Bandura et al. (1961) Flashcards
(Bandura) Which section of the behaviourist theory relates to Bandura?
Social learning theory.
(Bandura) What were the two things that Bandura was interested in investigating?
1) Where human aggression comes from.
2) How aggression is transmitted from one person to another.
(Bandura) What was the aim of Bandura’s study?
To investigate if aggressive behaviour can be learnt in children by imitating an aggressive role model.
(Bandura) What were the 4 hypothesis that Bandura wanted to test?
1) Observing an aggressive role model will reproduce aggressive acts.
2) Observing a non-aggressive model or no model at all will lead to less aggressive behaviour.
3) Children will imitate same sex role models over the opposite sex.
4) Boys are likely to be more aggressive than girls.
(Bandura) Describe the sample.
72 children - 36 boys, 36 girls
From Stanford Nursery School
Aged 37-69 months (average 52)
(Bandura) What were the 3 conditions that the children were put into?
1) Aggressive model
2) Non-aggressive model
3) No model (control)
(Bandura) Describe the ‘aggressive model’ condition.
Children observed an adult acting aggressively.
(Bandura) Describe the ‘non-aggressive model’ condition.
Children observed a non-aggressive adult.
(Bandura) Describe the ‘no model’ condition.
Children did not observe an adult at all.
(Bandura) Before being put into a condition, what were the children matched on?
Their levels of natural aggression before the experiment took place.
(Bandura) Both the children’s nursery teacher, and the experimenter (who knew the children) gave each of the participants a score out of 5 for what 4 types of aggression?
1) Physical aggression
2) Verbal aggression
3) Aggression towards objects
4) Aggression inhabitation (the ability to ‘hold back’ when annoyed)
(Bandura) What did the teacher and experimenter find out about their inter-rater reliability once they’d compared scores?
That it was very high.
(Bandura) Children were matched and put into separate conditions so that each group had children that were of…
Similar levels of aggression.
(Bandura) What type of experimental design is this?
Matched Groups
(Bandura) What were the 4 sub groups for the aggressive model?
1) 6 Male Children see Aggressive Male Model
2) 6 Male Children see Aggressive Female Model
3) 6 Female Children see Aggressive Male Model
4) 6 Female Children see Aggressive Female Model
(Bandura) What were the 4 sub groups for the non-aggressive model?
1) 6 Male Children see Non-Aggressive Male Model
2) 6 Male Children see Non-Aggressive Female Model
3) 6 Female Children see Non-Aggressive Male Model
4) 6 Female Children see Non-Aggressive Female Model
(Bandura) Fill in the gaps: The experiment was spilt into _ stages, each child was tested ____________.
(Bandura) Fill in the gaps: Stage 1 – _________
The child was collected and taken into the ____________ room. If in an experimental group, a _____ comes into the room who plays with the child.
To make sure the child is settled, they are given a ____ ________ task (make a picture with stickers and potato prints).
Once settled, they are taken to the other side of the room where there is a ____ ____(see photo).
If in the __________ model condition, the model will become physically and ________ aggressive towards the doll.
high interest
Bobo doll
(Bandura) What did the act of physical aggression include in stage 1?
Punching, Kicking, Throwing the Doll, Hitting the Doll with a mallet.
(Bandura) What did the act of verbal aggression include in stage 1?
Saying things like:
“Hit him down!”
“He keeps coming back for more!”
“Sock him in the nose”
(Bandura) If in the appropriate group, how long did the model act aggressively towards the Bobo doll?
10 minutes
(Bandura) Fill in the gaps:
Stage 2: __________ _______
The child is taken into another room, full of _________, __________ looking toys e.g. a spinning top.
After ___ minutes, the child is told the toys are for _____ children and are taken out of the room.
This was done to _____ the children, so there would be some ______ for aggression.
Aggression arousal
(Bandura) Fill in the gaps:
Stage 3: Test for _______ _________
The child is taken to yet another room where there are several new toys.
Some are ___ __________ (a tea set, crayons, plastic animals) others are __________ (mallet, dart gun, the Bobo doll).
The child is ____________ ________ here by 3 people
They observe the child for __ minutes in this room.
They record the behaviour of the child every _ _______ during this period meaning that each child had ___ observations in total (this is called time sampling).
Delayed imitation
unknowingly observed
5 seconds
(Bandura) Who were the 3 people that the child is being unknowingly observed by?
The experimenter (in the room but pretending to work).
Another researcher (one-way mirror)
The model
(Bandura) What were the 3 things that the observers looked out for?
1) Imitative Aggression (imitating the models)
2) Partial Imitation (similar but not identical acts of aggression)
3) Non-Imitative Aggression (not imitating the models)
(Bandura) What was it considered to be if the child hit and kicked the Bobo doll, while saying the same things the observers said?
Imitative aggression.