blood Flashcards
a special type of connective tissue where the major component is fluid in the form of blood plasma
medium through which gases, nutrients and waste products of metabolism are transported inside the body.
Mammalian blood is composed of
plasma, cells, platelets
the fluid component of blood
Volume of blood in large domestic animals is
Volume of blood in lab animals
. In domestic mammals, the blood
cells constitute between
32 and 45% blood volume
a low viscous aqueous solution of proteins which contains fibrins
s the liquid that remains after the blood has clotted
plasma when fibrin is removed is called
components of blood
fluid and intercellular substance
second major component of blood.
The most numerous cells in the
circulating blood and appears as pink,
non-nucleated and biconcave disks
rbc or erythrocytes
They have no organelles; merely bags
of hemoglobin that imparts a red color to blood
lofe span of rbc
90-120 days
appearance of rbc in blood smeae
appears as round with a pale center and dark periphery; on lateral view,
appears like a double concave lens with rounded ends and a thin middle part. Maybe crenated and is like
a tiny ball with spikes; or angular due to pressure exerted by neighboring cells in freshly collected blood
rbc in llama
oval and nucleated
how is erythrocyte efficient transporters of gases
biconcave form gives 20%-30% greater surface area than the spherical form
canine rbc lifespan
feline rbc lifespan
equine rbc lifespan
bovine rbc lifespan
ovine rbc lifespan
caprine rbc lifespan
porcine rbc lifespan
how does rbc transport o2 and co2
through hemoglobin which combines with these gases
the residue which becomes iron when the erythrocyte is engulfed and hemoglobin is broken down will contain a pigment called
in stagnant blood, rbc may be overlap in a ____
rouleaux formation
these blood cells are true cells with nuclei and organelles
why is white blood cells not blood cells at all
because they only function and mature after leaving the blood compartment for the connective tissue space
if leukocytes are not blood cells, what are they
connective tissue cells
what is the means of transport of leukocytes
capable of recognizing specific sites in the walls of blood vessels,
the process of leukocytes squeezing thriugh the specific sites in the walls of blood vessels
in diapedesis, the leukocytes uses what form of motion
differentiate granulocytes from agranulocytes
granulocytes have lobulated or segmented nuclei and have inclusions in their cytoplasm while agranulocytes do not have
the most common form of leukocytes in primates, dogs, cats , and horses
other names of neutrophils
polys or PMN (polymorphonuclear leukocyte)
in blood smear, these cells are 9-14 microns, 3-5 lobes of nucleus
the color of specific cytiplasmic granules of neutrophils
light pink to purple
specific granules of neutrophils
nucleus in females show a drumstick appendage which is a female sex chromosome (BArr body)
they might be termed the shock troops of the body’s defense against disease
these cells die as they lyse the invaders and leaves a constiture pus remnants
they are much less common than neutrophils only about 0.5-3% of all wbc
has same diameter or slightly larger than neutrophils (10-14 microns) and its nucleus is bilobed
specific granules of eo
these cells are eosinophilic which stains a broght orange-pink color
these cells are involved in allergic responses
eosinophils are exceptionally larger in what animal
these part of leukocytes are slightly larger than neutrophil’s snd they stain pinkish red in Wright’s smears
eosinophils granules
this staining reaction is the most characteristic means of identifying eosinophils
when its granules stain pinkish red in wright’s smears
eosinophils have been proposed to engage in phagocytosis to
engulf and destroy antigen-antibody compexes produced in humorally based immune reactions
eosinophils chemotactically aggregates in large numbers to sites where antigen-antibody complexes are found like
the ct below a wheal, and the raisd bump where the insect bites
in an h&e stain, they can be mistaken as mast cells
rarest granulocyte
basophils are absent in waht animals
cat, rats, mice
they are as large as neutrophils and the specific granules are large, coarse and deep purple to reddish violet
the granules of basophils contains
histamine and heparin which is produced by basophils
its nucleu is s-shaped and the granules protrudes from the cell, stretch the plasma membrane and obscure the nucleus
as a source of heparin, basophils are involved in ____
regulation of coagulation
since basophils can be mistaken as mast cells, they can be distinguished by
the presence of peroxidase positive granules
the nucleus may be bilobed, segmented , or irregular and they stain with basic, metachriomatic dye
basophil function
certain type of parasitism like heartworm infection in dogs
the most numerous and most important agranulocytes comprising 20-25% of blood cells
3 morphological types of lymphocytes are
medium (10-18)
the morpholigacal type of lymphocyte that is found outside the circulation and mostly in lymphatic organ
large lymphocyte
they can be identified by their very high ratio of nucleus in the cytoplasm and the nucleus is very densely stained and round
the long lived lymphocytes are believed to be _____ involved in longer lasting immunity
memory cells
2 functional types of lympho
t and b cells
they are found in blood circulation but difficult to differentiate from monocytes because they have similar structures
medium lymphocytes
they are quiescent in blood circulation. round cells with a thin rim of bluish cytoplasm
small lymphocytes
where are b cells or b lymphocyte initially produced
in bursa of fabricius in birds
in mammals, where are b cells produced
bone marrow and germinal centers of lymphatic and splenic nodules
they are responsible for humoral immunity
b cells
protects the body against disease by producing antibodies that will neutralize the antigens produced by invading microorganism
b cells
where are t cells initially produced
they populate the paracortical zones of lymphatic nodules and the periarterial zone of splenic corpuscles
t cells
considered as the small lymphocytes in the circulating blood
t cells
responsible fo rthe cell mediated immune response
t cells
once the b cells conront with enemy, it will transform to
plasma cells
they protect the body against disease by transforming
cell mediated immune response
contains toxins harmful to the invading organism
cytotoxic cells
suppress the multiplication of harmful effects of the invading organisms
suppressor cells
identify the same organism in future infections and thus able to combat the disease immediately
memory cells
cell mediated immune response may produce low molecular weight proteins called
lymphokine that causes macrophages to aggregate in defense of the body
macrophage aggregating factor
lymphokine that stimulates lymphocyte to divide
mitogenic factor
lymphokine that prevents replication of viruses
not common in circulating blood, only 5%-8% of all leukocyte
these are phagocyte that become macrophage once they enter the extravascular tissue
the largest of the circulating blood cells, 3 times the size of eruthrocyte
they are 16-25 microns, with kidney shaped nucleus and cytoplasm is blue gray
they are said to have a ground glass appearance due to the presence of fine granules in it or may be vacuolated
cytoplasm of monocyte
these are cytoplasmic fragments of large cells in the bone marrow called megakaryocytes, which are released into the circulating blood
they are membrane-bound, pale blue and round, oval, or spindle shaped
the dark blue granular center of platelet is called
the thin pale blue periphery of platelet
they don’t have nucleus and may clump together
participates in homeostasis or blood clotting-initial blood clot formation
instead of neutrophil, this is present in avian
round, with red rod shaped cytoplasmic granules that are easily dissolved in aqueous media and not seen in blood smears
eosinophil of avain
bilobed or multilobed nucleus and pale blue cytoplasm packed with refractile or transluscent homogenous granules
instead of platelets, avian has
they appear similar but smaller in erythrocytes and occurs in clusters with a dark blue nucleus and pale blue cytoplasm with occasional blue or purple granules
the process of blood cell formation
when the circulating blood cells die, tthey are replaced by____
young cells that differentiatefrom mother stem cells
how is mature cells released to circulating blood
by diapedesis
the formation of blood cells within the bone marrow
medullary hemocytopoiesis
differentiation of blood cells occurs in__
yolk sac (megaloblastic phase)
liver and spleen (hepatosplenic phase)
then red bone marrow takes the role of haemopoiesis (medullary phase)
hematopoietic tissues nd organs in embryo
blood islands of yolk sac
myeloid tissue’lymphatic tissue
hematopoietic tissues nd organs in newborn and growing animals
myeloid tissue and lymphatic tissues and organs
hematopoietic tissues nd organs in mature or old animals
myeloid tissue
lymphatic tissues and organs
hematopoiesis starts with the stem cell called
patterns of developmental changes of blood cells during hematopoiesis
the hematocytoblast undergoes mitosis and dev changes that follow definite patterns or trends for both the erythrocytes and granulocytes
changes in the size of erythrocyte during hematopoiesis
young cells become smaller as they mature
changes in nucleus of erythrocyte during hematopoiesis
become smaller,darker and become basophilic and the nucleoli become less apparent
changes in cytoplasm of erythrocyte during hematopoiesis
become acidophilic due to increase in hemoglobon content
why is the cytoplasm of young rbc basophilic
bec of abundant polyribososmes
changes in the size of the cell of leukocyte during hematopoiesis
become smaller
changes in nucleus of leukocyte during hematopoiesis
become smaller, darker and basophilic and lobed or segemented
changes in cytoplasm of leukocyte during hematopoiesis
bacomes acidophilic and the non specific granules are replace dby specific granulesmi
mitotic activity is high in very young cells but not common in mature cells
read again
types of hematopoiesis
the development and maturation of erythrocytes
lymphopoiesis occurs in
bone marrow and lymphatic tissue
this hematopoiesis is shorter with only 4 stages
4 stages of lymphopoiesis
what happens durimg hemocytoblast stage
the hemocytoblast in yolk sac destined to become lymphocyte leaves the yolk sac and populate the 2 primary lymphatic organ and will divide into daughter cells called lymphoblast
these are the first producers of lymphocyte
the primary lymphatic organ (thymis and bursa of fabricius)
the largest cell in the lymphopoiesis commonly called the large lymphocyte
these have basophilic cytoplasm without granules and large, round vesicular nucleus with one or more prominent nucleoli
the lymphoblast undergoes mitosis and forms 2 daughter ____
also called small lymphocyte
what happens in prolymphocyte stage
t and b lymphocyte leaves the thymus and bursa of fabricius and populate secondary lymphatic organs where they undergo mitosis to produce daughter t and b lymphocytes
what are the secondary lymphocytes
spleen, lymph node and lymphatic nodule
similar but smaller than lymphoblast
also called medium lymphocyte. it matures to become lymhocyte
lymphocyte stage
it occurs only when thymus and bursa of fabricius still exist
when does lymphocytopoiesis stops
upon their involution after pubertal age
neutrophils multiple and mature in
bone marrow
eosinophils are produced in
bone marrow every 3-6 days
t lympho are long lived
b lympho are short lived
read again
life span of neutrophils
10-12 hours
life span of eosinophils
3-6 hours
life span of basophils
10-12 days
life span of t lympho
several months to years
life span of b lympho
less than 1 week
life span of monocytes
16 days on blood
life span of histiocytes
more than 100 days in tissues