources
fortified enriched flours (cereals, baked goods), green leafy vegetables
man made folate is called
folic acid
B12 anemia
megaloblastic - pernicious anemia
- if no IF then lowering bioavailablity
b12 is made in
stomach walls
intrinsic factor made in
b12 deficiency caused by
atrophic gastritis - injures stomach walls
reduced nutrient intake
food sources of B12
dairy and meat
nutritional yeast
iron anemia
microcytic hypochromic anemia
iron availability is influenced by many factors
- antinutrients - phytates
- type of iron - heme or non heme
- vitamin c - increases bioavailblity
food sources of iron
red meat, enriched pasta, spinach, lentils
- coagulation
- bone health
vitamin K and food sources
coagulation - k1 or k2
food sources - green veggies, leafy greens, kale, broccoli
fat soluble