Blood Bank Exam 2 Flashcards
Antibodies that commonly cause hemolysis
α-Le, α-P
Antibodies that commonly cause mixed-field reactions
α-Lu, α-Sd
Antibodies you don’t have to rule out
Cw, V, Kpa, Jsa, Xga, Lua
What antibodies require two homozygous rule-outs?
Kidd Group (Jka and Jkb)
95% Confidence in rule-outs/ins requires
3 antigen pos that all agglutinate, 3 antigen neg that all do not agglutinate
Antigen negative units are not usually required for
α- M, N, P1, Lea, Leb, Lua
How many bags do you need to pull? (Formula)
Units required / % of Compatible Units
α-A1 Lectin is from
Dolichos biflorus
α-H Lectin is from
Ulex europaeus
α-N Lectin is from
Vicia graminea
α-Tn Lectin is from
Salvia sclarea
What can be the result of two cell populations in a patient (such as after a transfusion)?
Mixed Field reaction
Enzyme Treatment Enhances
Rh, Kidd, Lewis, P, I
Enzyme Treatment Destroys
MN Group, Duffy
Common Enzyme Treatments
- Ficin
- Papain
- Bromelin
- Trypsin
Temperature Elution Techniques
- Landsteiner Heat Elution
- Lui Freeze-Thaw Elution
Adsorption Techniques can help to
Remove auto-antibodies and reveal hidden allo-antibodies
REST Adsorption
Helps remove α-I, α-IH, and α-H (Great to deal with cold auto)
Neutralization Techniques
Soluble Antigen (Reagent) + Patient Serum Containing Antibody, neutralizes antibody by occupying binding site
P1 Substance comes from
Hydatid Cysts and Pigeon Eggs
Lewis, Chido, Rogers Substances come from
Sda Substance comes from
Dithiothreitol (DDT) Reagent
Inactivates Kell antigen and denatures IgM
ZZAP Reagent
Inactivates Kell, MN Group, and Duffy Antigens
- Removes sensitized antibody and treats RBCs
Chloroquine Diphosphate (CDP) Reagent
Inactivates Bg and weakens Rh antigens
Aminoethylisothiouronium bromide (AET) Reagent
Inactivates Yta, Lub, Kell antigens
Consider multiple antibodies if
- Pattern doesn’t fit a just one antibody
- Variation is reaction strengths
- Reactions in different phases (IS vs AHG)