B7-057 CNS Vasculature Flashcards
posterior circulation arises from
vertebral arteries
anterior circulation arises from
internal carotid
posterior circulation perfuses [6]
occipital lobe
ventromedial temporal lobe
anterior circulation perfuses [3]
remaining cortex
basal ganglia
an infarct in the basilar artery can result in […] syndrome
locked in syndrome
an infarct in the anterior inferior cerebellar artery can result in […] syndrome
lateral pontine syndrome
an infarct in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery can result in […] syndrome
lateral medullary syndrome
an infarct in the anterior spinal artery can result in […] syndrome
medial medullary
supplies the medial medulla
anterior spinal artery
supplies the lateral medulla
supplies the medial pons
paramedian branches of basilar
supplies the lateral pons
lateral circumferential arteries from basilar
most of the midbrain is perfused by
posterior cerebral artery
hallmark of brainstem lesion
alternating hemiplegia
terminal branches of the basilar
posterior cerebral artery
ipsilateral oculomotor opthalmoplegia
contralateral hemiplegia
[what vessel is affected]
PCA at midbrain
(upper alternating hemiplegia)
contralateral homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing
[what vessel is affected]
PCA at medial temporal/occipital lobe
acute disturbance in memory if lesion is bilateral
[what vessel is affected]
PCA at medial temporal lobe and hippocampus
supplies the subcortical regions, including the basal ganglia, thalamus, and internal capsule
lenticulostriate arteries (off MCA)
what structures does the anterior (superior) middle cerebral artery supply? [3]
frontal eye fields
Broca’s (dominant hemisphere)
motor cortex
what structures does the posterior (inferior) middle cerebral artery supply? [2]
sensory cortex
supplies the lateral surface of the frontal and parietal lobes above the lateral sulcus
superior MCA
contralateral hemiparesis of face, hand, arm with sparing of the leg and foot
[what vessel is affected]
superior MCA
ipsilateral deviation of the head/eyes
[what vessel is affected]
superior MCA
Broca’s aphasia with damage to dominant hemisphere
[what vessel is affected]
superior MCA
supplies the lateral surface of the temporal lobe below the lateral sulcus
inferior MCA
Wernicke’s aphasia with damage to dominant hemisphere
[what vessel is affected]
inferior MCA
damage to non-dominant hemisphere results in visual neglect and agitated/confused state
[what vessel is affected]
inferior MCA
could cause either superior quadrantnopia or homonymous hemianopsia due to damage of the optic radiations
[what vessel is affected]
inferior MCA
damage to the […] limb of the internal capsule can cause significant loss of both sensory and motor function
contains the frontopontine fibers and the anterior thalamic nuclei
anterior limb of internal capsule
contains corticobulbar fibers
genu of internal capsule
contains corticospinal motor fibers, corticopontine fibers, and somatic sensory fibers
posterior limb of the internal capsule
contralateral hemiparesis and sensory deficit of entire side due to damage to posterior limb of internal capsule
[what vessel is affected]
MCA lenticulostriate
contralateral ataxia due to damage of frontopontine fibers in anterior limb of internal capsule
[what vessel is affected]
MCA lenticulostriate
contralateral lower face hemiparesis due to damage of corticobulbar fibers in genu
[what vessel is affected]
MCA lenticulostriate
does damage to the MCA lenticulostriates present with cognitive dysfunction?
bilateral occlusion results in paraplegia affecting lower extremities and sparing the face and hands
[what vessel is affected]
bilateral occlusion results in frontal lobe syndrome
[what vessel is affected]
(loss of will power, inability to make decisions, personality change)
bilateral occlusion results in urinary incontinence
[what vessel is affected]
unilateral occlusion of the ACA occurs distal to the
anterior communicating artery
unilateral occlusion results in contralateral sensorimotor deficits, mainly involving the lower extremity and sparing the face and hands
[what vessel is affected]
occlusion of ACA proximal to the […] is well tolerated because of the cross flow
anterior communicating artery
pain and temperature information for the body is carried in the […] brainstem
loss of all facial sensation and weak jaw muscles suggests what nucleus is affected?
trigeminal sensory and motor
(lateral pons)
blood supply to lateral pons
long circumferential branches of the basilar
damage to the corticospinal axons of the posterior limb of the internal capsule would result in
contralateral hemiplegia
corticobulbar fibers are located in the […] of the internal capsule
cortocipontine fibers run in the […] of the internal capsule
anterior limb
somatosensory loss from damage to the posterior limb of the internal capsule would be
for all modalities, not a dissociative loss
contralateral paralysis and sensory loss of the lower limb
urinary incontinence
[what vessel is affected?]
supplies the motor and sensory cortices of the lower limb
supplies the motor and sensory cortices of the upper limb, temporal lobe, and frontal lobe
wernickes aphasia due to MCA infarct is associated with […] due to temporal lobe involvement
right superior quadrantanopia
supplies the striatum, internal capsule
an infarct would cause contralateral paralysis without cortical signs
lenticulostriate arteries
contralateral hemianopia with macular sparing
if the […] is spared in basilar artery infarct, consciousness is preserved
(locked in syndrome)
loss of horizontal, but not vertical eye movements
basilar artery
facial nerve nuclei effects are specific to […] lesions
ipsilateral sensorineural deafness can be caused by infarct of
(via laryrinthine artery)
infarcts of what vessels can cause Horner’s syndrome
AICA (lateral pontine syndrome)
PICA (lateral medullary syndrome)
nucleus ambiguus effects are specific to […] lesions
(lateral medullary syndrome, hoarsness, dysphagia)
ipsilateral hypoglossal dysfunction
anterior spinal artery