Biopsychology Flashcards
Name the two main nervous systems and their further subdivisions.
Central Nervous system - Brain and Spinal Cord
Peripheral nervous system - Autonomic NS and Somatic NS
Autonomic - Parasympathetic NS and Sympathetic NS
What are the two main functions of the CNS? What does it do?
Control of behaviour and regulation of the body’s biological processes.
It receives info from other NS’s and sends messages to the muscles and glands of the body.
What does the brain and spinal cord do? What connects them?
Brain: coordinates sensation, intellectual and nervous activity.
Spinal Cord: receives and sends information to and from the brain
Connected by the brainstem.
Name the 4 lobes of the Cerebrum / Cortex and what they do.
Frontal Lobe - Decision making, personality, motor function, problem-solving, thought and attention.
Parietal Lobe - somatosensory area - receives sensory info from skin to produce sensations.
Occipital Lobe - visual info is processed and remembered
Temporal lobe - auditory info processed, memory and language
What does the Limbic system do?
Controls basic emotions and drives.
What does the Cerebellum do?
Coordinates muscular activities.
What is the function of the PNS?
Relay neuronal messages from the CNS to the rest of the body.
What does the Somatic Nervous System do? What is it made up of?
It controls voluntary movement and deals with the external environment. It transmits messages to and from the sense organs and muscles.
Made up of the sensory and motor neuron.
What are the 3 types of neurons and what do they do? What do they look like?
MOTOR NEURON - transmits messages away from the CNS towards organs and muscles. CONTROL MOVEMENT. Long axons and short dendrites.
SENSORY NEURON - carry messages towards the CNS from the senses processed by the PNS. ALLOW SENSATION. Short axons and long dendrites.
RELAY NEURONS - connect other neurons together, allowing communication. Short axons and short dendrites.
How is a signal transmitted through a neuron?
The neuron in resting state is negatively charged. A signal is received by dendrites, temporarily making the cell positively charged, causing an ACTION POTENTIAL which transfers the signal to the cell body and down the axon to the axon terminal.
At the terminal, the electrical signal pushes vesicles containing neurotransmitters towards the membrane, causing it to fuse and release neurotransmitter into the synapse (chemical transmission). Receptors on the post-synaptic neuron receive the neurotransmitter and the signal carries on (electrically).
What does the Autonomic Nervous System do?
Controls involuntary body processes and deals with the internal environment. It transmits and receives information from the internal organs.
What does the Parasympathetic nervous system do?
It restores the body to resting levels - rest and digest. It works in opposition to the sympathetic state.
e.g., Restores saliva production, constricts pupils and bronchi etc.
What does the Sympathetic Nervous system do? How does it do this?
It increases activity, preparing the body for fight or flight.
e.g., increasing heart rate, slowing digestions, dilates pupils etc.
The threat triggers the Hypothalamus to activate the pituitary gland to produce Adrenaline - creating physiological arousal (sympathetic state).
Describe the function of:
- dendrites
- cell body
- axon
- axon terminal
Dendrites - receive impulses from neighboring neurons and carry the signal towards the cell body.
Cell body - contains the nucleus and genetic material of the cell
Axon - carries signal away from cell body down neuron
Axon terminal - where signal has to cross a synapse to next neuron.
What is the purpose of the myelin sheath and the Nodes of Ranvier?
MYELIN SHEATH - fatty layer that surrounds the axon and speeds up the transmission of signal.
NODES OF RANVIER - gaps between the myelin sheath that speed up transmission - allowing signals to jump across gaps.
What does the pituitary gland do?
It controls the release of hormones from all other endocrine glands and so is called ‘mater gland’. It is controlled by the Hypothalamus.
What is the endocrine system?
A network of glands throughout the body that manufactures and secretes hormones. It uses blood vessels to deliver hormones to their target sites.
What is stress??
A physical and psychological response when a person feels like they cannot cope with a stressor.
Describe the SAM system. What does it stand for?
Sympathetic Adrenal Medullary system
Hypothalamus triggers the Sympathetic nervous system which sends signals to the Adrenal Medulla which produces adrenaline which stimulates changes throughout the body. When stressor subsides, the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body to normal resting.
Evaluate the Stress Response. (2+, 2-)
+ Supporting research - people who don’t have adrenal glands cannot produce enough cortisol and need to be given more if stressed to survive.
+ Stress response can be measured accurately and quantitatively. e.g. monitoring levels of hormones and effects (heart rate).
- May not be applicable to all people - e.g. females tend to seek comfort or tend to infants when stressed - ‘tend and befriend’.
- Low temporal validity - less appropriate to modern life.
Name the 4 ways of investigating the brain.
fMRI - brain imaging
EEG (electroencephalogram)
ERP (event related potentials)
Postmortem - not a brain scan
Describe fMRIs - how do they work? What are they used for? Evaluate.
More active areas of the brain need more oxygen so more blood flow. MRI scanner uses magnets to pick up iron in haemoglobin in the blood.
Used for examining structure and function of the brain during tasks.
e.g. taxi drivers have more grey matter in hippocampus compared to controls. Positive correlation between time in job and area of grey matter - Maguire.
+ Risk free and non-invasive
+ High quality images
- Expensive and uncomfortable
- Only measures blood flow
- Poor temporal resolution (approx. 5 seconds)
Describe EEGs - how do they work? What are they used for? Evaluate.
Electrodes placed on the scalp and detect small electrical charges when a neuron changes state from resting to active.
Used for monitoring electrical activity in the brain.
e.g. detecting stages of sleep.
+ Invaluable in diagnosing conditions (like epilepsy) and understanding sleep.
+ High temporal resolution
- Produces very generalised information
- Doesn’t provide a clear image of the brain - just locations of electrodes.
Describe ERPs - how do they work? What are they used for? Evaluate.
A stimulus is presented. All the inconsistent brain activity is filtered out leaving only ERPs (consistent activity that occur just after presenting stimulus). Over repeat tries, if same activity is recorded consistently, it can be argued to be the brain’s processing of that stimulus.
Used for measuring electrical activity in the brain that results from specific stimuli (events).
+ Measures specific activity that relates to a specific task.
+ High temporal resolution.
- Large repetitions often required.
- Difficult to ensure extraneous noise is completely eliminated.
Describe Postmortems - how do they work? What are they used for? Evaluate.
Examining structural damage to the brain after death to establish how damage has lead to specific deficits.
Is usually used on patients who have rare deficits in mental processes or behaviour.
e.g. Broca and Wernicke used PM studies of patients who has language deficits to establish areas of the brain that process language.
+ Vital before neuroimaging.
+ Allows explorations of deeper areas within the brain which might not be possible through some scans.
- Difficult to establish causation.
- So many factors that can affect quality and validity of data - e.g. temporal validity.
What is localisation? Name 5 areas as examples of localisation.
The theory that specific areas of the brain are associated with particular physical and psychological functions.
Motor area, somatosenory area, visual area, auditory area and language areas.
Describe the Motor area.
Located in the FRONTAL LOBE. Controls VOLUNTARY MOVEMENT. Is contralateral. Different parts of the motor cortex controls different parts of the body. These are arranged LOGICALLY - e.g. the region that controls the foot is next to the region that controls the leg.
Describe the sematosensory area.
Located in the PARIETAL lobe of both hemispheres. It is where SENSORY info from the skin is represented. Over half of this area is allocated to receptors for our face and hands. It is contralateral.
Describe the visual area.
Located in the OCCIPITAL LOBE - nerve impulses from the retina travel to areas of the brain via the optic nerve. Also contralateral.
Describe the Auditory area.
Located in the TEMPORAL LOBE of both hemispheres. Auditory information is processed contralaterally. Sound waves are converted to nerve impulses.
Describe the Language Areas.
Only thing processed in ONE HEMISPHERE is language. Processed in the LEFT hemisphere in the majority of people.
BROCA’S AREA - located in the frontal lobe - speech production. Damage to this area can cause BROCA’S APHASIA (speech is slow and non-fluent).
e.g. ‘Tan’ who could only say ‘Tan’.
WERNICKE’S AREA - located in the left temporal lobe - langauge comprehension. Damage to this area can cause WERNICKE’S APHASIA where patients produce nonsense words (fluent but meaningless).
Evaluate Localisation.
+ Case studies - e.g. Phineas Gage
+ Brain scan studies - e.g. Peterson study found Wernicke’s area was active during listening task and Broca’s area was active during a reading task.
- Not all functions appear to be localised - e.g. learning - rat brain parts removed.
- Plasticity of brain - stroke victims recover.
What is plasticity? What is functional recovery?
Plasticity = the brain’s ability to change and adapt (functionally and physically) as a result of experience or learning.
Functional Recovery = a form of plasticity where the brain can adapt and transfer functions usually performed by a damaged area of the brain.
What is synaptic pruning?
Deleting neural connections/pathways which aren’t used and strenghtening those that are used through myelination.
What is the term for:
- transfer of functions to undamaged homologous areas of the brain.
- growth of new neurons/connections to compensate for damage.
Neural Reorganisation
Neural Regeneration
What structural changes occur as part of neural regeneration?
AXONAL SPROUTING - growth of new endings to connect with undamaged nerve cells.
NEURAL UNMASKING - unmasking of dormant synapses can open connections to regions of the brain that are not normally activated.
Reformation of blood vessels.
Evaluate Plasticity. (2+, 1-)
+ Practical Applications - understanding plasticity has lead to neuro-habilitation advancements e.g. motor therapy and electrical simulation to counter deficits following accidents/illness. Successfull in helping many people.
+ Case study - EB - left brain hemisphere removed. At age 17, langauage was excellent - almost completely recovered.
- Plasticity not always helpful - e.g. 60-80% of amputees experience PHANTOM LIMB SYNDROME.
What is lateralisation?
The idea that the 2 halves of the brain are functionally different and certain processes, activities or behaviours are controlled by one hemisphere.
What are unique functions of the two hemispheres of the brain?
Right = face recognition, drawing ability and spatial tasks
Left = Language
What are split brain patients?
A group of people who have had a Corpus Callosotomy - where the Corpus Callosum is severed so that the two hemisperes are separated and don’t communicated with each other.
Usually done to control severe epileptic fits.
What was Sperry’s Study?
AIM: to investigate what functions of the brain are lateralised.
Compared split brain patients to controls on different tasks.
e.g. Visual tasks - a word/picture was presented to the left or right visual field and patient asked about the word/picture.
e.g. Tactile tasks - carried out with hands underneath a screen so P’s couldn’t see - they could only feel.
- VISUAL - if picture shown to right visual field they could easily describe it, but to their left visual field they could not. (contralateral brain functioning).
- RECOGNITION BY TOUCH - if patients shown object to their left and right visual field and asked to pick up the object they could do so with their left hand but not with their right hand.
- DRAWING TASK- picture shown to their left or right visual field and asked to draw it, the drawing was consistently better by left hand, despite being right handed.
- FACE RECOGNITION - p’s shown a picture - left visual field being a woman and the right visual field being a man. They would say man but would point out a woman.
The hemispheres of the brain process information separately and have differing functions - supporting lateralisation.
Evaluate Lateralisation (2+, 1-)
+ Supporting research - Sperry
+ Advantages to having a lateralised brain -e.g. chickens - enhanced ability to find food and stay viligant for predators - Increases neural processing capacity (using only 1 hemisphere to do a task leaves the other free to engage in more).
- Disadvantages to lateralisation - e.g. link betweeen lateralisation and immune system, left handed = poorer immunity - genetic processes that can lead to Lateralisation may also affect the immune system
What are biological rhythms?
Cyclical changes in the way that the biological systems have evolved because the environment which organs live have cyclical changes.
Name the type of rhythms that occur once, more than once and less than once every 24 hours.
Circadian - sleep/wake, core body temperature
Ultradian (more than once) - Sleep stages, BRAC
Infradian (less than once) - Mentrual cycle, SAD
What are the two things that regulate rhythms and what are they?
Endogenous Pacemakers - internal body clocks
Exogenous Zeitgebers - external changes to the environment
What is the main pacemaker of Endogenous pacemakers? What does it do?
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
- tiny bundle of nerve cells in the hypothalamus. Vital in maintaining Circadian Rhythms.
- SCN receives info about light levels via the optic nerve.
What is Entrainment?
The synchronization / alignment of the internal biological clock rhythm to external cues.
Name 2 examples of Zeitgebers.
LIGHT - receptors in the SCN are sensitive to changes in light levels and use this info to synchronize the body’s organs and glands.
SOCIAL CUES - Social stimuli such as mealtimes and social activities.
Core body temperature varies by about __ degrees over a day - it’s lowest at __am and it’s highest at __pm. Body temperature can affect _______ abilities - the internally warmer we are the _______ our performance.
2 degrees
e.g. improved IQ performance at 7pm compared to 2am and 9am.
Supporting research for Exogenous Zeitgebers and Endogenous pacemakers
+ East to West flight.(Time needed to readjust to local time on arrival) P’s exposed to continuous bright light shifted their circadian rhythm by 2.1 hours. Intermittend bright light shifted rhythm by 1.5 hours and dim light shifted by 0.6 hours.
+ SCN of 30 chipmunks destroyed. Observed for 80 days. Sleep/wake cycle disappeared - active at night. Many killed by predators.
What are the stages of sleep and how can they be identified on a graph? What are these waves called?
STAGE 1 AND 2- light sleep:
Brain waves slower than normal and more rhythmic (Theta waves).
STAGE 3 AND 4 - Deep sleep:
Difficult to wake. Very slow waves with a greater amplitude (Delta Waves).
STAGE 5 - REM (Rapid Eye Movement)
Body paralysed but brain activity increases to where brain appears most awake and eyes move - correlated with dreaming.
What is the BRAC cycle? What type of Rhythm is this an example of?
Basic Rest-Activity cycle - 90 min cycle. During the day we move progressively from a state of alertness into a state of physiological fatigue.
Ultradian Rhythm
Evaluate Ultradian Rhythms (2+, 1-)
+ Practical applications - BRAC - education and employment short breaks every 90 mins
+ Evidence - monitored brain waves of 9 P’s in lab - EEG. Supported stages of sleep and REM being associated with dreaming.
- Individual differences in sleep patterns - different time in sleep stages across 8 nights. Must be controlled internally by pacemakers as environment was the same (controlled).
Evaluate Circadian Rhythms (2+, 1-)
+ Case study - Siffre spent 2 months in a cave with no light or sounds and found circadian rhythm for sleep/wake cycle remained 24-25 hours. Supports internal body clock cycle - endogenous pacemakers.
+ Practical applications - shift work leads to desynchronization of circadian rhythm and can cause negative cognitive and physiological affects.
- Individual differences (13 to 65 hours) Difficult to generalise findings.
What exogenous zeitgebers (+evidence) and endogenous pacemakers affect the mentrual cycle?
Exogenous Zeitgebers = pheremones - synchronise with other females.
Females received odorless compounds from armpits of other women in 2nd half of mentrual cycle - swiped over upper lip. Receiver’s cycle was shortened. Pheremones.
Endogenous pacemakers - hormones
What causes SAD?
Melatonin secreted (by pineal gland) during the course of night till dawn (where there is an increase in light). During winter lack of light in the morning means meletonin produced for longer which has a knock on effect on serotonin (linked with depression).
Evaluate Sperry’s Study (1+, 1-)
+ Lab experiment - objective, controlled…
- Low population validity - small sample/brain damaged patients
(+/- of laterlisation)