Block 3: 6. Lipid Absorption Flashcards
what are the major classes of dietary lipids (5)
what are their functions?
5 steps of metabolism of dietary lipids?
how do they travel through the stomach and small intestine? and how are they degraded
what’s special abt newborns?
why do they get more hydrophilic?
by the tiem we get to the small intestine, what are the 5 major classes broken down into?
list steps of lipid digestion.
what is key in the duodenum?
- Describe the reactions and name the enzymes involved in digestion of triacylglycerols, cholesterol esters and phospholipids
what isthe difference btwn the 2 types of lipases?
role of lipases? why are these unique?
what degrades TAGs? assisted by what enzyme. what is formed?
what are cholesterol esterases hydrolyzed by? what is formed?
phospholipids? how are they hydrolyzed? what is formed?
what are the primary products of digestion?
what is done with them?
what is next step of digesion?
what important thing helps in this step?
how are TAGs vs cholesterol uptaken by enterocyte?
what re-esterifies TAG?
what takes up cholesterol?
what esterifies cholesterol?
what exports cholesterol?
what else uses this exporter?
2 major ways to decrease cholesterol uptake?
causes of steatorrhea?
describe in the enterocyte, how the acyltransferases work.
what other cell does this happen in?
what is the structure of a lipoprotein
(surface vs core?)
what are the 4 types and
major lipid each type transports
trend in size, density, and ratio of lipid?
what about the 4 classes of LPL in lipohilicity, size, and atherogeniticity
what is the function of apolipoproteins (3)
which ones carry chylomicrons?
which ones carry VLDL?
carry IDL?
carry LDL?
what carries HDL?
where are chylomicrons made?
what do chylomicrons primarily carry?
how are they exported?
what is congential abetalipoproteinemia?
what is MTP?
where is MTP also seen ?
what is the difference btwn a mature and nascent chylomicron?
- Explain the role of lipoprotein lipase and its dietary regulation
-what does it do
-where is it located
-where is it syntehsized?
what does it need to be cleared by the liver when remnant?
-how is it regulated and where during fasted and fed states ?
describe the 2 isoforms?
what is familial type III hyperlipoproteinemia
how are fatty acids stored in adipose tissue and how is this done?
where is another site this is done?
how is it diffrent than in adipose tissue?
Describe the fate of free fatty acids released from chylomicrons in the fed and post-absorptive states
describe exogenous vs endogenous transport of lipids
what is still on the surface of a remnant chylomicron?
how are chylomicrons taken up by the liver?
no more c2
how is VLDL made and exported?
what stimulates VLDL synthesis in liver?
what is on a nascent VLDL?
what does it do with HDL and what enzyme does this?
what lipids conain apoB?