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A-Level AQA Psychology
> Biopsychology AO3 > Flashcards
Biopsychology AO3 Flashcards
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A-Level AQA Psychology
(99 decks)
Paper 1
Social Influence
Informational Social influence
Authoritarian personality
Resistance to social influence
Minority Influence & Social change
Types of Long-ter memory
Multi-store model
EWT and Anxiety
improving eye witness testimony
Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation
Explanations for attachment: Learning theory
Explanation of attachment: Bowlby's theory
Cultural variations in attachment.
The influence of Early attachment
Romanian orphan studies: Effects of instituionalisation
Attachment (MQ)
Definitions of Abnormality
Abnormality AO1
The behavioural approach to treating phobias
The behavioural approach to explaining phobias
The biological approach to explaining OCD
The biological approach to treating OCD
Approaches in psychology
Paper 2
The Origins of Psychology
The behaviourist approach
Plasitcity and Recovery of the brain
The nervous system
Lateralisation, Split Brain Patients, Plasticity
Authoritarian personality 8 marker
The Biological approach
Neuron structure and Function
Biological Rhythms
Behaviourist Approach
Data handling and Analysis
Observational Techniques
Situational variables affecting obidence
Comparison between the biological and behaviourist approach
Minority influence 6 marker
Paper 3
Issues and Debates Y13
Idiographic and Nomothetic approach
Biological Explanation for gender
Biological treatments of Schizophrenia
Biological explation for Schizophrenia : Neural Correlates
Outline and evaluate drug therapies in the treatment of schizophrenia. 16 marks
Psychological therapies for schizophrenia
Psychological explanation for schizophrenia
Cognitive therapy
Family Therapy
Outline and evaluate family dysfunction explanations of schizophrenia. 16 Marks
Describe and evaluate Kohlberg's explanation for gender development [16]
Kohlberg's theory
Gender Schema Theory
Research methods
Statistical testing
Interferential testing
Everything for the Psychology lesson on Monday
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research method questions
Research methods (Mock)
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Neural and Hormal influences of Agression
Genetic factors in agression
Media influences of aggression
Explanations of media influences
Humanistic approach
The psychodynamic approach.
Nature & nuture
Variables affecting conformity
Minority influence
Short term and long term memory
Legitimate authority and agent state
Resistance to social influence
Situational variables affecting obedience
Short term and long term memory
The multi-store model of memory
The Working memory
improving eye witness testimony
Caregive-infant interactions in humans: Reciprocity and interactional synchrony
The development of attachment
Accurarcy of eyewitness testimony: Misleading information
Explanations for forgetting: Interference
Explanations for forgetting: Retrieval failure
Conformity to social roles
Biopsychology AO3
Locaisation of function
Synaptic transmission
Token economy and the managment of Z
Cognitve explanations of gender development: Gender schema theory