Bacteria Flashcards
Gram (+) Cocci
- Staphylococcus spp.
* Streptococcus spp.
– Tetrads/ clusters
– Catalase (+): Bubbling
– Oxidase (-)
– RESISTANT to Bacitracin
Staphyloccocus spp.
– Coagulase (+)
– BAP: Yellow Colonies
– CNA (+)
- DNase (+)
Staph. aureus
– Coagulase (-)
– BAP: White Colonies
– DNase (-)
Staph. epidermidis
– Coagulase (-)
– DNase (-)
– RESISTANT to Novobiocin
Staph. saprohyticus
– In chains
– Catalase (-)
– SUSCEPTIBLE to Bacitracin
Streptoccocus spp.
Alpha hemolysis
- Partial
- Green
Beta Hemolysis
- Complete
- Colorless
Gamma Hemolysis
No change
– Group A
– Beta hemolysis
– Protein M
Strep. pyogenes
Strawberry Tongue
Scarlet Fever
Most serious sequelae
Rheumatic fever
Tx for Rheumatic Fever
Pen G
- Group B
- Beta hemolytic
- Neonatal sepsis and meningitis
Strep. agalactiae
- Group D
- Gamma hemolysis
Strep. bovis
- Alpha hemolytic
- Bacterial endocarditis from oral microtrauma
Strep. mutans
Most common cause of CAP, Otitis media
Strep. pneumoniae
Gram (-) Coccobacilli
- Haemophilus
- Bordetella
- Brucella
- Fanciscella
Most common cause of meningitis
Encapsulated H. infulenza
2nd most common cause of otitis media
Nonencapsulated H. influenza
Brazilian purpuric fever
H. aegypticus
H. ducreyi
- Aerobes
- Pearl-like colonies
- Whooping Cough/ Pertussis
- Vaccine: DPT
- Catalase (-)
- Oxidase (-)
- Fetal Bovine Tissue
- Brucellosis (contact w/ infected milk)
- weakly catalase (-)
- Biovar tularensi
- Biovar paleartica
DOC: Streptomycin
Gram (-) Cocci
- Neisseria
* Chlamydia
- Diplococcus
- Kidney-shaped
- Reservoir: Humans
- Encapsulated
- Found in neutrophils/ Polynuclear cells
- Faculatative anaerobe
- Only PILIATED bacteria — virulent
- Contains: LOS, IgA protease
N. gonorrhea
Most common symptom of N. gonorrhea
Pus/ Purulent discharge
Tx for Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum
- AgNO3
* Erythromycin
N. meningitidis
- Obligate intracellular parasites
- X flagella, X pili
- Clear discharge
- “The Clap”
- “Chlamydia”
- Latent infection
C. trachomatis
- Psitacoccossis
- Inhalation of feces from infected insects
- 🦅 to 🙍🏻 transmission
C. psitacci
- Taiwan Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Atypical Pneumonia
- 💁🏻 to 🙍🏻 transmission
S. pneumoniae
Gram (-) Bacilli Enterobacteria
- E. Coli
- Shigella dysentirae
- Salmonella typhi
- Opportunistic Enterobacteria
- Most of normal flora (GIT)
- Facultative Anaerobe
Gram (-) Bacilli Enterobacteria
Non lactose fermenters
— colorless (EMB)
- Yersinia
- Shigella
- Salmonella
Lactose Fermenters
— Pink (EMB)
- Citrobacter
- Enterobacter
- Escherichia
- Klebsiella
- Serratia
- Most common cause of UTI
- Toxins
— Heat-stable toxin: ⬆️cGMP
— Heat-labile toxin: ⬆️ cAMP (more toxin) - Gastroenteritis
- Ingested contaminated food/ H2O
E. coli
- Traveller’s diarrhea
- Montezuma’s revenge
Enterotoxigenic — ETEC
- Identical to Shigella Shigellosis
Enteroinvasive — EIC
- InPhant diarrhea
Enterohepatic — EPEC
- Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Enterohemmorrhagic — EHEC
- Persistent Infant diarrhea
Enteroaggresive — EAEC
- Shigellosis
- Shiga Toxin
- Feco-Oral transmission
Shigella dysentirae
- Typhoid fever
- Feco-oral: Ingestion of contaminated food&/ H2O
Salmonella typhi
Opportunistic Enterobacteria
- Klebsiella pneumonia
- Citrobacter
- Enterobacter
- Proteus spp
- Serratia