Biotechnology and its Applications Flashcards
3 critical research areas of biotechnology
- Providing the best catalyst
- Creating optimal conditions for catalyst to act
- Downstream processing technologies to purify organic compound
Options for increasing food production
- Agro-chemical based
- Organic
- Genetic engineering
Green revolution succeeded in ________ the food production
Genetically modified crop buffs
- Tolerance to abiotic stresses
- Reduced reliance on pesticides
- Reducing post harvest losses
- Increased efficiency of mineral usage
- Enhanced nutritional value
Golden rice is
Vitamin - A enriched rice
GMs have been used to produce alternative resources such as
Starches, fuels, pharmaceuticals
The bt gene has been applied successfully to
Cotton, corn, rice, tomato, potato, soyabean
Bt toxin protein exists as
Inactive protoxin
Inactive bt toxin is converted to active toxin by
Alkaline pH of insect gut which dissolves the crystals
Activated bt toxin binds to
Surface of midgut epithelial cells and creates pores, which causes swelling and lysis and eventual death of the insect
Bt toxin is coded by gene
cry1Ac named cry
Cotton bollworm control genes
cry1Ac and cry2Ab
Corn borer control genes
Nematode which infects roots of tobacco plant
Meloidegyne incognita
Strategy adopted to prevent infestation of Meloidegyne incognita in tobacco plants
RNA interference (RNAi)
RNAi takes place in
All eukaryotic organisms as a method of cellular defence
In RNAi, silencing of a specific mRNA occurs due to
Complementary dsRNA that binds to and prevents translation of mRNA molecule (silencing)
Transposons are
Mobile genetic elements that replicate via an RNA intermediate
Source of complimentary RNA in RNAi could be
From infection by viruses having RNA genome or from transposons
Worldwide, ______ recombinant drugs have been approved for human use
In India, _______ recombinant drugs are being marketed
Insulin was earlier extracted from
Pancreas of slaughtered cattle and pigs
Insulin consists of
2 short polypeptide chains - chain A and chain B
Chain A and chain B are linked together by
Disulphide bridges