Back Pain Flashcards
How common is low back pain as a reason to see a primary care physician?
3rd most common reason for a primary care visit, number 1 cause of disability under the age of 45
What are some common causes of low back pain?
Disc pathologies (degenerative disc disease, internal disc disruption, disc herneations), facet joint mediated pain, muscle injury, sacroiliac joint mediated pain, or referred pain from the hip
What are the key steps to making a diagnosis in patients with low back pain and coming up with a treatment plan?
Key steps to making a diagnosis includes a thorough history and physical exam. Imaging can help if pain is not responding to treatment, if considering interventional procedures, or if there are neurologic defects, suspician for fracture/infection, or other red flags
What are some common treatment options for low back pain?
Common treatment options include modalities and medications to reduce pain, inflammation, early mobilization/activity modification, physical therapy. PT can be helpful when identifying subgroups of pain generators, directional preference in an effort to abolish symptoms and restore pain-free movement. Injections may also be involved.
Where in the spine does the greates motion occur?
L4-5 and L5-S1
How does the intervertebral canal size change with back motions?
Canal size decreases with extension, increases with flexion
How does facet load change with different back positions?
It increases with extension and decreases with flexion
Which of the following positions puts the most amount of pressure on the disc?
a) sitting in poor posture
b) laying on the side
c) bending forward
d) standing
e) bending backwards
a) sitting in poor posture
What is discogenic low backpain?
Pain caused by anintervertebral disc, irritation of nerve receptors innervating annulus fibrosus and periosteum
What is the positioning that changes pain level in discogenic low back pain?
Axial pain, worse with flexion and valsalva maneuvers
What are disc hearnations?
Pain caused when disc material extends outside of intervertebral disc space, most common in people > 55 yo and in the L4-5 or L5-S1 vertebrae
What is lumbar radiculopathy?
Nerve root compression or inflammation that causes lancinating pain radiating to leg in a dermatomal distribution (+/- back pain)
What is a zygapophysial joint?
It is pain that is typically worse with extension and occurs in z-joint/facet joints in the L4-5 and L5-S1 vertebrae
Which position would typically provoke symptoms in a patient with lumbar stenosis?
a) prolonged sitting
b) walking uphill
c) bending forward
d) prolonged walking
d) prolonged walking
What is spinal stenosis?
Narrowing of the spinal canal that causes neurogenic claudication pain (pain with walking, prolonged standing, and downhill walking)
What is the shopping cart sign?
A phenomenon associated with spinal stenosis where pain is relieved with sitting, bending foward, or walking uphill
In back pain, what other joint area is important to evaluate?
Hip pain - referred hip pain can present as back pain
When should you consider imaging in back pain?
- if pain isn’t responding to treatment
- suspected fracture
- neurologic deficits
- suspected vertebral infection
- suspected cancer
- considering intervention/surgery
What sources of back pain are visible with x-ray?
Fracture, alignment (spondylolisthesis), disc height loss
What sources of back pain are visible on MRI?
Internal disruption of disc, z-joint arthropathy, stress reaction, fracture, infection, tumor, central/foraminal narrowing, nerve impingement
What are the treatments for acute back pain?
Decrease pain/inflammation (NSAIDs), early mobilization, direct movement pattern to centralize pain
What is mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT)?
A program to restore pain-free movement and identify directional preference
What are indications for surgical referral?
Cauda equina symptoms, progressive neurologic deficit, suspeted spinal cord compression, clearly failed comprehensive trial of non-surgical interventions