B6-043 MSK exam: Upper limb Flashcards
5 P’s of compartment syndrome
test for internal rotation of shoulder ROM
hand on back of L spin, reach up
**non dominant side should reach slightly further
test for external ROM shoulder
normal is 45-60
empty can tests […]
drop arm tests […]
external rotation strength test assesses […]
teres minor
internal rotation lag test (lift off) assesses
20% of more loss of strength in the bear hug sign is indicative of […] tear
what is this maneuver testing for?
AC joint arthritis or shoulder separation
they will have pain under the examiner’s fingertips
adhesive capsulitis patients will have loss of passive […]
external rotation
what should your differential include in a patient with loss of passive external rotation? [4]
-adhesive capsulitis
**RCT is NOT on list because they will maintain passive external rotation
what does Speeds test evaluate for?
biceps tendonitis
why should you be sure to perform the Speeds test on both shoulders?
can be a tender point in anyone. you’re looking for asymmetric tenderness
what is Neer’s test evaluating for?
shoulder inpingement
**this is a passive test, examiner raises arm
what is the Hawkins test evaluating for?
shoulder inpingement
**passive test
-injury where axon remains intact but may cause affected muscle atrophy
-temporary neuro defect
traction neuropraxia
differential for medial elbow pain [3]
cubital tunnel
medial epicondylitits
UCL (athletes-overhead throwers)
differential for lateral elbow pain [2]
lateral epicondylitis
radial-capitellar arthritis (much less common)
what maneuver can help identify UCL injury with medial elbow pain?
milking maneuver
what does this maneuver assess for and what is it called?
lateral epicondylitis
(chair lift test)
what does this maneuver assess for and what is it called?
lateral epicondylitis
(middle finger test)
“pop” at anterior elbow with eccentric load (i.e. out of truck)
distal biceps tear
inability to turn door handle or car ignition may indicate
distal biceps tear
why is fixing a distal biceps tear time-dependent?
starts to scar in in 3-4 weeks
bump on dorsal or palmar side of wrist that may change in size with activity is likely
ganglion cyst
tenderness in the snuffbox may indicate
scaphoid fracture
treatment for possible occult scaphoid fracture
put them in splint, reXray a week later
what does this maneuver assess for and what is it called?
De Quervains
Finkelstein test
**pain with ulnar deviation
congenital anomaly of a flexed PIP joint
congenital c-shaped curvature of the small finger
congenital webbing of fingers
long standing carpal tunnel can cause […] atrophy
what does this maneuver test for?
FDS (left) and FDP (right) function
**check after laceration to hand
what does Spurling’s sign evaluate?
cervical radiculopathy (see if this induces the arm pain)
**passive test
what does the shoulder abduction relief sign indicate?
pressure on C5-C6 nerve roots
[radiculopathy/myelopathy] is hyporeflexive
[radiculopathy/myelopathy] is hyperreflexive
[radiculopathy/myelopathy] has loss of fine motor function
[radiculopathy/myelopathy] affects lower motor function
[radiculopathy/myelopathy] affects upper motor function
[radiculopathy/myelopathy] may display a wide gait and weakness
[radiculopathy/myelopathy] is more urgent
positive Hoffman sign
supraspinatus injury typically presents at what age?
over 40
**unless acute
loss of strength and pain with internal rotation of shoulder
subscapularis injury
decreased ROM in abduction and forward flexion with pain and weakness
supraspinatus injury
abnormal clicking in shoulder
pain with biceps loading (throwing)
SLAP tear
swelling, pain with cross chest adduction
difficulty lying on affected side
trapezial muscle spasms
AC joint arthritis
pain over the lateral epicondyle with resisted wrist extension (chair lift test) and resisted middle finger extension
lateral epicondylitis
tendon origin implicated in lateral epicondylitis
extensor carpi radialis brevis
resisted wrist flexion would test for
medial epicondylitis
triangle formed by APL/EPB and EPL tendons
anatomical snuffbox
untreated scaphoid fractures with leave patients with
permanent wrist dysfunction (SNAC)
what type of splinting is acceptable for possible scaphoid fx?
wrist or thumb spica
sensory loss documented before any treatment
primary nerve defecit
nerve function is intact prior to and then absent after a procedure or treatment
secondary nerve defecit
milder nerve injury due to traction or stretch injury
cyst forming over DIP/PIP that can drain a yellow fluid
mucous cyst
can function lost to myelopathy be recovered?
can function lost to radiculopathy be recovered?
[…] reduces risk of stress fracture
cross training
treatment for stress fx
decrease loading of the limb until pain is acceptable, slowly return to exercise and switch up exercises