Biology Paper Mock Practice Flashcards
What is not a product that is removed from the body via excretion?
Amino acids.
What is not an example cell signalling?
- Synthesis in the pancreas
Where is the dissociation curve fetal haemoglobin?
The right of that of adult haemoglobin
Where are erythrocytes and neutrophils derived in?
They are derived from stem cells in the bone marrow
What do the hormones ethene and acene do during leaf loss deciduous plants?
Ethene - levels increase leading to breakdown of cell walls in the abscission layer of leaves
Auxin - levels decrease which makes leaves sensitive to ethene
What hormones are secreted by the cortex and medulla
Steroids (such as cortisol)- Controls the concentrations of mineral ions,
Adrenaline - Prepares the body for the fight carbohydrates and proteins or flight response
Explain how branching of these structures facilitates gas exchange
It has a a short diffusion distance