Biological Explanation for gender Flashcards
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The biological differences between males and females including chromosomes, hormomes an anatomy.
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The psychological and cultural differences between males an females including attitudes,behaviours and social roles
Sex-role stereotypes
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A set
A set of beliefs and preconceieved ideas about what is expected or appropraite for males and females in a given society
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Displaying a balance of masculine and feminine characteristics in one’s personality
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affects Development
A sex hormone that affects the development of genitalia and the puberty male secondary sex characteristics.
All humans have testosterone but it typically occurs in greater quantities in males bodies
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A hormone produced in the pituitary gland that is thought to promote feelings of bonding and calmness. In natal women it initiates lacation for breastfeeding.
Taylor et al (2003)
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A sex hormone that affects the development of female secondary sex characteristics. Occurs in greater quantities in female bodies.
Sex chromosomes
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The pair of chromosomes that determine an individual’s biological sex. There is usually a direct link between chromosomal sex and external and internal genitalia.
Female = XX Male = XY
Atypical Sex chromosome patterns
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Turner’s syndrome
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Due to an XXY configuration. The individual is born with a penis and develops as fairly normal male. Found in 1 in 1,000 males
Turner’s syndrome
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Due to an XO configuration, meaning the second sex chromosomes is early or completely missing. Occur in 1 in 2,000 females at birth.
4 Physical characteristics of Turner syndrome (In Women)
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Lower & Webber
- Do not have menstrual cycle
- Do not have breasts
- Lower set of ears and webber neck
- High waist to hip ratio
4 Physical characteristics of Klinefelter’s Syndrome
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Femine characteristics
- Reduced body hair when compared to an XY male
- Some breast development at puberty
- Undeveloped genitals
- Also susceptible to health problems that are commonly found in females such as breast cancer
Psychological characteristics of Turner’s syndrome
Trigger Words:
- Performance S,V,M & MA
- Socially
- Trouble relat
- Experience
- Performance on spatial, visual, memory and mathematical tasks is often lower than average.
- Tend to be socially immature
- Have trouble relating to their peers
- Experience difficulties fitting in
4 Psychological characteristics of Klinefelter’s syndrome (Male)
Trigger Words:
- Poor developed language skills and reading ability
- Tend to be passive and shy
- May not respond well to stressful situations
- Likeluy to have problems with ‘executive functions eg memory and problem solving
AO3 Evaluation and Discussion
AO3 Evaluation
4 to remember for The role of chromosomes and hormones In Sex and Gender
Biological determinism
The importance of other factors
The role of culture and social influences
Real-world applications
Biological Determinism.
Supported by Reiner and Gearhart (2004)
John Money (1972)
Out of
- Reported that, out of 14 ‘intersex’ males raised as females, 8 had reassinged themselves by age 16.
- David reimer is similar: his penise was damaged and lead his family to being raised as female but was unhappy and transitioned to male.
Link sentence for Biological determinism
This research suggests that biological factors do have a key role in gender development.
The importance of other factors
high levels
Point = Some may argue that genes are not the only factor and that other factors are important too
For example, XX females with cogenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) have usually high level of androgens and may be assigned male gender at birth.
Some people with CAH accept their assinged gender and some do not.
Importance of other factors Link sentence
Thus indicates gender development is in part biological determined (nature), but experience, personality and socialisation (nuture also have a key world
The role of culture and social influences (Nature-nurture interactions)
Batisa family from dominican republic
Imperato-McGinley et al; (1974).
- 4 children were born with external female genitalia and raised as girls
- Large amounts of testosterone produced during puberty = Caused their male genitalia to appear externally.
- Kids were XXY
Explain = It has been suggested that the ease of transition from female to male highlights the importance of culture - in a community prepared to accept fluidity it seemed to be relatively easy to move between roles
- Something that is different in western cultures.
The role of culture and social influences Link sentence
Link = This case not only shows how culture can shape gender development in terms of expectations but also illustrates the powerful effects of testosterone.
Real-world applications
treatment of intersex conditions
Intersex babies
Point = Intersex babies are not now treated surgically until they are older and can decide themselves.
Evidence = if identified at birth turner syndrome can be given growth hormone so they can reach normal height.
Oestrogen replacement therapy helps them develop secondary sexual charactersitics and benefits their heaths and bone health.
Real-world applications
treatment of intersex conditions
Link Sentence
It is useful to identify aytpical chromosome patterns early, so the indivdual can be give hormone treatment.