Blood Bank - Week 2 (Blood components) Flashcards
Whole blood
Helps restore volume
CPDA-1 stored 35 days at 1-6C
Dosage for adult = increase hct by 3% and hgb by 1 g/dl
RBC only
CPDA-1 stored 35 days at 1-6C
Dosage for adult = increase hct by 3% and hgb by 1 g/dl
RBC-LR (leukocytes reduced)
Used for febrile reactions
CPDA-1 stored 35 days at 1-6C
Dosage for adult = increase hct by 3% and hgb by 1 g/dl
Deglycerolized RBC
Saline removed and replaced with glyerol to preserve cells at -65C for 10 years, thawed to 1-6C then only good for 24 hrs
Usually rare antigens/phenotypes
Dosage = increase hct by 3% and hgb by 1 g/dl
FFP (fresh frozen plasma)
Prepared and frozen within 8 hours from draw
Given to pts deficient in labile/stable coag factors
Stored -18C for 1 year, thawed 1-6C then used within 24 hrs
FP24/PF24RT24 (frozen plasma)
FP24 = frozen within 24 hrs of draw
PF24RT24 = prepared and held at room temp up to 24 hrs after draw
Given to pts defective in non-labile coag factors/plasma proteins
Stored -18C for 1 year, thawed 1-6C than used within 24 hrs
Cold insoluble precipitate form thawed FFP
Given to pts with bleeding (hemophilia, von Willebrand’s)
Stored -18C for 1 year, thawed to RT used withing 6 hrs (4 if pooled)
Plasma Cryo Reduced
Plasma residual from cyroprecipitate, refrozen within 24 hrs of thawing
For pts missing clotting factors other than Factor 8, 13, and vWF
Stored -18C for 1 year then thawed 1-6C used within 5 days
Platelets (PLT, PLC, SDP, PP)
Thrombocytes to stop bleeding
Given to pts with low platelet count/function abnormality
Stored 20-24C for up to 5 days
Given 1 platelet conc. bag per 10kg body weight (usually 5-6 or 1 single donor)
Increases platelet by 5,00-10,000/uL, platelet pheresis increase by 30,000-60,000
Contains concentrated leukocytes
Given to pts with neutropenia (low WBC’s)
Stored 20-24C, transfused ASAP up to 24 hrs
Irradiated Components
Stops proliferation of WBC’s (prevents graft-vs-host in pts with immunodeficiency)
Expires 28 days from irradiation, not more than original expir date
Stored at original temp of component
PRT (Pathogen Reduction Technology)
Treats platelets and plasma, reduce infectious levels
Viruses (CMV, Hep, HIV, WNV), Bacteria (E coli, S aueus, K pneumonia), Parasites (chagas, babesiosis, maleria), WBC (alternative to irradiation)
PAS (Platelet Additive Solution)
Crystalloid nutrient media, replaces some plasma in platelet component
Lower risk for allergic transfusion reaction
What is checked in physical exam before donation?
Blood pressure, Hgb
Immediate Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (IHTR)
Immediate (1-2 hours), RBC’s destroyed, hgb released
Under anesthesia = hemoglobinuria, abnormal bleeding at surgical site, hypotension
Most common antibodies for IHTR
ABO imcompatible IHTR within minutes
Most common antibodies = Anti-A, anti-Kell, anti-Jka, anti-Fya
Signs and symptoms for IHTR intra and extravascular
Intra = fever w/out chills, oliguria, anuria, sustained hypotension, coagulopathy Extra = fever, chills, jaundice, anemia, decreased haptoglobin
Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (DHTR)
Anamnestic (secondary) response to transfusion 3-7 days later
Primary alloimmunization = no past history of pregnancy, transfusion, or transplant
Signs and symptoms for DHTR
Mild fever with chills, jaundice, fatigue, short of breath
Most common antibody for DHTR
Febrile Non-hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (FNHTR)
Very rare, 1C rise in temp associated with transfusion w/ no medical explanation
Caused by HLA’s against donor white cells (shouldn’t happen in Leuko reduced RBC’s)
Allergic (urticarial) Transfusion Reaction
Histamine mediated allergic reaction to blood
Hives, swelling, itching, maybe fever
Treat/pre-treat with anti-histamine or use washed RBC’s (no plasma)
Anaphylactic and Anaphylactoid Reaction
Can be mild (hives, itching) to shock and death
Sudden onset, treat with epinephrine
Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)
Anti-leukocyte antibodies in plasma of donor or patient
Lung capillary damage (edema, fluid in lungs, decreased gas exchange), chills, fever, cyanosis, respiratory distress
Give leuko reduced blood
Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload (TACO)
Unit transfused too fast
Tachycardia, hypertension, coughing, chest pain, headache
Treat with diuretics or therapeutic phlebotomy
Bacterial Contamination Reaction
Endotoxin produced by bacteria in blood able to grow in cold temp
Pseudomonas, E coli, Y ecterocolitica
Physically or Chemically Induced Transfusion Reactions (PCITR)
Physical damage to RBC’s (lysis, heat, freeze), mechanical damage (blood pumps, pressure)
Facial numbness, chills, nausea, twitching, arrhythmia