Biotechnology Flashcards
Produced or existing in nature
Artificial selection (selective breeding )
Individuals with the desirable traits are mated to produce offspring with those traits (ex.dogs-same genus and species but they look different )SPECIFIC TRAITS ARE SHOWN
Artificial selections of wild mustard
By selecting different parts of the plant to accentuate,breeders have obtained these varieties. (Broccoli cabbage kale cauliflower kohlrabi )
What is hybridization ?
Crossing two individuals with different desirable traits to produce offspring with a combination of both traits(diff specie or trait!)
Hybridization in cows
Ex: Santa Gertrudis cattle-cross between English shorthorn cattle(good beef) and Brahman cattle from India (highly resistant to heat and humidity)
Hybridization in potatoes
Burbanks hybrid crosses combined the disease resistance of one part of one plant with the food producing capacity in another
Male lion with female tiger
Male tiger with female lion
Benefits of selective breeding
Produce crop resistant to disease and are bigger. Produce animals that have less fat and seedless fruits
Pros of selective breeding
Obtains favorable characteristics in offspring (strength size color hardiness and temp)
Cons of selective breeding
Results are not guaranteed (variation in meiosis and sexual reproduction ), selectively breeding for certain traits may overtime lead to problems with other traits , cause sterility
Selective breeding of closely related organisms
Risk of inbreeding
Recessive disorders are more likely to be expressed , an increase disease that occurs when the offspring receivers a “bad” gene from each parent, greater chance of recessive alleles being expressed (disease)
Inbreeding pros
Unusually used when numbers of available organisms are small
Inbreeding cons
Much higher chance is recessive alleles being expressed ,may cause disease such as hemophilia and lead to sterility
Examples of inbreeding
Hip dysplasia in German shepherds (pure breed ) sterility in an inbred plant
What are GMOs?
Any organism that has acquired one or more genes by artificial means, said to be transgenic , contains DNA from different species
What are benefits of genetically modified plants and animals?
GM plants can produce natural pesticides , increase vitamins control, to make food last longer or resist the cold
Pigs that glow
Green fluorescent protein(GFP) gene from jelly fish have been put into pigs, advancement have made it possible to target gene expression in eyes cells only, genes for other pigments have been introduced into animal cells
HGH(human growth hormone)
By adding the gene for HGH to a mouse the size with greatly increase
GM Salmon
Two salmon can be the same age and GM salmon can grow twice the rate,more difficult to genetically modify animals than plants, growth increase is food increase , greater risk natural population if GM salmon escape to wild
Golden rice
Genetically modified to contain nutrients called beta carotene in daffodils
GM Corn
Genes from bacteria this produce natural pesticide
Risk of GMO
The creation of allergies, fear of long term effect
GMO viruses
Good- can be used to make vaccines Bad- can be used in biological warfare
Get desired trait faster, can combine diff species , once in sex cells passed to next generation
Dk long term effects, can be harmful, may cause allergy, may be hard to find/isolate gene
DNA Technology
The branch of biotechnology where scientists actually manipulate(alter) the genomes of organisms at the molecular level
Made by human work
Why would altering DNA affect our traits?
DNA codes for the protein that determines our traits
A way to get genes from one organism into another (ex.bacterial plasmids and viruses )
Bacterial chromosome vs human chromosome
Bacterial chromosomes are circular while humans are x shaped
Bacteria have plasmids
Plasmids are circular DNA molecules that are found in some bacteria . Scientists alter the genetic instructions found in the plasmids and use them as vectors
How do bacteria reproduce?
Asexual reproduction
Genetic engineering
Scientist can target and identify a gene, cut the desired gene with restriction enzymes, the gene is combined with the DNA of another organism(gene splicing), the recombinant DNA is inserted into the cell of another organism
What is gene splicing ?
When a gene is combines with the DNA of another organism
What is the new DNA called after gene splicing?
Recombinant DNA
What is the end result of genetic engineering?
A genetically engineered organism,GMO,transgenic
Applications of genetic engineering(example)part 1-4
Scientists genetically alter the DNA of bacteria to produce human proteins like insulin
Restriction enzymes part1
DNA is removed from the human cell and insulin gene is cut with this
Restriction enzymes part2
Plasmids is removed from a bacterial cell and is cut with this same enzyme
Recombinant DNA part3
Insulin gene and bacterial plasmid are spliced together, the new DNA is inserted into bacterial cells
Asexual reproduction part4
Bacteria undergo this and are capable of creating insulin