BIOL 321 LAB Flashcards
a diagram of a hierarchical system of nested sister groups of taxa
meaning of ‘dissection’
exposing to view
what are dissecting microscopes used for
viewing are, relatively opaque objects
dissecting microscope lens system is designed to
maximize working distance between object lenses and the subject
illumination in a dissecting microscope
side illumination
reflected light
illumination from below
transmitted light
compound microscope is used for
observing fine details in small specimens that have been rendered transparent
compound microscope illumination
generally transmitted light
built-in illuminator concentrates light beams through condenser
compound microscope objecties
scanning (4x)
low power (10x)
high power (40x)
oil immersion lens (100x)
most frequent objective used for studying invertebrates
low power 10x
primary magnification power
objective lens
objects remain in focus when a different objective is rotated into position
what does the ocular lens do
convert the magnified real image from objective lens into a magnified virtual image
objects remain in the centre of the field when a different objective is rotated into position
how to obtain maximum resolution
Koehler illumination
center and focus illumination system
10x objective field diameter
40x objective field diameter
calculate magnification of a drawing
size of drawing / size of object
calculating scale bar
(drawing length)/(specimen length) = (scale bar length)/x
Phylum Porifera Classes
Class Calcarea
Class Hexactinellida
Class Demospongiae
Sponges lack
digestive cavity
how sponges eat
most capture bacteria/phyto. and digest in intracellular food vacuoles
‘carnivorous’ sponges
eat small zooplankton - break into small pieces, phagocytize, digest with intracellular vacuoles
sponge symmetry
some radially symmetric, most asymmetrical
sponge body plan
two photo-epithelial layers sandwiching a layer of connective tissue
outer surface of sponge body
internal surfaces (canals and chambers) of sponge body
connective tissue layer of sponge body
cells in outer layer of sponge body
inside of the mesohyl
collagen fibres, ameboid cells, skeletal elements
cells in inner layer of sponge body
sponge skeletal elements
biomineralized spicules and/or organic cord mesh
organic mesh skeletal element of some sponges
choanocyte function
use flagella to propel water through sponge body
capture and digest food particles suspended in water
grades of complexity in sponges
choanocytes line a central spongocoel
central spongocoel
choanocyte-lined chambers each open directly into central spongocoel
massive form
spongocoel replaced with extensive system of choanocyte-lined chambers interconnected by canals
advantage to sponges increasing surface area
increased efficiency in filter water and capturing food
Class Calcarea features
exclusively marine
CaCO3 spicules
all 3 architecture types
individuals can cluster, but live independently
buds occasionally appear at base of mature specimens
asconoid Calcarea observed in lab
syconoid Calcarea observed in lab
Class Demospongiae
All freshwater sponges
Most marine sponges
most local intertidal sponges have encrusting growth
Demosponge skeleton
anastomosing ropes of proteinaceous spongin and/or siliceous spicules
Class Hexactinellida
glass sponges
pinacoderm and choanoderm are syncytial
Hexactinellida skeleton
6-pointed silica dioxide spicules
a multinucleate animal tissue without internal cell boundaries
Hexactinellid observed in lab
a dormant structure entered in to mostly by freshwater sponges, during times of unfavourable conditions
significance of gemmules
more resistant to desiccation/freezing/anoxia
protect sponge
secondary metabolites
organic molecules not part of biochemical pathways involved in metabolism of nutrient molecules
Poriferans manufacture secondary metabolites to
deter predators
deter competitors for living space
inhibit pathogens
Halichondria secondary metabolites
unpleasant odour when rubbed
local species
why sponges are rarely overgrown by other sessile organisms
defensive chemicals (secondary metabolites)
importance of sponge spicules
support- body would collapse without
taxonomy - shape and mineral composition distinguish species
easy way to tell if sponge is Calcarea
acid test (dissolves CaCO3)
spicule shapes, axes
suffix -axon
# of axes
spicule shapes, number of points
suffix -actine
# of points
demosponge spicules
most are monoaxons
Grantia spicules
triaxon and triactine
glass sponge spicules
triaxon and hexactine
Carnivorous sponges tend to inhabit
the deep sea
shallow-water Cladorhizidae in Salish Sea
Asbestopluma occidentalis
co-occur w/ hexactinellid sponges
Asbestopluma occidentalis reproduction
adult disassociates tissues facilitating larval release and dispersal
larvae have actively beating cilia (no swimming observed)
parent reaggregates into spherical balls of undifferentiated tissue that can disperse and settle
Asbestopluma occidentalis feeding
observed capturing Artemia nauplii using anisochelae spicules
first larval stage of many crustaceans, having an unsegmented body and a single eye
Subphylum’s in Phylum Cnidaria
Class’s in Subphylum Medusozoa
Staurozoa s.g. to
Hydrozoa s.g. to
Scyphozoa s.g. w
Class’s with free-floating Medusae
Example of Class Hydrozoa from lab
Example of Class Scyphozoa from lab
Class’s in Subphylum Anthozoa
Class Octocorallia includes the
soft corals
sea pens
Example of Class Hexacorallia from lab
Class Hexacorallia includes the
sea anemones
stony corals
Cnidarian size
1mm - 2m in diameter
Cnidaria germ layers
epidermis covers body surface
gastrodermis lines body cavity (GVC)
Mesoglea between
collagen fibres
extracellular matrix
ameboid cells (in most clades)
What do Cnidarians have that Poriferans do not
true gut
nerve cells
cnidocysts (unique to them)
Cnidarian GVC
digests ingested food
circulate nutrients and gases throughout body
Cnidarian symmetry
most radial
sea anemones, corals = biradial
biradial symmetry
similar parts are located to either side of a central axis and each of the four sides of the body is identical to the opposite side but different from the adjacent side
Alternation of generations
in most Medusazoans
asexual polyp stage
sexual medusa stage
polyp, medusa both diploid, only egg is haploid
colonial individuals develop differently morphologically
preform different specialized jobs (feeding, reproduction, defense)
genetically identical - express diff. parts of the genome
Cnidarian lifestyle
All carnivorous
prey capture facilitated by cnidocytes (in high density on tentacles)
Nematocyst function
prey capture
aid in digestion
class Hydrozoa
no medusa stage
2 germ layers, cnidocytes only in epidermis
Hydra morphology
mouth at apex of hypostome ring of tentacles at base of hypostome body column, gastric region, stalk basal disk (adhesive) budding zone
the oral tip surrounded by tentacles in hydrozoan cnidarians (cone-shaped)
Hydra budding zone
junction of gastric region and stalk
where new polyps arise as asexual buds
Hydra reproduction
bud forms on stalk as simple evagination - distal end of bud forms mouth + tentacles - bud drops off
thread-like pieces of the body found near the pedal disc, attached to septal filaments inside the body, at times flow in/out of GVC
Medusazoans that stray from typical alternation of generations homology
Staurozoans - free-living medusa completely absent
Hydrozoa - some members exhibit secondary loss of medusa stage (e.g. Hydra)
Morphological character in common with all Medusazoans
linear mitochondrial chromosome
other Cnidarians, most eukaryotes have circular
scyphomedusa larger, more conspicuous life stage some freshwater cnidocytes in epidermis + gastrodermis gametes originate from gastrodermis ameboid cells in mesoglea frilly oral arms thick mesoglea
cnidarian medusa swimming
rhythmic contraction of epitheliomuscle cells (circular muscle sheet on underside of bell)
a tubular structure that contains the mouth
Scyphozoa digestion
prey captured with cnidocytes on tentacles/oral arms, transferred to mouth at end of manubrium, ingested, conveyed to stomach, distributed to 4 gastric pouches, partially digested enzymatically - digestion completed intracellularly w/i gastrodermal cells – then circulated via ciliated gastrovascular canals
Scyphozoa gastric pouces
contain short gastric filaments (tentacles) that secrete digestive enzymes
Scyphozoa gastrovascular canals
adradial (unbranched)
interradial, perradial (branched)
GV canals connect gastric pouces to ring canal (around periphery of bell)
common moon jellyfish
Aurelia floats close to surface local short tentacles and manubrium feeds on small plankton 0.2-2mm
Aurelia feeding
slow contraction of bell – draws prey toward medusa – recovery stroke – sucks prey into subumbrellar cavity – captured, subdued by nematocysts in oral arms
feed on smaller organisms than other scyphomedusae b/c of short oral arms
sensory cells around bell of Scyphomedusae
8 small ‘knobs’
statocyst, pigment spot, cluster of photoreceptor cells, chemoreceptor cell
gravity receptor
Initiates swimming in Scyphomedusae
rhopalia - neurons in cell bodies - send neurites to swim muscle - initiate swimming pulsation
located beneath the umbrella
male and female reproductive organs in separate individuals
Scyphozoan gametes
gametes arise from gastrodermal epithelial cells in gastric pouches
mature gametes exit through mouth
eggs lodged if pits of oral arms, fertilized, develop into planulae
Scyphozoa planulae
brief free-swimming stage
settle to bottom, attach to substrate, develop into scyphistoma
polyp scyphozoa form
reproduces asexually (budding, strobilation)
sequential transverse fissions of oral end of strobila
strobila is reproducing form of scyphistoma
Immature medusae released from strobila
Aurelia life cycle
medusa – egg – fertilization – planula – scyphistoma – possibly budding – strobila – ephyra – development – medusa
Class Hydrozoa characteristics
polyps usually form colonies
mesoglea lacks cells, cnidocytes
gametes arise from epidermis
no oral arms
Hydrozoan medusa
Hydromedusae smaller, deeper bell many have velum no rhopalia concentration sensory cells at base of tentacles (photoreceptor and statocyst)
rim of muscular tissue projecting inward at peripheral margin of bell
controls size of subumbrellar aperture
why do medusa have more sophisticated sensory structures than polyps
because they are motile, they have to constantly monitor their surroundings for danger
hydrozoan polyp colony
buds remain attached
may exhibit polymorphism
feeding hydroid polyps
reproductive hydroid polyps
defensive hydroid polyps
living tissue of hydroid
coenosarc (polyp + stem tissue)
protective hydroid covering
chitinous sheath surrounding coenosarc
hydroid connected to substrate by
stolons - network of horizontal tubes
Hydroid in lab
gonozooid structure
stalk w/ saucer-like medusa buds
enclosed in transparent, chitinized, vase-shaped theca w/ opening at top
Obelia life cycle
dioecious adult medusa - spawn gametes - fertilization - zygote - planula larva - settles - metamorphosis - budding – form hydroid colony – gonozooid produces medusa w/ 8 statocysts – grow/develop tentacles and gonads
Class Staurazoa characteristics
no alternation of generations elaborate polyp stage stalk on exumbrellar surface tentacles organized in to clusters around bell margin basal plate secretes adhesive anchors
Staurazoa anchors
small knobs around bell
may form temporary substrate attachment
facilitate looping movement
Subphylum Anthozoa characteristics
all marine
no medusa
mesoglea contains amoeboid cells (like Scyphozoa)
GVC subdivided by nematocyst-bearing septa (folds of gastrodermis)
mostly dioecious
Anthozoan body turns in at mouth to form gullet
runs down from mouth to GVC
Anthozoa coelenteron
ciliated groove at one or both ends of mouth
extends into pharynx
used to create currents of water into the pharynx
Anthozoa acontia
threads at end of mesenteries below the filaments, other end free, extraordinarily numerous nematocysts, can be protruded through the mouth or special pores in body-wall for defense or paralyses of prey
Anthozoan Classes
Class Octocorallia
Class Hexacorallia
aka Alcyonaria 8 complete septa 8 tentacles all colonial polyps connected by mesoglea + gastrodermal tube pinnate tentacles
aka Zoantharia
septa in multiples of 6
non-pinnate tentacles
solitary or colonial
solitary Hexacorallia
sea anemones
colonial Hexacorallia
hermatypic corals
side branches
Anthozoa reproduction
swimming planula – settles on substrate – metamorphosis – young polyp – grows to become sexually mature
colonial corals - original polyp buds in to the entire colony
anemones can also reproduce asexually
Have cnidocytes in gastrodermis
Scyphozoa - Yes
Anthozoa - Yes
Hydrozoa - No
(secrete digestive enzymes to aid digestion)
where is calcareous biomineral deposited in Anthozoans
Hexacorallia - external CaCO3 skeleton under polyps
Octocorallia - internal CaCO3 spicules w/i mesoglea
hydromedusa Aglantha digitale
uniquely evolved giant axons, used to swim in 2 distinct ways (escape, slow)
how Aglantha digital can swim in two distinct ways
axons can conduct Ca and Na spikes (at separate times)
Phylum Platyhelminthes taxonomy
Class Turbellaria s.g. to
Class Cestoda s.g. to
Class Trematoda
Lab examples of Class Turbellaria
Lab example of Class Cestoda
Lab example of Class Trematoda
Opisthorchis sinensis
Platyhelminthes characteristics
bilaterally symmetric dorsoventrally flattened acoelomate GVC (digestion + circulation) no anus mm's - m's free-living/parasitic
Platyhelminthes reproduction
complex reproductive system
gametes arise from mesoderm
gametes fill space between epidermal epithelium and gastrodermal epithelium
Platyhelminth mesothelium gives rise to
muscle cells
parenchymal cells
Platyhelminthe excretion
Platyhelminthe locomotion
ventral cilia
Class Turbellaria
mostly free-living
regenerate lost body parts
Class Turbellaria name meaning
swirling motion of particle near ciliated epidermis
rhabdite (Turbellaria)
rod-like epithelium secretions
unique to Turbellaria
swells on contact w/ water, forms thick mucus
adhesion, locomotion, defensive
undifferentiated pluripotent cells in parenchyma
responsible for regeneration
cells having the capability to differentiate into a large number of different cell types
‘stem cells’
Turbellaria reproduction
asexually -budding, transverse fission
Turbellaria sexual reproduction process
non-self fertilizing hermaphrodites
penis - genital pore - sperm deposited in to copulatory bursa - sperm moves up oviducts to ovaries - fertilizes egg - egg passes down oviduct - invested w/ yolk cells - discharged from yolk gland - encapsulated - passed out genital pore - fastened to objects (e.g. rocks)
Turbellarian post-reproduction
after breeding reproductive system degenerate and is regenerated at next sexual period
Important Turbellarian body parts
Intestinal caeca eye spots auricles pharynx pharyngeal cavity
Turbellarian guts
Syndesmis - commensal Turbellarian in echinoderm gut- simple unbranched gut cavity
Dugesia - 3 principle branches (caeca) with short side-branches
Leptoplana (marine polyclad) - many branches
Turbellarian feedings
largely carnivorous
mid-ventral mouth at end of protrusible pharynx
pharyngeal enzymes initiate digestion
intestinal enzymes continue digestion
Turbellarian excretion
ammonia diffused across body surface
protonephridia assist excretion and osmoregulation
Turbellaria locomotion
much-ciliary gliding
muscular crawling
Class Trematoda
entirely parasitic
2-3 hosts
Opisthorchis sinensis
Oriental/Chinese liver fluke
bile ducts of humans (definitive host)
intermediate hosts - snails, fish
prevalent in Southeast Asia
Trematode major body parts
mouth surrounded by oral sucker
ventral sucker
excretory pore (nephridiopore)
muscular pharynx, short esophagus, 2 intestinal caeca
Trematode reproductive organs
2 multi lobed testes seminal receptacle (sperm storage) single ovoid ovary (ova production) vitelline glands (yolk) coiled uterus (filled with encapsulated, fertilized eggs)
Trematode life cycle characteristics
1+ intermediate host
several larval forms that undergo asexual division
asexual reproduction by embryonic larval stages
Trematoda life cycle
adult in bile ducts - eggs in feces - eaten by freshwater snail - ciliated miracidium - hatches, burrows through intestinal wall - sporocyst - polyembryony - redial - polyembryony - cercariae - rupture body wall - free-swimming - burrow in to fish (carp) within 24-48hrs - encyst - metacercariae - human eat raw fish
Class Cestoda
specialized for life w/i host intestine
scolex, neck, proglottids (strobila)
Cestode specializations
no cilia
no mouth
no digestive cavity
syncytial epidermis specialized for direct absorption of nutrients
Cestoda head region
anchor for adhering to intestine
Cestoda neck
generates proglottids
Cestoda strobila
series of proglottids
body segments that contain full m+f reproductive organs
tapeworm life cycle
most have 2 hosts
adult in carnivore - gravid proglottid released in feces - encysted cysticercus in herbivore - larvae burrows in to blood vessel - carried to muscle - herbivore eaten by carnivore - scolex everts – attaches to gut
Trematoda vs Cestoda attachment structures
Trematoda - 2 suckers (oral, ventral)
Cestoda - hooks (end of scolex) + 4 suckers
Trematoda vs Cestoda offspring numbers
Cestoda - eggs –> 2 stages of polyembryony
Trematoda - multiple sexual proglottids w/ many larvae each, no polyembryony
Turbellarian vs Cestoda epidermis
Turbellarian - ciliated, glands, rhabdite
Cestoda - no cilia, syncytial (absorptive) - seems more ‘basic’ but is actually specialized
Should production of proglottids by cestodes be considered a form of asexual reproduction
not in species that do not self-fertilize
1 proglottid can fertilize with another proglottid on the same worm (or with a different worm) but not within that proglottid
some species can self-fertilize w/i the same proglottid
Phylum Rotifera
microscopic, aquatic, mostly freshwater
head, neck, trunk, foot
mastax, trophi
Rotifera crown of cilia
swimming, feeding
Rotifera pharynx
has trophi jaws to grind up food
Rotifer epidermis
contains thick layer cytoskeletal filaments (not moulted)
makes outer surface rigid
Rotifer trunk
gonad (usually an ovary)
(anus at trunk/foot junction)
Rotifer toes
at end of foot
contain cement gland ducts (attachment)
unique reproduction in Rotifers
part of their amictic/mictic life cycle
possible value of parthenogenesis
don't have to find a mate boosts population (only produce more f's) genetic stability
how do rotifers survive ephemeral/freezing water bodies
In mictic stage of life cycle they reproduce asexually and the fertilized eggs secretes a protective coating and enters diapause
Phylum Annelida phylogeny
Errantia - Neriedidae
Sedentaria - Clitellata, Terebellidae, Echiuridae, Sabellidae, Siboglinidae
Errantia and Sedentaria taxa
were abandoned in 1970s
now appear to be monophyletic, true clades
Phylum Annelida characteristics
extremely diverse
most have metameric body
mouth and anus, unidirectional gut
Annelid habitat
most marine
Annelid past phylogeny
thought to be closely related to arthropods (metamerism, nervous system)
3 Subclasses - Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea
molecular data
nucleotide sequences of slowly evolving nuclear and mitochondrial genes
amino acid sequences of proteins
major revisions of Annelid phylogeny
- metamerism found to be convergent
- Echiuran, Sipuncula, Pogonophora found to belong within Phylum Annelida
- Polychaeta = paraphyletic
results of major revision 1. in Annelid phylogeny (metamerism convergent)
-Arthropods moved to Ecdysozoa w/ other moulters -Annelids + Mollusks placed in Lophotrochozoa
results of major revision 2. in Annelid phylogeny (Echiuran, Sipunculan, Pogonophora belong in Annelida)
not all Annelids display metamerism as adults
Echiuran metamerism
metameric ganglia along ventral nerve cord during early development
Sipuncula metamerism
Echiuran, Sipunculan reduced/lossed metamerism
secondary loss
Annelid chaetae
not present in Hirudineans, Sipunculans
secondary loss
an ancestral metamere contains
pair of ganglia paired peripheral nerve tracts along ventral nerve cord paired metanephridia blocks of circular/longitudinal muscle segmental blood vessels left/right eucoelomic compartments
anterior part of Annelid head
not a true metamere
posterior end of Annelid
not a true metamere
internal, fluid-filled compartment lined by mesoderm derived epithelium (mesothelium)
Annelid eucoelom
facilitates locomotion (like hs skeleton)
circulates body fluids
excretion, osmoregulation
innovation of eucoelomic secondary body compartments allows
efficiency of functions – evolution of active movement by large animals
Annelid movement
mobile - crawling/swimming well-developed parapodia, aciculae head appendages- sensory reception cephalic eyes nuchal organs eversible pharynx w/ jaws
sedentary - buried in substrate, inhabit tubes
reduced/lacking parapodia, no acicula
appendages for food capture not sensory
some eversible pharynx, no jaws
Sedentarids tubes
sand grains
calcium carbonate
proteinaceous secretions
chitinous rod
support parapodia
active life style requires
capacity for sensing diverse environmental stimuli
nuchal organs
non-visible chemosensory structures
Annelid parapodia structure
upper lobe = notopodium
lower lobe = neuropodium
chitinous rods = acicula
chaetae at end of acicula
Nereis locomotion
Errantid - active, well-developed parapodia
parapodia on either side of metamere out of phase
propagate effective stroke down length of worm
curve body for faster movement
Lumbricus movement
earthworm, Sedentarid - lack parapodia
peristaltic movements
why are the longitudinal muscles of Nereis much more massive than the circular muscles
longitudinal muscles for body undulations
movement is along the longitudinal axis, requiring longitudinal muscles
no peristaltic movement
what are longitudinal and circular muscles of earthworm developed approximately equal
muscles are used antagonistically for movement - balance each other out
both are used equally for movement
what is the role of chaetae in Nereis
traction in crawling
surface area/paddles for swimming
what is the role of chaetae in Lumbricus
erect chaetae hold position in burrow (anchor)
what is the role of a fluid filled compartment in Nereis and Lumbricus
N - structural - supports body during movement
L - movement - transmits force for peristaltic movement, hydrostatic skeleton
between metameres in Lumbricus
intersegmental septa
animals that lack efficient food processing and digestion
can be large but incapable of energetic locomotory movements - ambush prey, escape from predators, move from inhospitable environment
Active movement by a large animal requires
high metabolic rate from:
efficient food digestion
efficient nutrient/gas circulation to tissues
one-way gut
facilitates digestive efficiency
-food sequentially processed by differently specialized gut regions
Lumbricus circulation of gases and nutrients
ciliated eucoelom
dorsal, ventral, segmental blood vessels
calciferous glands
associated w/ earthworm esophagus
secrete CaCO3
pH adjustment of food? excretion?
internal fold of the earthworm intestine; increased SA for efficient digestion
chloragogen tissue
glycogen & fat synthesis & storage
hemoglobin synthesis
protein catabolism & urea synthesis
Family Nereididae
Errantid Annelid
paired parapodia
eversible pharynx w/ jaws
sensory structures on head (prostomium + peristomium)
Nereididae sensory structures
eyes tentacles palms cirri allow monitoring of environment while foraging, avoid threats
Sedentarid Annelids
reduced parapodia
if eversible pharynx present - no jaws
appendages - feeding
suspension feeders (small particles/phytopl.) or deposit feeders (surface film)
Sedentarid habitat
sand/mud burrows
tubes - sand grains, CaCO3, proteinaceous
selective deposit feeders
grains picked-up, inspected, selectively ingested
non-selective deposite feeders
bulk ingest mouthfuls of sediment indiscriminately
Family Terebellidae
spaghetti worm tubes of sand grains very reduced parapodia 2 types of tentacles selective deposit feeders
Terebellidae tentacles
1.long spaghetti-like tentacles for feeding
ciliated groove down length for carrying particles via cilia+mucus
2.branchial tentacles, shorter, coiled/dendritically branched, red (hemoglobin)
Why do Terebellids have hemoglobin
tubes often constructed under rocks embedded in sediment - O2 partial pressure can be very low
Hemoglobin helps pull O2 into body
Family Sabellidae
feather duster worms
suspension feeders
Sabellid tube
proteinaceous secretions
attached to solid substrate (often under docks)
Sabellid radioles
crown of ciliated tentacles, each w/ 2 rows of short side-branches
capture suspended phytoplankton
particle moves: down side branches - to ciliated groove on central axis - - mouth
Family Siboglinidae
benthic, tube-dwelling, marine
anterior branchial filaments (red, hemoglobin)
Siboglinid opisthosome
posterior section
only part of worm that is metameric and has chaetae
anchor worm to tube
Siboglinid trophosome
endodermal cells form non-structured mass rather than digestive tract
cells filled w/ chemosynthetic bacteria that provide organic carbon
chemosynthetic bacteria
oxidize H2S to generate E for carbon fixation
Siboglinid branchial filaments
contain hemoglobin
binding sites for oxygen and sulfide
Oligochaete sister group
Annelida, Sedentaria, Clitellata, Hirudinea
Hirudinea, Oligochaeta synapomorphies
hermaphroditic reproductive system (other annelids are dioecious)
clitellum (significance in reproduction)
ectoparasites or predators
some have thickened cuticle around mouth forming 3 blades
some have eversible pharynx w secretions
2 suckers (oral, posterior)
Hirudinea gut
specialized to accommodate large meal (food is mostly water)
well-developed metanephridia (1 pr/metamere)
lateral diverticula = caeca (folded gut wall)
Hirudinea locomotion
alternating contraction of circular/longitudinal muscles
body pushes/pulls against suckers
swim- sinusoidal waves of long. muscle contraction
Why are Hirudineans dorsoventrally flattened
flattening reduces flexual stiffness - aids in looping
function of parapodia in tubiculous annelids
hide from predation
move up for feeding
hold on to tube (anchor)
move around to flush-out tube
why do oligochaetes have pharyngeal dilator muscles
to suck-up large amounts of particles as they are non-selective; terebellids are selective and use tentacles to choose particles
trends in Siboglinid evolution
levels of sulfide tolerance
type of substrate
basal groups of Siboglinids
inhabit soft substrate
slightly elevated sulfide levels
derived groups of Siboglinids
hard substrate
high sulphide levels
elevated temperatures