Biology: Plant & Animal Cells Flashcards
In a cell, what is the cell membrane?
The protective barrier around the cell.
What is the protective barrier around the cell?
The cell membrane.
In a cell, what is cytoplasm?
The jellylike substance in the cell. Other organelles are suspended in it.
What is the jellylike substance in the cell that other organelles are suspended in?
In a cell, what is the nucleus?
The nucleus is the controller of the cell. It controls all cell activities and is located inside the nuclear envelope.
What controls all cell activities?
The nucleus.
In a cell, what is the nucleolus?
A dense center in the nucleus that makes ribosomes.
What is the dense center in the nucleus of a cell that makes ribosomes?
The nucleolus.
In a cell, what are chromosomes (DNA)?
Chromosomes (DNA) are the blueprints for the cell, usually in the form of chromatin.
What are the blueprints for cells?
Chromosomes (DNA).
In a cell, what is the mitochondria?
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. It converts sugar to usable energy.
What part of the cell converts sugar to usable energy?
The mitochondria.
In a cell, what is the lysosome?
The lysosome is the cleaner of the cell, it is filled with enzymes to kill invading bacteria.
What part of the cell is filled with enxymes to kill invading bacteria?
The lysosome, the cleaner of the cell.
In a cell, what is the golgi apparatus?
The golgi apparatus modifies, sorts and packages protein made in the ER for delivery throughout the cell.
What part of the cell modifies, sorts and packages proteins made in the ER for delivery throughout the cell?
The golgi apparatus.
In a cell, what is the endoplasmic reticulum?
A series of tubes that carries materials throughout the cell. Rough ER is covered in ribosomes and makes proteins. Smooth ER has no ribosomes and makes fats and oils.
In a cell, what is the difference between Smooth ER and Rough ER?
Rough ER is covered in ribosomes and makes proteins. Smooth ER has no ribosomes and makes fats and oils.
What part of the cell is a series of tubes that carries materials throughout the cell?
The endoplasmic reticulum.
What part of the cell is covered in ribosomes and makes proteins?
The rough ER.
What part of the cell is not covered in robosomes and makes fats and oils?
The smooth ER.
In a cell, what are ribosomes?
Ribosomes are where protein is assembled.
What part of the cell assembles protein?
The ribosomes.
In a cell, what is the cytoskeleton?
The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers made of protein filaments that keep the cells shape.
What part of the cell is a network of fibers made of protein filaments that keep the cells shape.
The cytoskeleton.
In an animal cell, what are the centrioles?
The centrioles are a pair of structure involved in cell division.
What part of the animal cell is a pair of structures involved in cell division?
The centrioles.
In a plant cell, what is the cell wall?
The cell wall is a rigid wall that provides strength, protection and support.
What part of the plant cell provides support, protection and strength?
The cell wall.
In a plant cell, what is the central vacuole?
The central vacuole stores water and gives rigidity to the cell.
What part of the plant cell stores water?
The central vacuole.
In a plant cell, what is the chloroplast?
The chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis. It contains a green pigment called chlorophyll.
What part of the plant cell is the site of photosynthesis?
The chloroplast.
What type of cell contains chlorophyll? (Plant or Animal)
What type of cell has a large central vacuole? (Plant or Animal)
What type of cell stores energy in starch or oils? (Plant or Animal)
What type of cell stores energy in glycogen (a carb) or lipids? (Plant or Animal)
What type of cell has centrioles? (Plant or Animal)
What type of cell has specialized compounds for special functions? (Plant or Animal)
Animal (ex. hemoglobin in red blood cells)
What part of the cell is the condensed form of chromosomes?
In a cell, what is chromatin?
A condensed form of chromosomes.
Define Organelle
Small cell part that maintains life processes of the cell.
What is a small cell part that maintains life processes of the cell?
In cells, what are spindle fibers?
Spindle fibers are microtubules that move chromosomes during cell division.
What are the microtubules that move chromosomes during cell division known as?
Spindle Fibers
In cells, what are sister chromatids?
Identical pieces of DNA that are crucial in the process of cell division.
What are the identical pieces of DNA that are important in cell division known as?
Sister Chromatids