Bacteria: Gram Positive Bacilli Flashcards
List the Gram Positive Bacilli
- Bacillus Anthracis
- Bacillus Cereus
- Clostridium Tetani
- Clostridium Botulinim
- Clostridium Difficile
- Clostridium Perfingens
- Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
- Listeria Monocytogenes
Bacillus anthracis is a
- gram-positive
- spore-forming
- bacillus
- chains
Cutaneous anthrax
(the most common manifestation of Bacillus anthracis infection) presents with an area of central necrosis with surrounding erythema, edema, and eschar formation
Bacillus anthracis and cereus bacteria are
gram-positive bacilli that occur in chains
The capsule of Bacillus anthracis is composed of
poly-γ-D-glutamic acid (a polypeptide)
Bacillus anthracis needs
oxygen to sporulate (but can make ATP with and without oxygen; ie, aerobic or facultatively anaerobic)
Bacillus anthracis and cereus bacteria have
the ability to form metabolically inactive spores, which are resistant to decontaminants such as heat, chemicals, and radiation
The edema factor exotoxin of Bacillus anthracis
mimics adenylate cyclase → increase in cAMP → edema and dysfunction of phagocytes
The lethal factor exotoxin of Bacillus anthracis is
- a protease that cleaves mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) → apoptosis, tissue necrosis multisystem physiologic disruption, and death
The lethal factor exotoxin of Bacillus anthracis is responsible for
the tissue necrosis seen in cutaneous anthrax
Wool sorters
are historically associated with pulmonary anthrax/inhalation anthrax (woolsorters’ disease) due to inhalation of Bacillus anthracis spores carried in animal wool (though this form of anthrax is rare in developed countries)
Pulmonary anthrax/inhalation anthrax primarily manifests as
hemorrhagic mediastinitis with bloody pleural effusions
Chest X-ray of patients with hemorrhagic mediastinitis from pulmonary anthrax/inhalation anthrax may show a
widened mediastinum or pleural effusions
_______ are effective against Bacillus anthracis
- fluoroquinolones
2. doxycycline
Bacillus cereus
ingestion of Bacillus cereus preformed toxin (classically associated with reheated rice) can cause early onset food poisoning → nausea/vomiting (early onset, within 6 hours) or watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps (onset within 6 to 15 hours)
Bacillus cereus is a
- gram-positive
- spore-forming
- bacillus
Bacillus cereus infection is classically associated with
reheated rice (warm temperatures → spore germination → enterotoxin production (preformed toxin)→ early onset food poisoning)
Clostridium tetani is
- gram-positive
- spore-forming
- bacillus
- obligate anaerobes
Clostridium tetani bacteria have the ability to
form metabolically inactive spores, which are resistant to environmental decontaminants such as heat, chemicals, and radiation
Clostridium tetani infection is classically associated with
- puncture wounds from barbed wire
2. puncture wounds from rusty nails
The metabolically inactive spores of Clostridium tetani are
ubiquitous in soil
The classic findings in tetanus include
trismus (a spastic paralysis of the jaw muscles (lockjaw)), and risus sardonicus (continuous contraction of the facial muscles resulting in an “evil smile” appearance)
The spasmodic contraction seen in tetanus can
extend to the neck and back → opisthotonos (backward arching of the head, neck, and spine)
The tetanus toxin of Clostridium tetani
- travels via retrograde axonal transport to the spinal cord
- protease that cleaves SNARE proteins
Tetanus toxin is called
The tetanus toxin (tetanospasmin) of Clostridium tetani functions to
the tetanus toxin (tetanospasmin) of Clostridium tetani cleaves SNARE proteins → inhibition of GABA and glycine release (inhibitory neurotransmitters) from Renshaw cells in the spinal cord→ muscle spasms, spastic paralysis, and hyperreflexia
The tetanus toxin (tetanospasmin) of Clostridium tetani acts on
the tetanus toxin (tetanospasmin) of Clostridium tetani acts on Renshaw cells (inhibitory interneurons in grey matter of the spinal cord) → inhibition of GABA and glycine release → muscle spasms, spastic paralysis, and hyperreflexia
Prevention of tetanus includes
administration of tetanus vaccine, which consists of deactivated tetanus toxin (often given with the diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP))
Clostridium botulinum is
- gram-positive
- spore-forming
- bacillus
- obligate anaerobes
The anaerobic environment of improperly canned food allows
spore germination and growth of Clostridium botulinum