block 6: 7. adipocyte and insulin resistance Flashcards
describe importance of remodeling of adipose tissue
fed vs fasting state in adipocytes?
Describe fasted state hormonal regulatio of FFA release from adipocyte?
describe the role of hormone sensitive lipase?
why are hypertrophied adipocytes bad?
where on body is more fat a cardiovascular risk?
which sex has more protective fat?
review triacylglcerol synthesis? 3 enzymes?
describe the hormones that make adipose an endocrine organ?
how are these related to metabolic syndrome?
what are the 6 components of metabolic syndrome at the microscopic level?
what is the central and peripheral role of Leptin?
why is anatomical location important for adipose tissue and risk for diseases?
what does visceral tissue express more of?
Describe roles of PPARs in adipocyte differentiation and function
what drugs are related to these?
how is leptin related?
Identify the different types of adipocytes and
their major physiologic functions
-where do adipocytes come from (which stem cell)
what is the differnce btwn white and brown?
can you make brown from white adipocyte?
-what is histologically related to adipocytes?
how is beige adipocyte made?
what is a defining characteristic of beige?
what anatomical areas have beige/brown fat?
hallmark of obesity?
where do macrophages come into the picture
how is obese adipose tissue bad?
what is lipodystrophy?
what do both of these lead to?
what happens when adipcytes die?
congenital generalized lipodystrophy?
-genetic cause of lipodystrophy? enzyme?
3 types of lipodystrophy?
common phenotype/
how do dyslipidemia and lipodystrophy have a common pathway?
-review this concept???
Define the concept of insulin resistance and indicate the major effects of insulin on the activity of various enzymes in liver, muscle and fat
define the 4 things for metabolic syndrome?
what happens to insulin secretion with insulin resistance?
what cell releases insulin?
what 2 metabolic things trigger insulin release?
3 effects of insulin normally in Liver?
muscle cell?
what does insulin do to HSL?
Enzymes that are dephosphorylated in response to insulin?
which ones are active?
which ones are inactive?
Explain insulin resistant lipid partiioning?
what is the net result?
Explain the major dysfunctional pathways leading to ectopic lipid accumulation in insulin resistance
inuslin resistance is always associated with what 3 things?
effect on liver?
effect on skeletal muscle?
**how does accumulation of lipids lead to impairing insulin signaling?
Describe how inflammatory cytokines and lipid intermediates
impair insulin signaling
-describe insulin signaling pathway
-what SREBP does insulin stimulate?
-at which steps of signaling does lipid accum impair signaling?
what 3 lipid intermediates impair insulin signaling?
-how do these intermeidates impair insulin signaling?
Describe the major pathways dysregulated in insulin resistance in adipocytes (4)
-explain inflammatory cytokine role of
PPAry- what 3 things does it affect?
TNalpha (review it’s role in blocking insulin)
-Explain how insulin resistance leads to dyslipidemia and
increases the risk for cardiovascular disease
- list the 6 clinical clues
- list 3 lipid qualities of dylipidemia in insulin resistance syndrome. *hallmark.
- what type of fat is highly correlated with insulin resistance?