blood(cardiovascular system) Flashcards
fluid that transports oxygen, nutrients, & hormones to cells & carries away carbon dioxide and other waste
what does blood assist with?
-pH regulation
-immune system
what does blood consist of ?
-plasma (water + protein + other solutes
-formed elements (red&white blood cells, platelets
in the plasma…
-proteins help with transport molecules (albumin, alpha&beta globulins)
-help with immune response(gamma globulins)
-help with blood clot formation(fibrinogens)
Formed element?
-Erythrocytes(RBC) make up 99.9%
-Platelets are fragments important for clotting
Hematocrit value?
hematocrit=formed element/whole blood
Erythrocytes(Red blood cell)
-mature cells lack nuclei and most other organelles since main purpose it to transport oxygen/gas
-Metabolism is anaerobic catabolism of glucose
-packed with protein called hemoglobin
- is 2 alpha and 2 beta subunits
-1 hemoglobin = 4 hemes
-process of making blood cells(occur in bone marrow)
-Through a process called erythropoiesis(only for RBC)
erythropoiesis ?
-process of making red blood cells
1)hemocytoblast (blood stem cell) differentiate into proerythroblast
2)Proerythroblast become erythroblasts
3)Erythroblasts matures into erythrocytes
Less than normal RBC Count?
anemia, will become hypoxemia(low blood oxygen, oxygen deprivation)
Too many RBCs?
-outcome=blood becomes too viscous, too much strain on heart&vessels, may lead to heart attack/stroke
-Kidney release glycoprotein hormone erythropoietin
ABO antigens?
-determine your blood type
-cross reaction will occur if donor is non-self blood type, leads to agglutination and cells are destroyed, called hemolysis
Rhesus(Rh) antigens ?
–determine your blood type
-surface antigen
-either Rh+ or Rh-
-exposure to Rh+ blood lead to development of antibodies
-The second exposure to Rh antigens would then lead to agglutination
-WBC have nuclei and normal organelles
-two functions, defense against disease and recycling old/dead cells
Type A blood has?
-anti B, only takes A or O
Type B blood has?
-anti A, only takes B or O
Type AB blood?
-No antibodies, can take all blood types
Type O blood has?
-Universal donor BUT is anti A and anti B, only takes O
-types of leukocyte
-50-70% of all WBC
-kill and digest bacteria (phagocytosis)
-types of leukocyte
-kill parasites
-involved in allergic response
-types of leukocyte
-involved in allergic response
-release histamines
Lymphocytes (T and B cells)
-types of leukocyte
-help fight viruses
-make antibodies
-mostly found in lymphoid tissue
Natural killer cells(NK cells)
-types of leukocyte
-detect and destroy abnormal cells