Biology Ecology May 2018 Flashcards
What is the definition of population?
The total number of all the organisms of the same species or the same group of species that live in a particular geographical
What is the definition of community?
A group of two or more populations of different species that live at the same time in the same geographical area
What is the definition of competition?
The contest between organisms for resources such as food and shelter
What is the definition of an alpha male?
The dominant male in a group of organisms
What is the definition of interdependence?
All the organisms in a community depend on each other and because of this changes to them or their environment can cause unforeseen damage
What is sampling?
The process of recording a smaller amount of information to make a wider conclusion
What is a quadrat?
A square frame used in biological sampling
What 2 types of sampling is used when using quadrats?
Random and Systematic
How does random sampling work with quadrats?
With a measured grid, randomly choose two numbers. The first number is how far up and the second how far along. When you are in line with both numbers place the quadrat. (Remember Switzerland)
What is the definition of species?
The smallest group of classifying organisms, all of which are able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
What are abiotic factors?
The non-living parts of the environment.
What are biotic factors?
The living parts of the environments.
What is an invasive species?
An organism that is not native and causes negative effects.
What ware the three types of adaptation?
Structural - An advantage to an organism as a result of the way it is formed, like the streamlining seen in fish.
Behavioural - An advantage to an organism as a result of behaviour, such as a courtship display.
Physiological - An advantage to an organism as a result of a process, such as the production of poisonous venom.
What is an extreme environment?
A location in which it is challenging for most organisms to live.
What is an extremophile?
An organism that lives in an extreme environment.
What are concordant results?
Results that are similar.
What is a transect?
A line along which occurs systematic sampling.
What are producers and consumers?
Producer - Any organism that photosynthesises (e.g. a plant or algae).
Consumer - Any organism in a feeding relationship that eats other organisms for food.
What is biomass?
Tissue from living or recently dead organisms. (No water).
What are inorganic compounds?
Compounds that do not contain carbon.
What is an omnivore?
An organism that eats both plants and meat.
What are the equations for photosynthesis, respiration and combustion?
P - Carbon dioxide + water –> glucose and oxygen
R - Glucose and oxygen –> carbon dioxide and water
C - Methane and oxygen –> carbon dioxide and water
What is precipitation?
Rain, snow, hail and sleet.
What are runoff, infiltration and subsurface flow?
Runoff - The movement of water across the surface of land.
Infiltration - The movement of water into the group to become groundwater.
Subsurface flow - The movement of underground water towards the seas and oceans.
What is global warming and the greenhouse effect?
Global warming - The effects of an increase in temperature as a result of the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse effect - Increased carbon dioxide and other gases trap more of the Sun’s solar radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to global warming.
What is a bioindicator?
An organism whose presence or absence tells you about the cleanliness of an ecosystem.
What is migration?
The annual movement of animals (often birds) over large distances for food, breading sites or warmer temperatures.
What is biodiversity?
A measure of the different species present in a community.
What is deforestation?
Cutting down trees (often on a large scale).
What are pesticides?
Chemicals used to kill pests.
What are zooplankton?
Small or microscopic animals that float in salt water and fresh water and form a part of many aquatic food chains.
What is bioaccumulation?
The increase in concentration of toxins at higher trophic levels in a food chain.
What is smog and acid rain?
Smog - Fog or haze as a result of smoke or other polluting factors.
Acid rain - Precipitation that is acidic as a result of air pollution.
What is combustion and incomplete combustion?
Combustion - Burning of fuel with sufficient oxygen, which produces carbon dioxide and water.
Incomplete Combustion - Burning of fuel without sufficient oxygen, which produces poisonous carbon monoxide.
What does sustainable mean?
Describes an activity that can continue without damaging the environment.
What does sink mean?
A long-term store of a substance, often carbon.
What does deciduous mean?
Describes broadleaved trees that drop their leaves in the winter.