Ram Guha


* Military intervention
o Democratic process and institutions have been both suppressed and overthrown by military coups
o Suffering military rule, democracy was not given a chance to flourish nor entrench the defences against these attacks
* Corruption
o Obvious corruption and this erodes trust in the public system, without the support of the public, democracy will not survive as it depends on participation
o Undermined the legitimacy of any govt. insti. as politicians and officials are regularly accused of accepting bribes - equality, fairness and transparency are missing from the political system
* Weak political institutions
 political parties and leaders seem to have replaced any coherent ideology with a personal mission to advance their own interests
o Positions of power are being abused, and the interests of the public are far removed from the concerns and conversation within govt. insti.
o Public service has taken a backseat whilst selfish interests dominate -> parl. and judiciary are weak and ineffective; no barriers against corruption or
* Ethnic and religious tensions
o The creation of a cohesive national identity was hindered by the eruption of sectarian and ethnic violence between communities
o Undermined democracy as there is little public unity
* Poverty and social inequality
 democratic insti. have been undermined through political instability, deriving from social depravation as Bangladesh remains incredibly poor with social ienq.

  • Failed to create strong democratic insti. and values which leaves them vulb. to exploitation
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