BioBioChem - Population Genetics Flashcards
Indels are either a ___ or ______
insertion, deletion
Different versions of a gene are ___
Selection acts on the genotype or phenotype?
Selection pressure changes the fitness of 1 particular _____
Fitness is the ability to
survive and reproduce
evolution is the change in _____ frequency in a population over time
When we methylate DNA we ____ gene expression
the first stage of meiosis is called (reductional division) because we are separating _____ pairs (2n goes to __)
homologous pairs (2n->n)
meiosis 2 is called equational division and we are dividing ___ _____ (n–)
sister chromatids (n–>n)
Eukaryotes increase genetic diversity via three mechanisms
(1) Independent assortment: metaphase 1 and metaphase 2
(2) Prophase 1: crossovers (mix DNA b/w homologous chromosomes
(3) Give 1/2 DNA for offspring; sexual reproduction - combine 2 genetic backgrounds
Nondisjunction is the _______ to seperate chromosome pairs to separate at _______ 1 (more common) or for sister chromatids to separate in anaphase 2
failure, anaphase
Monosomy is the loss of a single chromosome and in humans are not ___
Turner Syndrome is the monosomy of the __ chromosomes
XO, sex
What are the genotype and phenotype ratios for heteroxhetero
1:2:1 and 3:1
Test crosses (back cross) must be crossed with a ____
incomplete dominance shows an _____ phenotype. Give an example
incomplete. Red and white flower makes a pink flower
Codominance is when both are expressed. Give an example.
blood type
unlinked genes are on ___ chromosomes or very far apart on the same chromosomes
2X in female - one is inactivated and it forms _____
does the sperm or egg determine sez
sperm determines sex because it will either give an X or Y
mendel dominance is a ____% penetrance
what is the taxonomical classification?
Darn King Philip Cuts Open Five Green Snakes. Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family Species
The bottleneck effect
disease, hurricane, genocide
Founder effect
a small group leaves and moves
Is evolution the same as natural selection?
NO, natural selection is simply a mechanism for evolution. Natural selection is a way to evolve
r-selected species are unstable and unpredictable environments and put energy into reproduction. What are some of their features?
High fecundity, small body size, early maturity onset (i.e released fish eggs into the ocean)
K-selected species put their energy into ensuring their offspring survive. What are some features?
large body, long life expectancy, fewer offspring (humans, elephants)
Carrying capacity is the max pop. size that can de sustained indefinitely by the ____
what is the phenotype of a dihybrid cross?
sigma represents _____
evolution occurs in all commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism T or F
The number or appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus in a euk cell
Wild Type refers to the ____ form of an allele as it occurs in nature
Hybrid are organisms from different species that can sometimes reproduce hybrid progeny which are usually __
Mendelian errors describe an allele in an ____ which could not have been received from either of its biological parents by mendelian inheritance
Gene pool
the complete set of unique alleles in a species or popualtion
Leakage is gene flow from one ____ to another
Adaptive Radiation is the evolution of ecological or phenotypic diversity within a ____
Divergent evolution occurs when two or more species evolving from the ___ group maintain a similar structure from the common ancestor (homologous)
A good example of this is Darin’s finches which have 80 species all diverged from one original species of Finch
Convergent evolution when two species may evolve similar structures/traits with no recent common ancestor. These are said to be ____
Polymorphism occurs when two or more clearly different phenotypes exist in the same population of species. GIve an example
the light morph jaguar vs the dark-morph jaguar