Birds of prey Flashcards
Two types of birds of prey
Longwings- falcons
Shortwings- hawks
often travel hooded
hunt by hover and stop
trained to wait on and fly to a lure
hawks: buzzards, sparrowhawk
‘rough shooting’
Harris hawk
‘weekend hawk’
get attached to owner
can work in a group
Which sex is larger within birds of prey
Housing types for birds of prey
mews and weathering lawn
Feeding birds of prey
day old chicks
prey: rabbit, pigeon, rook
Handling of birds of prey
beware of talons, beak less powerful
restraint by casting
Imping and coping falconry birds
Imping: Cutting a broken or damaged feather and replacing it with an undamaged feather. Imping usually involves cutting the shaft of the bird’s broken feather, trimming a feather that the falconer has on hand to the right length, and the gluing the shaft of the replacement feather to the shaft of the broken feather on the bird.
Coping: To re-shape the bird’s beak into its optimal form; to trim the growth and shape it up.
Hospitalisation of falconry birds
- Need something to perch on
- Have a pair of falconry gloves in building
- Dont put them where they can frighten other patients
- Support feeding
○ Liquid feed
○ Pieces of prey - Remember that owls have no crop
Roundworms in falconry birds
- May be in digestive or respiratory tract
- Most common: ascarids
○ Often in birds housed in aviaries
§ Infective larvae survive up to a year in the environment - Prepatent period 6-8 weeks
Capillaria in falconry birds
Paratenic host
○ Earthworms
○ So often seen in buzzards and kites
May see lesions on tongue, in mouth
VERY hard to kill
○ Try Fenbendazole 25mg/kg sid 5d
○ Re-test faeces
Move aviary!
Other worms in falconry birds
Syngamus trachea
- Confirm before Tx and give antibiotics because of dead worms in respiratory tract
- Rarely cause disease
Trichomoniasis in falconry birds
Feeding pigeons
○ Freeze
○ Remove head/neck
Often seen in rta owls - ‘concussed’
Coccidiosis in falconry birds
Eimeria truncata
Heavily infected birds die due to kidney failure
External parasites of falconry birds
- various flat flies, hippoboscid flies
- all the usual mites found in permanent bird accommodation
Bite wounds in falconry birds
- Squirrels
- Amoxy-Clav
- Always check and dose for long enough
Bumblefoot in falconry birds
- Debride, swab, bandage
- Antibiotics
- Astroturf perching
Wing tip oedema in falconry birds
- Factors
○ Cold and damp
○ Ground or low tethered - Symptoms
○ Wet and foul smell
○ Discoloured skin and feather loss
○ Loss of wing function - Treatment (emergency)
○ Must be caught early
○ Antibiotics, pain relief, anti-inflammatories, vascular promoters (peripheral dilators) - Prognosis guarded to poor
Poisons of falconry birds
- Illegal poisoning of bait
- bacon
Sour crop/impacted crop of falconry birds
- An emergency
○ The bird gets very sick very fast- Empty the crop
○ May require ingluviotomy
○ (Surgical empyting of crop) - Start iv fluids
- Empty the crop
Aspergillosis of falconry birds
- Poor environment
○ Most falconers aware of the problem- Gravel floors in mews are good
○ Can be hosed regularly - Aviary may be even better
○ Depending on substrate
- Gravel floors in mews are good