Blood Bank Other Blood Group Ag/Ab Flashcards
M and N antigens
Well developed at birth, M+N+ is heterozygous, easily destroyed by enzyme
Naturally occurring, cold reacting, most are IgG some are IgM, do not bind complement, usually no HDFN
Cold reactive, IgG or IgM, does not bind complement, clinically significant at 37C
S and s
Well developed at birth, less easily destroyed by enzyme
Anti-S and anti-s
Usually not naturally occurring, IgG, reactive at 37C, may bind complement and cause hemolytic transfusion rxn
P1 antigen
Found on RBC’s, WBC’s, and epithelial cells, strength in adults varies, deteriorates on stored cells (can cause false neg)
Naturally occurring, IgM, cold reacting, rarely causes hemolytic transfus rxn, no HDFN, crossmatch at warm temp with AHG is acceptable
I and i antigens
I is found in all adults, i in babies (converts later)
Naturally occurring, cold, IgM auto-antibody
Allo anti-I is IgM or IgG, adults with i phenotype, have to transfuse with other adult i blood
Auto antibody, rare, IgM, cold reacting, not very strong
Kell antigens
Kell, cellano, Kpa, Kpb, Jsa, Jsb
Well developed in cord cells, highly immunogenic (K is 2nd to D), not destroyed by enzyme
Most common other than ABO and Rh, not naturally occurring, usually IgG, can bind complement
Anti-Kpa, anti-Jsa
Rare because of low antigen frequency
Anti-k, anti-Kpb, anti-Jsp
Rare because almost everyone has antigen
Duffy antigens
Well developed on cord cells, destroyed by enzymes
Anti-Fy(a) and anti-Fy(b)
Not usually seen alone but seen with another antibody, usually IgG, may bind complement, enhanced with LISS, destroyed by enzyme, clinically significant
Kidd antigens
Well developed on cord cells, rarely causes HDFN but can, not very immunogenic, enhanced by enzymes
Anti-Jk(a), anti-Jk(b)
Often shows dosage, can fall below detectable limit, reactive with AHG, may bind complement, clinically significant
Lutheran antigens
Lu(a) very low, Lu(b) very high
Ag expression varies in adults, can be on WBC’s, poorly developed in cord cells, adult levels not reached until 15
Seldom seen due to low Ag frequency, IgM, likes room temp, naturally occuring, may bind complement, variable rxn with enzyme, not clinically significant
Seldom seen due to high Ag frequency, IgG, likes 37C, may show dosage, may bind complenent, variable rxn with enzymes, clinically significant
Lewis antigens
Made by tissue cells and secreted into body fluids (soluble), absorbed onto RBC membrane, phenotype changes during pregnancy and in infants
Lewis antibody
Naturally occurring, IgM, not clinically significant, agglutination is fragile, enhanced by enzymes, use IgG AHG for crossmatch